Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年10月10日 21時47分51秒 | Weblog
「同性カップル挙式」東京ディズニーリゾートは公認 元宝塚女優も式挙げていた
2013.7.8 13:44 [性]









”The drone campaign is by far the biggest terrorist campaign in the world.”

2013年10月10日 19時44分57秒 | Weblog
Chomsky to RT: All superpowers feel exceptional, inflate security myth for ‘frightened population’
Get short URL Published time: October 10, 2013 04:21

It’s a frightened population and the security argument has weight. People feel, somehow, that the government is not protecting us. Take, say, drones. The drone campaign is by far the biggest terrorist campaign in the world. It’s never described that way but that’s of course what it is. Furthermore it’s a terrorist generating campaign. From the highest levels and most respected sources it’s recognized that the drone attacks create potential terrorists on quite a substantial scale.


There is plenty to criticize in Iran but the real issue is quite different. It’s the refusal of the West, primarily of the United States, to enter into serious diplomacy with Iran. And as far as Iran violating the will of the international community, that depends on a very special definition of international community which is standard in the West where the term means the United States and anybody who goes along with it.

The nearby region, in the Arab world, Arab’s don’t like Iran it’s quite unpopular there are hostilities that go back very far. But they do not regard Iran as a threat, a very small percentage regard Iran as a threat. The threats they perceive are the United States and Israel, so they are not part of the world as far as “international community” is concerned but it’s a western obsession.


So for example in 2010 there was a very positive advance that could have mitigated whatever the threat is supposed to be. Turkey and Brazil reached a deal with Iran in which Iran would ship out its low-enriched uranium in exchange for storage in Turkey, and in return the west would provide isotopes for Iran’s medical reactors. As soon as that was announced Brazil and Turkey were bitterly condemned by Washington and by the media, which more or less reflexively follow what Washington says.



If you read yesterday’s New York Times big front page article on the capture of Abu Anas, the jihadi target in Libya, read down to the bottom of the article and there’s a quote from the Secretary of State who is asked in a press conference whether this was legal and he says “Yes this is legal it’s in accord with American law.” That means American law says we can go into any country we like and kidnap somebody we want and that’s legal. Of course is that anybody else’s law? Suppose Al-Qaeda or some other country, Yemen or whoever, comes to the United States and kidnaps John Kerry. Is that legal? If it’s legal by their laws



2013年10月10日 19時40分23秒 | Weblog

鈴置 高史




2013年10月10日 05時56分47秒 | Weblog
木村正人2013年10月08日 23:57北方領土交渉は進展しない プーチン露大統領のアジア政策



Is Russia Losing Control of Its Far East?
October 01, 2013
By Andrew S. Bowen and Luke Rodeheffer

Nonetheless, despite the glowing appraisals by both Putin and Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev on the quality of relations between the two countries, both history and geopolitical considerations should temper expectations of any growing alliance.

Russian concerns about China’s steady encroachment into the Far East have steadily increased since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The region’s population has shrunk by 20% since 1991 to just 6.28 million, a number that will fall to 4.7 million by 2025.

the regional governments are so concerned about China’s rapidly expanding influence that they are encouraging Japanese investors to create their own agricultural projects in the Russian Far East to counter China.

Between Russia and China, a Demographic Time Bomb

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Taylor Washburn | August 23, 2013

Thus, although Moscow and Beijing recently staged their largest-ever joint naval drill off the coast of Primorsky Krai, Russia has continued to run exercises which appear to be aimed at China―including a 2010 ground drill tailored to repel an invasion by an unnamed foe resembling the People’s Liberation Army, and massive war games held just last month. In addition, the Kremlin has maintained its time-honored partnership with India, and has also sought to improve ties with China’s archnemesis Japan, pledging to negotiate a long-delayed World War II peace treaty, which would not only sow the seeds for additional Japanese investment in Far East oil and gas fields, but could provide a hedge against Chinese economic and military coercion.

Indeed, far beyond Manchuria, possible sparks already abound: from Central Asia, where booming trade with China threatens to erode Moscow’s traditional sphere of influence, to the South China Sea, where Russia has worked closely with Vietnam to develop and safeguard energy resources claimed by Beijing. “In the parts of the world that matter to them most,” Jeffrey Mankoff has noted, “Russia and China are more rivals than allies.”

China has exhibited a perplexing tendency to poke its neighbors in the eyes, a strategy some experts have dubbed “self-containment.” Even since 2010, when Beijing’s aggressive posture in its near abroad produced a significant diplomatic backlash, China has continued to press and provoke.

they need to knock Washington down a peg or two.” Especially on the UN Security Council, the two authoritarian powers will continue taking positions that reflect their interest in curtailing American influence and thwarting what they each view as meddling in sovereign nations’ internal affairs.




”Go home or face arrest 不法移民は帰れ、さもなくば、逮捕だ!”

2013年10月10日 05時39分26秒 | Weblog
9 October 2013 Last updated at 08:45 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Home Office 'Go home' adverts banned by watchdog
By Dominic Casciani
Home affairs correspondent, BBC News

The advertising watchdog has banned a Home Office advert telling illegal immigrants to go home, saying it was misleading.

But the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) cleared the campaign of being offensive and irresponsible.

The advert said there had been 106 arrests in the area in the past week and encouraged illegal immigrants to contact immigration officials for information on how they could be helped to leave the country.

In its ruling, the ASA said the reference to the number of arrests was misleading because it did not relate to those detained in the specific areas where people would have seen the vans.

It said the figure referred to arrests which occurred across a large part of north London more than two weeks before the campaign began.

"The ad must not appear again in its current form," said the ASA report.

"We told the Home Office to ensure that in future they held adequate substantiation for their advertising claims and that qualifications were presented clearly."

But it dismissed complaints that the slogan "Go home" had been offensive or irresponsible. It said that, while the phrase had been used in the past to attack immigrants, the Home Office was now using it in a different context.

The report said: "We concluded that the poster was unlikely to incite or exacerbate racial hatred and tensions in multi-cultural communities.

Go home or face arrest 不法移民は帰れ、さもなくば、逮捕だ という政府による街宣車は、一般に憎悪を助長するものではなく、無責任な発言でもないが、資料として掲載されている逮捕者数の地域が誤解を招くものであった、と。

140 'illegal immigrants' arrested in raids across UK
A RAID on suspected illegal immigrants has seen 140 people arrested by officials, but police methods have been criticised for basing their targets on colour and race.

By Andy Wells/Published 2nd August 2013

But Shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant said: ''The Home Secretary said that it is unacceptable to stop someone simply on the basis of their ethnicity.

''Theresa May said that someone from an ethnic background was seven times more likely to be stopped than a white person and she said that this was wrong and we supported her."

He added: ''Intelligence-led operations to remove illegal immigrants are to be welcomed. Racial profiling is not.''




2013年10月10日 05時05分30秒 | Weblog


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