Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年10月24日 20時15分04秒 | Weblog
韓国のタバコ「ザ・アフリカ」のCMでサルがレポーター役になってアフリカを案内、という設定がレイシスト批判で打ち切り。BBC News - Korean cigarette firm pulls 'racist' monkey ads http://bbc.in/19uEuYw

S Korean tobacco firm pulls 'racist' ads
23 OCT 2013 08:39 AFP

"Mocking Africa to sell a product that causes death and disease is unacceptable."

"They basically turned cigarette-making Africans into cigarette-making monkeys ... isn't this racism?" wrote one commentator.


保安官代理 BB銃を持っていた少年を射殺

2013年10月24日 20時08分09秒 | Weblog
Andy Lopez: California 13-year-old shot dead whilst carrying pellet gun
Police in Santa Rosa say they thought the replica firearm the teenager was carrying as he walked to a friend's house was real

A 13-year-old boy has been shot dead in California by sheriff deputies who believed the replica gun he was carrying was real, authorities have confirmed.

The incident comes after a 12-year-old boy shot dead a teacher in Nevada before taking his own life on Tuesday.

Andy Lopez Cruz, from Santa Rosa, was shot on his way to see his friend Luis Diaz while carrying a pellet gun left at the family home over the weekend.

Pellet guns, which use compressed air or other gases to fire pellets or spherical balls, are sometimes designed to resemble assault weapons. Police also found a plastic handgun tucked into his trousers.

Andy's family said he had been sent home from school early on Tuesday for staying out of the grounds too long on a break.

Lieutenant Paul Henry, who is investigating the incident for the Santa Rosa Police Department, said two Sonoma County Sheriff's deputies had been patrolling a street near the boy's home when they saw him walking with what appeared to be an assault weapon in his left hand.

One of the deputies, who he said did not immediately realise that the person he was seeing from behind was a child, shouted twice: “Put down the gun,” according to Henry and a police statement.

“The subject turned toward the deputies, and as he was doing that the barrel of the weapon was rising toward the deputies,” Henry said. The deputy then fired rounds, killing the boy.


He was really a nice kid

2013年10月24日 20時02分10秒 | Weblog
中学生が校庭で乱射 米ネバダ州 教師死亡、2人重傷

2013年10月22日 夕刊


Nevada school shooting witness: Gunman was ‘a really nice kid’ who was bullied

By Arturo Garcia
Monday, October 21, 2013 23:32 EDT

While authorities continued to search for the motive behind Monday’s school shooting that left two people dead at a Sparks, Nevada middle school, one of the witnesses and her mother told CNN host Piers Morgan the unidentified gunman had been bullied by other schoolmates.

I saw him getting bullied a couple of times,” Sparks Middle School student Amaya Newton told Morgan Monday night. “I think he took out his bullying on [the school].”

Newton’s mother, Tabitha Newton, corroborated her story, telling Morgan she knew the gunman personally and that she had told him about his being bullied.

He was really a nice kid,” Amaya Newton told Morgan. “He would make you smile when you were having a bad day. He’d just ask you if he could buy you something. He was just really a nice kid.”


Preaching whether and how often to make love

2013年10月24日 19時01分15秒 | Weblog
24 October 2013 Last updated at 00:18 Share this pageEmailPrint
The Japanese men who prefer virtual girlfriends to sex
By Anita Rani
Presenter, This World

人口減少問題とセックス あるいは、セックスレスについてからめた記事。


"If you compare China or Vietnam, most of those kids on scooters going to nightclubs, and dancing their heart away and perhaps having sex - they know it's getting better, they know they are probably going to rock their parents' income," he says. "No-one in Japan feels that way."

No One と言った時点で嘘だとわからないのだろうか?


FGM: the film that changed the law in Kurdistan - video





 日本と言えば、英語圏の記事では、芸者と同じほど、少子高齢化問題が取り上げられており、それと、草食系男子ねたの2番煎じを掛け合わせて、読者の気をひこうという、英米系の ”世界不思議発見”記事であろう。

In Britain there are 60,000 healthcare workers from overseas, while in Japan - where there is a serious shortage of nurses - there are only 60.


Japan has managed to preserve its unique culture in an increasingly globalised world but could that very sense of identity stand in the way of solving its population problems?

??? ・・・ああ、なるほど、イギリスやフランスでは、移民問題は、国家のアイデンティティーの問題として捉えられていたもんなあ。

Or is it just time for Japanese men to grow up,

キタァァΣ三(;゜;∀;゜;ノ )ノ. キ・キタ━━(゜д゜;)))━━!!


