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He was really a nice kid

2013年10月24日 20時02分10秒 | Weblog
中学生が校庭で乱射 米ネバダ州 教師死亡、2人重傷

2013年10月22日 夕刊


Nevada school shooting witness: Gunman was ‘a really nice kid’ who was bullied

By Arturo Garcia
Monday, October 21, 2013 23:32 EDT

While authorities continued to search for the motive behind Monday’s school shooting that left two people dead at a Sparks, Nevada middle school, one of the witnesses and her mother told CNN host Piers Morgan the unidentified gunman had been bullied by other schoolmates.

I saw him getting bullied a couple of times,” Sparks Middle School student Amaya Newton told Morgan Monday night. “I think he took out his bullying on [the school].”

Newton’s mother, Tabitha Newton, corroborated her story, telling Morgan she knew the gunman personally and that she had told him about his being bullied.

He was really a nice kid,” Amaya Newton told Morgan. “He would make you smile when you were having a bad day. He’d just ask you if he could buy you something. He was just really a nice kid.”



