


2013-03-31 15:09:04 | Telegraph (UK)
Slovenia faces contagion from Cyprus as banking crisis deepens
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:27PM GMT 28 Mar 2013
Slovenia's borrowing costs have rocketed over recent days as it grapples with a festering financial crisis, becoming the first victim of contagion from Cyprus.


"Banks are under severe distress," said International Monetary Fund in its annual health check on the country. Non-performing loans of the Slovenia's three largest banks reached 20.5pc last year, with a third of all corporate loans turning bad.


Yields on two-year debt in the Alpine state have tripled over the past week, jumping from 1.2pc to 4.26pc before falling back slightly on Thursday. Ten-year yields have reached a post-EMU high of 6.25pc.


"The country has lost competitiveness since joining the euro and it's lead to slow economic collapse. Markets have been very complacent, but it has been clear for a long time that the banks need recapitalisation, and it is not easy to raise money in this climate," said Lars Christensen from Danske Bank.


The IMF expects the economy to contract by 2pc this year, following a fall of 2.3pc in 2012. "A negative loop between financial distress, fiscal consolidation and weak corporate balance sheets is prolonging the recession. A credible plan to address these issues is essential to restore confidence and access markets," it said.


The new prime minister Alenka Bratusek told the Slovene parliament on Wednesday that the fears are overblown. "Our banking system is stable and safe. Comparisons with Cyprus aren't valid. Deposits are safe and the government is guaranteeing them."


Slovenia's bank assets equal 130pc of GDP compared with 700pc for Cyprus, though the Cypriot figure is misleading since a large part of its banking system is made of "brass plate" subsidiaries of foreign lenders such as Barclays or Russia's VTB.


Tim Ash from Standard Bank said the events of the past two weeks had pushed the country over the edge. "Slovenia is now inevitably heading towards a bail-out. The eurozone shot itself completely in the foot in Cyprus," he said.


The Slav-speaking state - a Baroque jewel with historic ties to Austria - has a population of just 2m and is too small to pose a financial threat.


However, analysts say a crisis in Slovenia would further complicate EMU politics, forcing the northern creditor states to define their rescue strategy yet again. Austerity fatigue in Germany and Holland has already caused policy to harden.


Luxembourg has also come into focus as markets take a closer look at EMU money centres. Its banking assets are 2,500pc of GDP, by far the highest in the eurozone.


Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem fanned the flames in an interview this week, advising Luxembourg to cut leverage in its financial system and slim down its banks. "Deal with it before you get into trouble," he said.


The comments caused fury in the Grand Duchy. "We do not attract Russian money to Luxembourg with high interest rates. The Luxembourg financial centre is based on several pillars, we are characterised by the breadth of our product range," said premier Jean-Claude Juncker.


Luxembourg officials have been deeply alarmed by the handling of the Cyprus crisis, intervening in the talks to try to soften the demands. Foreign Jean Asselborn accused Berlin of pursuing "hegemony" in Europe. "Germany does not have the right to decide the economic model for other EU states," he said.


The knock-on effects in Portugal, Spain and Italy have so far been mild, though bond spreads have spiked to three-month highs.


"It's remarkable how little contagion there has been, since capital controls and major depositor haircuts violate fundamental principles. The assumption has always been that this would be game over," said Julian Callow, chief global economist at Barclays.


Moodys warned that the erratic handling of Cyprus had "significantly heightened fears surrounding the safety of bank deposits in other European systems", and left Portugal vulnerable to renewed stress.


While the agency praised Lisbon for carrying out deep reforms, it said public debt had reached 123pc of GDP in 2012 and is still rising. The economy is likely to contract by 2pc this year.


"The ongoing recession has been the main reason that revenue shortfalls have persisted, and has contributed to the further deterioration in the government's debt metrics," it said.


Italy faces its own crisis after last-ditch efforts to form a government collapsed on Thursday night, raising the likelihood of a caretaker leader and fresh elections.


