half moon bay

酒と釣りの友 天国の mさんヘ


2011-04-14 21:43:42 | 生き物たち
Picture: APEX

写真およびコメント 英国テレグラフ紙(Telegraph)

The recent weather at Noahs Ark Zoo Farm in Bristol seems to have had a warming effect on the relationships between some of the animals. The zoo's male giraffe Gerald has amused visitors and staff by making close friends with the zebra family. The family of three Chapmans zebra - named Zebedee, Zara and Zelda - and the giraffes share a spacious paddock in the African continental section of North Somerset's award-winning family park.

オスのキリン ジェラルド君はシマウマの家族と友達さ!



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