Sofia and Freya @goo


ゴールデン・グローブ賞 2019

2019-01-07 22:27:00 | その他の映画・ドラマ・舞台

「ボヘミアン・ラプソディ」がBest Motion Picture - Drama

そのフレディ役ラミ・マレックがBest Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama

そしてベン・ウィショーもBest Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Televisionという長い(笑)賞、つまり短編TVドラマの助演男優賞

「アメリカン・クライム・ストーリー;ジャンニ・ヴェルサーチ暗殺」もBest Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television

で今日は、英語勉強として、「ボヘミアン・ラプソディ」がBest Motion Picture を受賞した時のラミさんのスピーチがステキだったのでディクテーションしました。

Yeah, I have to say it's extrodinaly privilege to have, I will say I'm gonna honourto be part of this family, a family that is involved in every almost, I think every human beings lives across the globe. You hear them, you feel them music is timeless. They are unapologetic, inclusive, athentic, they are the most beautiful human beings I could ever asked to get to know, and I just can't believe that I get to taxed these human beings now, and ask some out dinner, and we go, we get to hung out, this is truely as I say joy of life time, to honour Freddie and this skill is diserving him and every aspect this incredible band.