Mr Callow said it is hard to see Italy can now comply with the strict terms of an EMU bail-out, which in turn leaves it is unclear whether the European Central Bank's back-stop for Italian debt is still valid.


Italy's national data agency Istat said the economy may contract by more than the official forecast of 1.3pc this year, with no recovery until 2014.


"The eurozone is running out time. If there is no growth for another year, and unemployment ratchets higher, citizens are going to turn against the euro," said Mr Callow.


Italy's business lobby Confindustria said the country faces a "full credit emergency". The authorities are to raise €40bn or 2pc of GDP to pay off arrears to suppliers, a way to form inject immediate fiscal stimulus, while skirting EU deficit rules.


Loan data released by the ECB on Thursday show that credit to eurozone private firms contracted by 2.5pc in February, with signs of a deepening credit crunch for small business across the South.


Europe's top officials may have jumped the gun earlier this year by proclaiming the EMU debt crisis to be over and the economy to be well on the way to recovery. The mission is not yet accomplished.



2013-03-31 14:15:10 | Telegraph (UK)
Cyprus has finally killed myth that EMU is benign
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:55PM GMT 27 Mar 2013
The punishment regime imposed on Cyprus is a trick against everybody involved in this squalid saga, against the Cypriot people and the German people, against savers and creditors. All are being deceived.


It is not a bail-out. There is no debt relief for the state of Cyprus. The Diktat will push the island's debt ratio to 120pc in short order, with a high risk of an economic death spiral, a la Grecque.


Capital controls have shattered the monetary unity of EMU. A Cypriot euro is no longer a core euro. We wait to hear the first stories of shops across Europe refusing to accept euro notes issued by Cyprus, with a G in the serial number.


The curbs are draconian. There will be a forced rollover of debt. Cheques may not be cashed. Basic cross-border trade is severely curtailed. Credit card use abroad will be limited to €5,000 (£4,200) a month. "We wonder how such capital controls could eventually be lifted with no obvious cure of the underlying problem," said Credit Suisse.


The complicity of EU authorities in the original plan to violate insured bank savings - halted only by the revolt of the Cypriot parliament - leaves the suspicion that they will steal anybody's money if leaders of the creditor states think it is in their immediate interest to do so. Monetary union has become a danger to property.


One can only smile at the denunciations of Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem for letting slip that the Cypriot package is a template for future EMU rescues, with further haircuts for "uninsured deposit holders".


That is not the script. Cyprus is supposed to be a special case. Yet the "Dijssel Bomb" merely confirms that the creditor powers - the people who run EMU at the moment - will impose just such a policy on the rest of Club Med if push ever comes to shove. At the same time, the German bloc is lying to its own people about the real costs of holding the euro together. The accord pretends to shield the taxpayers of EMU creditor states from future losses. By seizing €5.8bn from savings accounts, it has reduced the headline figure on the EU-IMF Troika rescue to €10bn.


This is legerdemain. They have simply switched the cost of the new credit line for Cyprus to the European Central Bank. The ECB will have to offset the slow-motion bank run in Cyprus with its Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA), and this is likely to be a big chunk of the remaining €68bn in deposits after what has happened over the past two weeks.


Much of this will show up on the balance sheet of the Bundesbank and its peers through the ECB's Target2 payment nexus. The money will leak out of Cyprus unless the Troika tries to encircle the island with razor wire.


"In saving €5.8bn in bail-out money, the other euro area countries will likely be on the hook for four to five times more in contingent liabilities. But, of course, the former represents real money that gives politicians a headache; the latter is monopoly central bank money," said Marchel Alexandrovich, from Jefferies.


Chancellor Angela Merkel will do anything before the elections in September to disguise the true cost of the EMU project. It has been clear since August 2012 that she is willing let the ECB carry out bail-outs by stealth, as the lesser of evils. Such action is invisible to the German public. It does not require a vote in the Bundestag. It circumvents democracy.


