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2012-10-16 14:36:00 | Telegraph (UK)
Paul Krugman attacks 'mad' austerity policies in Britain
By Szu Ping Chan
Telegraph: 9:02PM BST 15 Oct 2012
The Government's pursuit of austerity is "fundamentally mad" and could cast a shadow over the British economy for up to 15 years, Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has warned.


Mr Krugman said that there was a "clear and present risk" that George Osborne's austerity policies would damage Britain's future.


"The shadow won't just be cast on the present, but on the longer term," he said. "[Britain] will be a weaker economy ten years or even 15 years from now because [it has] failed to provide adequate demand now."


Speaking at a debate organised by the London School of Economics, Mr Krugman also said that the fact that government borrowing had increased was not necessarily evidence that George Osborne's Plan A wasn't working, as shadow chancellor Ed Balls has argued.


However, Jonathan Portes, director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) said that although austerity measures had reduced the deficit in the short term, the "scarring effect" of Britain's cuts would "make the long run [effects] much worse".

しかし、NIESRのJonathan Portes所長は、緊縮政策で短期的には財政赤字が減ったものの、財政引き締めの「永久的効果」は「長期的には遥かに酷い悪影響をもたらす」と言っています。

Mr Krugman also said that the argument that a borrowing increase would cause a spike in interest rates was wrong.


"I know that the government here likes to point to low interest rates as proof of the confidence that it is engendering by its policies, but in fact the track of British interest rates is no different from the track of US interest rates or that of any country that retains monetary independence," he said.


Mr Krugman admitted that Japanese-style debt to GDP ratios of 200pc were "bad", but said that the claim that government debt became poisonous once it reached between 80pc and 100pc of GDP was not borne out in reality.


"The thing that matters so much in this debate is this claim that there is a red line at about 90pc where bad things happen, and that's a very unfortunate," he said.


"Given that even Japan is suffering no visible adverse effect from its debt at this point, neither the US or UK is at a point when this becomes crucial."




