Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Japan: no safe country for foreign women

2013年10月24日 14時39分10秒 | Weblog
Japan: no safe country for foreign women
A Tokyoite reassesses her view of Japan after another violent encounter is ignored by passers-by, police


Cycling home at 8:30 p.m. on a well-lit street in Tokyo, I sensed another biker by my side, so I slowed down to let him pass. At that point he suddenly cut over, trapped me against a parked car and grabbed my tire.

He began yelling at me in Japanese, but the only thing I could clearly understand was “You stole this bicycle!” I insisted that I had not and tried to pull away, but the man was strong and continued yanking on my bike. I bought it from a shop brand-new, so I knew it wasn’t stolen. I also didn’t believe that it was my bicycle he wanted.

I yelled, both in English and Japanese, “Help! Call the police!” Many people observed the fracas but did nothing to help. He pulled me across a street full of traffic, briefly blocking cars, but almost everyone just seemed to ignore it.

It felt like hours of struggling, but then a young woman on a bicycle appeared. By now I must have had tears streaming down my face and my voice was almost gone. She said to me calmly: “I know this man. You stole this bicycle. I’m calling the police.”





At the kōban, the police officer’s response went as follows: “Wow, that’s strange.

Were they Japanese?


Well, I can’t really do anything because I’m here by myself and they’re probably not there anymore.  You’re a young girl, and maybe you shouldn’t be out by yourself alone at night.”


but the police had also given me a terribly disappointing response ― basically, “Shō ga nai, ne?” (“What can you do, eh?”).


This was not the first time that something like this had happened to me in Japan. The last time was in Osaka one morning, around 10 a.m., when a stranger picked me up and tried to carry me into a love hotel. Then, I kept kicking and punching until he dropped me. I tried to run away, but he was much taller than me and kept catching up.

Our struggle went on for at least 10 minutes, and none of the many onlookers helped or even appeared concerned. Finally, I saw a police officer down the street and screamed at my attacker, “Look! Look! It’s the police!” That seemed to frighten him, and at that point he walked over to a nearby vending machine, bought me a water, said “gomen nasai” (sorry) and walked away.


The response was overwhelming: stories of being attacked while jogging, being stalked by male and female students, being groped on the street in broad daylight, men masturbating on trains, attempted kidnappings.




Even in my case, having a Japanese boyfriend to go with me and translate, the police still didn’t record any information or search for the people involved



第六十一条  警察官は、犯罪による被害の届出をする者があつたときは、その届出に係る事件が管轄区域の事件であるかどうかを問わず、これを受理しなければならない

After all these years, I clearly remember anti-groping cartoon posters in the Fukuoka subway depicting a man with dark skin touching a white woman. Even at the time, I thought it reflected a still-prevalent view in Japan: Crime and criminals are non-Japanese


 しかし、日本人向けの痴漢のポスターで、色黒の肌の男とが白人の女性を触っている、というポスターなど本当にあったのだろうか? 目的、意味がわからない。


I am attracted to Japan because it’s so different from my culture.




I want to keep living here

  日本以外に身をよせる安全な場所があり、日本が危険だと思うなら、日本から去るべき、というのが合理的な発想でしょう。 それでもなぜか、いたい、というなら、日本での奇妙な”体験”、思い込みを売り物にするよくある外人と思われるだけ。そういう外国人なら、一刻もはやく日本から出て行ってもらいたい。