Mrs Merkel can get away with this, provided Cyprus does not leave EMU and default on the Bundesbank's Target2 claims, yet that may well happen.


"I wouldn't be surprised to see a 20pc fall in real GDP," said Nobel economist Paul Krugman. "Cyprus should leave the euro. Staying in means an incredibly severe depression."


"Nobody knows what is going to happen. The economy could go into a free fall," said Dimitris Drakopoulos, from Nomura.


The country has just lost its core industry, a banking system with assets equal to eight times GDP, and has little to replace it with. Cyprus cannot hope to claw its way back to viability with a tourist boom because EMU membership has made it shockingly expensive. Turkey, Croatia or Egypt are all much cheaper. Manufacturing is just 7pc of GDP. The IMF says the labour cost index has risen even faster than in Greece, Spain or Italy since the late 1990s.


What saved Iceland from mass unemployment after its banks blew up - or saved Sweden and Finland in the early 1990s - was a currency devaluation that brought industries back from the dead. Iceland's krona has fallen low enough to make it worthwhile growing tomatoes for sale in greenhouses near the Arctic Circle.


If Cyprus tries to claw back competitiveness with an "internal devaluation", it will drive unemployment to Greek levels (27pc) and cause the economy to contract so fast that the debt ratio explodes.


The IMF's Christine Lagarde has given her blessing to the Troika deal, claiming that the package will restore Cyprus to full health, with public debt below 100pc of GDP by 2020.


Yet the Fund has already been through this charade in Greece, and her own staff discredited the doctrine behind EMU crisis measures. It has shown that the "fiscal multiplier" is three times higher than thought for the Club Med bloc. Austerity beyond the therapeutic dose is self-defeating.


Some in Nicosia cling to the hope that Cyprus can carry on as a financial gateway for Russians and Kazakhs, as if nothing has happened. RBS says the Russians will pull what remains of their money out of Cyprus "as soon as the capital controls are lifted".


The willingness of the Cypriot authorities last week to seize money from anybody in any bank in Cyprus - even healthy banks - was an act of state madness. We will find out over time whether this epic blunder has destroyed confidence in the country as a financial centre, or whether parts of the financial and legal services sector can rebound.


Yet surely there is no going back to the old model, even though the final package restricts the losses to the two banks that are actually in trouble. Savers above €100,000 at Laiki will lose 80pc of their money, if they get anything back. Those at the Bank of Cyprus will lose 40pc.


Thousands of small firms trying to hang on face seizure of their operating funds. One Cypriot told me that the €400,000 trading account of his father at Laiki had just been frozen, leaving him unable to pay an Egyptian firm for a consignment of shoes.


The Cyprus debacle has taught us yet again that EMU has gone off the rails, is a danger to stability, and should be dismantled before it destroys Europe's post-War order.


Whether it marks a watershed moment in the crisis is another matter. Italy, Spain, France and Portugal have their own crises, moving to their own rhythm.


The denouement will arrive when the democracies of southern Europe conclude that recovery is a false promise and that the only way to end mass unemployment is to break free of EMU's contractionary regime.


It will be decided by Italy, not Cyprus.



2013-03-31 12:50:50 | Telegraph (UK)

North Korea: US fears comical Kim may be all-too-deadly serious
By Harriet Alexander, and Raf Sanchez in Washington
Telegraph: 8:10PM GMT 30 Mar 2013
North Korea's blood-curdling threats may seem farcical. But, as Harriet Alexander and Raf Sanchez write, the world is keeping a wary eye on Kim Jong-un.


Some of the images from Kim Jong-un's secretive regime could have been from a Hollywood spoof. In one photograph, the podgy dictator dressed in his buttoned-up suit studied a map, ostentatiously labelled "US Mainland Strike Plan".


Another showed a fleet of hovercrafts rehearsing for a marine landing – pictures which, it was later revealed, had been photoshopped to exaggerate the military strength of North Korea.