 根底にしみついているのかもしれないね、他文化、他民族 幼稚論



have more sex and make more babies?


Japan: no safe country for foreign women

2013年10月24日 14時39分10秒 | Weblog
Japan: no safe country for foreign women
A Tokyoite reassesses her view of Japan after another violent encounter is ignored by passers-by, police


Cycling home at 8:30 p.m. on a well-lit street in Tokyo, I sensed another biker by my side, so I slowed down to let him pass. At that point he suddenly cut over, trapped me against a parked car and grabbed my tire.

He began yelling at me in Japanese, but the only thing I could clearly understand was “You stole this bicycle!” I insisted that I had not and tried to pull away, but the man was strong and continued yanking on my bike. I bought it from a shop brand-new, so I knew it wasn’t stolen. I also didn’t believe that it was my bicycle he wanted.

I yelled, both in English and Japanese, “Help! Call the police!” Many people observed the fracas but did nothing to help. He pulled me across a street full of traffic, briefly blocking cars, but almost everyone just seemed to ignore it.

It felt like hours of struggling, but then a young woman on a bicycle appeared. By now I must have had tears streaming down my face and my voice was almost gone. She said to me calmly: “I know this man. You stole this bicycle. I’m calling the police.”





At the kōban, the police officer’s response went as follows: “Wow, that’s strange.

Were they Japanese?


Well, I can’t really do anything because I’m here by myself and they’re probably not there anymore.  You’re a young girl, and maybe you shouldn’t be out by yourself alone at night.”


but the police had also given me a terribly disappointing response ― basically, “Shō ga nai, ne?” (“What can you do, eh?”).


This was not the first time that something like this had happened to me in Japan. The last time was in Osaka one morning, around 10 a.m., when a stranger picked me up and tried to carry me into a love hotel. Then, I kept kicking and punching until he dropped me. I tried to run away, but he was much taller than me and kept catching up.

Our struggle went on for at least 10 minutes, and none of the many onlookers helped or even appeared concerned. Finally, I saw a police officer down the street and screamed at my attacker, “Look! Look! It’s the police!” That seemed to frighten him, and at that point he walked over to a nearby vending machine, bought me a water, said “gomen nasai” (sorry) and walked away.


The response was overwhelming: stories of being attacked while jogging, being stalked by male and female students, being groped on the street in broad daylight, men masturbating on trains, attempted kidnappings.




Even in my case, having a Japanese boyfriend to go with me and translate, the police still didn’t record any information or search for the people involved



第六十一条  警察官は、犯罪による被害の届出をする者があつたときは、その届出に係る事件が管轄区域の事件であるかどうかを問わず、これを受理しなければならない

After all these years, I clearly remember anti-groping cartoon posters in the Fukuoka subway depicting a man with dark skin touching a white woman. Even at the time, I thought it reflected a still-prevalent view in Japan: Crime and criminals are non-Japanese


 しかし、日本人向けの痴漢のポスターで、色黒の肌の男とが白人の女性を触っている、というポスターなど本当にあったのだろうか? 目的、意味がわからない。


I am attracted to Japan because it’s so different from my culture.




I want to keep living here

  日本以外に身をよせる安全な場所があり、日本が危険だと思うなら、日本から去るべき、というのが合理的な発想でしょう。 それでもなぜか、いたい、というなら、日本での奇妙な”体験”、思い込みを売り物にするよくある外人と思われるだけ。そういう外国人なら、一刻もはやく日本から出て行ってもらいたい。






'They treat us like animals!'

2013年10月24日 08時10分07秒 | Weblog
'They treat us like animals!' Dozens of US cities unite in protests against police brutality
Published time: October 23, 2013 13:25
Edited time: October 23, 2013 20:31 Get short URL

“It’s not a gentle thing how they treat us, they treat us like animals, and that’s completely unwarranted, literally, unwarranted,” a young protester told RT.

“Hundreds every year are killed by the police, and the majority of them are unarmed, not involved in any criminal activity when they were killed. And also the majority of them were young, and either black or Latino,” Carl Dix, representative for ‘October 22 Coalition’ tom stop police brutality,

無人機攻撃に高まる批判 米、正当化に躍起 パキスタン首相は「停止する必要がある」
2013.10.23 23:31 (1/2ページ)


”Kill everyone in China”

2013年10月24日 08時03分35秒 | Weblog
Jimmy Kimmel proves white kids start being racist jerks at around age six
MikeMike 13 hours ago

Without getting into our personal opinions of ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel (ahem, Conan is better, ahem), he’s had a string of pretty successful viral videos featuring kids and their crazy antics.