Yet when Kim Jong-un's government declared early on Saturday that the "time has come to stage a do-or-die final battle", and declared relations with South Korea to be "at the state of war", the warnings were not being taken lightly in the world's major capitals.


"We've seen reports of a new and unconstructive statement from North Korea. We take these threats seriously and remain in close contact with our South Korean allies," said Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council.


China appealed for calm, sensing the ratcheting up of tensions, while Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, put it succinctly. "We can simply see the situation getting out of control," he said.


It is tempting to dismiss the sabre-rattling from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, as yet more of the same.


South Korea – the nemesis of the North, which describes the country as a puppet of the US – elected a new president last month, providing the North with an irresistible opportunity to flex its muscles, as it has done each time a new government has come to office.


"Since 1992, the North has welcomed these five new leaders by disturbing the peace," wrote Victor Cha and David Kang in Foreign Policy magazine.


Others note that, despite anguish at the "state of war" declaration, the two sides have formally remained at war since 1953.


But the peninsula is one of the most heavily-armed military flashpoints in the world, and the North has frequently shown its willingness to push confrontations to the brink.


An estimated 1.2 million people died in the 1950-53 Korean War, but since the armistice that ended it was not a formal peace treaty, the Korean peninsula has technically remained a war zone to this day.


In that time, South Korea has blossomed from a poor, agrarian nation of peasants into the world's 15th largest economy while North Korea is struggling to find a way out of a Cold War chasm that has left it with a per-capita income on par with sub-Saharan Africa.


Furthermore, military experts are sceptical that North Korea is actually capable of launching the attacks they threaten with such venom.


The regime's most successful missile test to date was in 2006, when the Taepodong-2 crashed into the sea after travelling only 250 miles. The United States is more than 3,500 miles away. Narushige Michishita, from Japan's National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, isn't convinced North Korea is capable of attacking Guam, Hawaii or the US mainland. But its medium-range Rodong missiles, with a range of about 800 miles, are "operational and credible" and could reach US bases in Japan, he says.


"We know they want intercontinental ballistic missiles, but don't know whether they have them," said James Hardy, Asia Pacific editor for IHS Jane's Defence Weekly.


"They have managed to reverse-engineer Soviet scud missiles, and certainly could attack South Korea and Japan with those. But scuds are very inaccurate and it is old technology. Everything military in the North is veiled in secrecy, so it's impossible to be know exactly what is happening."


Partly because of the uncertainty, there remains a very real concern. Three years ago North Korea launched a surprise attack on the South, sinking the Cheonan warship near the disputed border and killing 46 sailors. Eight months later the North fired dozens of shells at one of its border islands, killing two marines in the worst land attack since the end of the Korean War. Even more worrying are the nuclear tests - the most recent of which, on Feb 12, was double the size of previous tests and led to a new round of UN sanctions.


Barry Pavel, a former senior director for defence policy at the White House's National Security Council, said: "This is a dangerous situation. It's a classic dynamic of deterrence and escalation and I'm sure it's exactly what the Obama administration did not want."


Kim Jong-un, the 30-year-old "Supreme Leader", is still an unknown quantity, having been in power for just over a year following the death of his father Kim Jong-il in December 2011. The country of 24 million people is in itself shrouded in mystery, closed to the world and with an estimated 200,000 held in prison camps. Defectors occasionally escape to the outside world, but their accounts are impossible to confirm and thought to be frequently unreliable.


Another key question is who is actually running the country: is it Kim, or are the country's powerful generals actually pulling the strings?


With the world's fourth largest standing armed forces - some 1.19 million people in active service - North Korea's generals wield immense power. Since taking over, Kim Jong-un has made efforts to model himself on his warmongering grandfather, Kim Il-sung, who founded the professional army and sent agents to try to assassinate the president of South Korea.


In his photos he adopts the stances and positioning of his grandfather, while his haircut is also unmistakably similar to that of his hardline ancestor.


Given that we know so little, it is the very secrecy that leads to so much concern in the rest of the world. China is the only country which has any real contact with the rulers of the pariah state – leaving Washington and Seoul to read between the lines and interpret the signs.


Yesterday North Korea threatened to shut down the Kaesong industrial complex – factories just inside its border with the South, with workers from both sides, which is the last major symbol of inter-Korean cooperation.


"If the puppet group seeks to tarnish the image of the DPRK (North Korea) even a bit... we will shut down the zone without mercy," said a spokesman for the North's office.


Brian Myers, a North Korea analyst at Dongseo University in South Korea, told The New York Times: "The North says 'If the US or South Korea dare infringe on our territory we will reduce their territory to ashes,' and Seoul responds by saying it will retaliate by bombing Kim Il-sung statues. And so it goes."


The declaration of war published hours earlier used startlingly bellicose language, raging against "the US brigandish ambition for aggression" and vowing that "it will not be limited to a local war, but develop into an all-out war, a nuclear war".


It continued: "They should clearly know that in the era of Marshal Kim Jong-un, the greatest-ever commander, all things are different from what they used to be in the past."


Analysts believe that the North could launch 500,000 rounds of ammunition on the South within the first hour of an attack. Seoul is less than 200 miles from Pyongyang.


Yet around the Itaweon military base in Seoul – the headquarters for the 28,500 American soldiers stationed in South Korea, and therefore "Ground Zero" for any attack – the atmosphere this weekend was apparently calm. "There's nothing much going on here," one American officer said, as he ate lunch in a shopping mall. "We're not even on alert."


Yet on Thursday the US flew two nuclear-capable B2 stealth bombers on an unusual training mission alongside South Korean forces, during which they simulated dropping munitions on an island near the border. In a pointed reminder to Pyongyang of the genuine reach of America's military, the aircraft flew for 37 straight hours on a round-trip flight from Missouri.


Earlier this month, the US announced it was bolstering its stock of missile interceptors along the Pacific coast with an extra 14 missiles to be deployed in Alaska - the nearest US state to North Korea - in response to the growing threat after Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary, said the North had shown "advances in its capabilities". Mr Hagel said the US was determined to stay "ahead of the threat".


Some questioned the wisdom of the US flying its stealth bombers to the South. James Hardy, the Jane's expert, said: "The problem is that the US may appear equally belligerent. And the question remains: why is it doing that? Have the Americans lost patience with North Korea? Or are they, as I think, making a statement to South Korea to show they are backing them, and that Seoul should not overreact?"


The most extreme scenario if open conflict erupted would be the actual launching of an attack on the US. That is also the most unlikely - even if North Korea really has the reach. "I don't see that happening, simply because of the response," said Adam Cathcart, an Asia expert at Queen's University Belfast.


Other possibilities include the targeting of South Korea, or further missile or nuclear tests. There also remains the possibility that North Korea is in fact ramping up the tensions purely to force the South and the US back to the negotiating table – a strategy which looks unlikely to succeed.


Even if the North Koreans lack the technology for a missile strike against the US, they could decide to lash out in the form of a cyberattack or even a terrorist action carried out by their special forces," said Mr Pavel, Director of the Brent Scowcroft Centre on International Security.

北朝鮮に米国をミサイル攻撃する能力がないとしても、サイバー攻撃どころか特殊部隊によるテロ活動まで実施する決断を下す可能性がある、とBrent Scowcroft Centre on International Securityのディレクターを務めるパヴェル氏は言います。

"It's times like this when you need to have a little imagination and be prepared for things that seem implausible just because they haven't happened before."



2013-03-31 10:56:36 | Telegraph (UK)

Lord Turner forms unlikely alliance with Soros
By James Quinn
Telegraph: 7:25PM GMT 30 Mar 2013
Lord Turner – the man who wanted to be the next Governor of the Bank of England – is to work alongside George Soros, the man who famously broke the Bank two decades ago.