So, sensing more comedy gold, Jimmy dressed a bunch of kids up like politicians and asked them their thoughts about US current events, hoping for some adorable responses. After some initial cuteness, Jimmy asked how the kids thought America should take care of its debt to China, which is where the fun stopped for most of us, because one kid blurted out a disturbing proposal for solving the problem: kill everyone in China.

Y! 【社会ニュース】 2013/10/22(火) 19:28


Some cultural stereotypes are at work here

2013年10月24日 07時28分44秒 | Weblog

No, Japanese People Haven’t Given Up on S ex by Joshua Keating http://j.mp/1aGbLxF @slateさんから 文化的ステレオタイプに基づいているとガーディアンの記事を批判

The Japanese singledom trend story isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, but I suspect Howarth’s article took off because its descriptions of dominatrixes-turned-sex coaches and the thirtysomething guy who “can't get sexually aroused unless he watches female robots on a game similar to Power Rangers” fit nicely into the weird-Japan news genre. I suspect some cultural stereotypes are also at work here. A number of Eastern European countries have lower fertility rates than Japan, but we don’t often see articles portraying Czechs and Poles as sexless nerds.


So could a collective bias against singlehood be warping the way we see celibacy syndrome? Is it really a syndrome, or just an alternate (convenient, culturally exigent) mode of being?


 それと、メディアにおいて、人間はみな、セックスに関心をもつべき、夫婦はセックスすべき そうでない人たちは異常だ、な的な、、性生活のありかたに関する間接的な統制、がありはしないか、とも思う。

 因みに、2DセックスってのはNYTが報道したんですよ。今回はガーディアン。そして、"No Sex Please, Japanese are Nerds "BBC

 いわゆる英語圏のリベラルメディアがこの日本人wacky 伝説ともいうべき、固定観念、偏見を助長している点にもにも注目しておきましょう。

Wrong about and S ex

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?

Preaching whether and how often to make love

CHART: Here's The Truth About The Claim That Japanese Teenagers Have Stopped Having Sex

Overseas editors seem to gobble up and encourage weird and wacky Japan story

Tuesday 29 October 2013
Sex myths without substance: Mislabelling Japan
These stories gain traction because they support a view
of east Asia which is at best patronising and at worst overtly racist


Wrong about Japan and Se x

2013年10月24日 00時23分21秒 | Weblog

Wrong about Japan and S ex - Kotaku http://j.mp/1a9l7Dz ガーディアンの記事の事実誤認の指摘

Wrong about Japan and S ex





Japan’s se xual apathy is endangering the global economy http://j.mp/H9CfjS  相変わらずのブロガー氏の記事。鬼嫁の意味が間違ったまま拡散中。



89.4% of J women intend to marry someday just 6.8 % of them never intend to marry.

Nearly half of Japanese women find having their own children as a merit of marriage.

J women who intend to marry someday want 2.12 children on average

J married couple ideally want to have 2.48 children on average

In the age group between 25 and 34 years old, the primary reasons for being single is they can't find the right partner.


 情欲をもっている女性もいるし、情欲の少ない女性も、そして、男性もいるが、子供はもちたいし、結婚もしたいという若者が大半。 別に子供を産むのに、情欲がなければならない、というわけでもなく、伝統的なキリスト教の教えにそったような、快楽というより、子作りのためのセックスだけ、というカップルがあってもいいであろう。




 日本の性事情に異様な関心を示している この英語圏におけるdiscourse on se xuality については、
フーコーのThe history of se xuality などもからめて論じてみたいところだが、力不足に加えて、ちょっと複雑になって時間もかかりそうなので、とりあえず、今回はこれで。


He also represents an estimated 1.1 million American men and 800,000 women aged 25 to 45 who have never had s ex.

The study, led by urologist Michael Eisenberg of the University of California, San Francisco, will appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of S exual Medicine. His team's survey found that 13.9 per cent of men and 8.9 per cent of women said they have never had s ex.

Men and women who attended church at least once a week were respectively 5 and 3.9 times more likely to be virgins than those who attended church less often. Virgins of both s exes were slightly less likely to have swigged a beer in the last year, compared to non-virgins. And women with college degrees were 5.4 times more likely to be virgins than women who never got their Bachelor's.