Lord Turner, the outgoing chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), is to join a New York-based think tank founded by Mr Soros.


The regulator, who stands down from his role at midnight tonight when the FSA is split into the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, is to join the board of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The body was established by Mr Soros – who made a profit of £1bn betting against sterling in 1992 – in 2009 with an initial endowment of $50m (£33m).


Lord Turner made it on to the shortlist for the new Governor's post late last year, but the role was given to Mark Carney, of the Bank of Canada. As part of his pitch for the role, in his final Mansion House speech last October he called for "unconventional" economic policies to be employed in order to revive Britain's stagnant economy.


It is thought that the new role will be announced as early as this week, with Lord Turner taking up his post almost immediately. One City source pointed to the irony of the outgoing FSA chairman wanting to work with Mr Soros, given his role in the UK's economic history, and Lord Turner's own recent ambition.


Although senior members of the regulator traditionally have to endure a period of "purdah" between leaving the regulator and starting a new post, in this situation this will not be the case.


The "purdah" period is enforced when a senior member of FSA staff is leaving to take a job at a financial services firm, as in the case of former FSA chief executive Hector Sants, who had a six-month period of leave before joining Barclays as head of compliance and government and regulatory relations.


But in Lord Turner's case, because he is joining a not-for-profit think-tank, no gardening leave is required despite the high office he has held since September 2008. However, critics may question his ability to jump directly into a new role so soon, a role which was negotiated while he was still chairman of the FSA.


The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is run by Robert Johnson, former managing director of Soros Fund Management, the Hungarian-American billionaire's hedge fund.


It was founded in the wake of the financial crisis, and is intended to promote economic thinking to ensure such a global disaster is not able to recur. Mr Soros is a founding sponsor of the body, alongside William Janeway, of private equity firm Warburg Pincus, and Jim Balsillie, co-founder of BlackBerry maker Research in Motion.

ソロス氏は、Warburg PincusのWilliam Janeway氏、RIMの共同創立者のJim Balsillie氏と共に、設立時の出資者になりました。

Other donors include Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman, who has been instrumental in crafting the US's legislative response to the banking crisis.


An FSA source suggested Lord Turner's decision to join INET was to "think big thoughts" and write "more learned papers" on the economics of the crisis and the aftermath. Other board members include Amartya Sen, the Harvard professor who won the Nobel prize for economics in 1998, and Joseph Stiglitz, the Columbia professor who won the same honour three years later.


Last month, Lord Turner gave a lecture at the Cass Business School, London, for INET in which he attempted to answer the question: "How do we get out of this mess?"

先月、ロード・ターナーはINETのためにロンドンのCass Business Schoolで講義を行いましたが、その中で彼は「どうしてこうなった?」という疑問に答えようとしました。

He said that since the current mix of government policies has failed, "we must think fundamentally about what went wrong and be adequately radical in the redesign of financial regulation and macro-prudential policy to ensure it doesn't happen again".


In addition to the post at INET, it is thought likely that Lord Turner will seek a senior academic role either here or in the US. He may also seek a number of non-executive directorships, having previously sat on the boards of Standard Chartered, UBM, Siemens and Merrill Lynch Europe, among others.


An FSA spokesman confirmed Lord Turner's appointment.



2013-03-31 10:23:04 | Telegraph (UK)

Even now, after all that's happened to Cyprus, they're queuing up to join the euro
By Jeremy Warner
Telegraph: 8:18PM GMT 28 Mar 2013
It defies belief that Poland and others are still keen on joining the economic doomsday machine of the single currency


It was a while back, so it's hard to remember the exact question, but I certainly recall the answer. Visibly angered by my suggestion that the euro was an unsustainable construct, Michel Barnier, European commissioner for internal markets, insisted that not only was it perfectly sustainable, it was so manifestly desirable that within five to 10 years it would have expanded to include all 27 members of the European Union bar one - the one being us, naturally.


With the eurozone crisis already in full flood, his prediction appeared at the time to border on the delusional. Here was another eurocrat with his head buried in the sand. Yet I have to admit that, contrary to all rational economic analysis, the numbers do seem to be stacking his way.


Despite an ongoing financial maelstrom, the euro hasn't yet lost a single member, and indeed is continuing to add them. Estonia joined last year, Latvia enters next year and Romania the year after. Meanwhile Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City have concluded agreements allowing them to use it as their official currency. Similar arrangements come into force for Andorra soon. Bulgaria operates a currency board with the euro, while Kosovo and Montenegro have unilaterally adopted it without even being members of the EU. They therefore have no say in policy decisions.


Most astonishing of all, Poland's prime minister, Donald Tusk, appeared this week to join the queue by suggesting a referendum on the matter. The trade-off here is that by agreeing to the vote he may get the parliamentary majority needed for the constitutional changes deemed necessary for euro membership.


I say "most astonishing of all", because Poland is actually the best example there is of the merits of giving this economic doomsday machine as wide a berth as possible. Appreciation of the zloty during the boom helped the country escape the loss of competitiveness that afflicted the eurozone periphery, where big influxes of credit from the core caused wages and trade deficits to balloon. By the same token, devaluation allowed Poland largely to avoid the deep slump that engulfed much of Europe when the banking crisis took hold, and to enjoy relatively good economic growth ever since.


Of course, the natural market remedy of currency realignment doesn't always work - as Britain demonstrates - in preventing the build-up of imbalances. Yet even here it has provided at least a degree of protection. If the UK had been in the single currency, the credit-fuelled boom of the Noughties would have been even bigger and the subsequent bust infinitely worse. We would have been Spain to the power of 10. As William Hague remarked 15 years ago, the problem with the euro is that of being "trapped in the economic equivalent of a burning building with no exits".


That Mr Tusk should wish to begin a national debate in which he hopes to convince a sceptical population of the merits of euro membership is astonishing enough, given Poland's great escape thus far; that he should do so in the very week that the eurozone has brutally thrown poor little Cyprus onto the economic scrapheap makes it almost unbelievable.


It all goes to show just how powerful the idea of ever deeper union remains for a Continent still so recently wracked by war and conflict. This is particularly the case for the former Soviet satellites, barely more than 20 years out from beneath the Russian yoke.


Like all eurozone aspirants, Mr Tusk expects Poland to become not Greece, Cyprus, Portugal or Spain, but Germany, the Netherlands, Finland or Austria. He's a poster child for Angela Merkel's vision of the new euro as a federation of German lookalikes.


Good luck to him. His foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, is even bolder in his ambitions. Once in the euro, he said a few months ago, Poland would quickly displace Britain as one of the three most influential countries in Europe. This is what the European "project" does to politicians: it puffs them up with their own sense of self-importance to the point where they can no longer think straight.


It's easy enough to see why the politicians are rather keener than the people they govern. As members of the euro, they get to sit at the high table with Angela Merkel and indulge in the make-believe of equal influence and partnership. Unfortunately, this lasts only as long as it takes to run into trouble or step out of line, at which point the national leader finds he has no say in the matter at all. If the rules were applied consistently and universally, then the consequent punishment might just about be considered to have some sort of "greater good" merit. But they are not.


Cyprus was thought too small to matter and therefore a good subject for experimentation. Yet in performing the dissection, Europe has managed both unfairly to victimise a member state and to set precedents that threaten to deepen the crisis elsewhere. By hair-cutting uninsured deposits in insolvent banks - a reasonable enough principle in itself, but not in the midst of an all-embracing systemic financial crisis - policymakers are spreading panic to weaker banks in the rest of the eurozone and therefore prompting economically debilitating capital flight from the periphery to the core.


Capital controls have further established a form of apartheid where some euros are more equal than others. What can happen to Cyprus can happen to any of the eurozone footlings. And Mr Tusk wants to join such an economic deathtrap?
