Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

日本の不器用な国際イメージ戦略ーーーー イルカと遊んで、しかも、イルカの肉も食べられる町

2013年10月13日 15時14分18秒 | Weblog
Japan’s Clumsy Perception Management
October 10, 2013
By Kei Koga

More than the development of Japan’s security policy, what is problematic is the uncertainty surrounding Abe’s future political posture toward Asia. To date, Abe has shown his realist face. The first test, whether he would visit the Yasukuni Shrine after the LDP’s election victory, was passed as he exercised restraint. And yet, from time to time, Abe and his ministers have shown their nationalist faces, triggering controversy each time.

For example, in April, Abe announced that he would “not necessarily follow the 1995 Murayama Statement,” to which previous Japanese governments had all hewed. The statement expressed “deep remorse” and offered an “apology” for the harm and suffering caused by Japan. Although the government confirmed in May that the Abe Administration would in fact support the Murayama Statement, domestic and international suspicion over Abe’s political intentions persist. Then, in July, Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso seemingly endorsed the Nazi method of quietly changing the Weimar Constitution. This again stirred controversy, although Aso officially retracted his statement. Regardless of the government’s real intentions, these gaffes have obscured its political objectives. As a consequence, the Abe administration struggles to improve its international image even as it enjoys strong domestic support.

Abe should prioritize the development of a security policy over historical issues and use diplomatic outreach to seek dialogues with neighboring states, including China and South Korea. In doing so, Japan could the create a solid foundation of international support for its security policy shift.




首相が秋元康氏宅で昼食 小泉政務官が同席
2013.10.12 18:56




 イルカと遊べて、しかも、そのイルカの肉を食べられる公園! ---さすが! ネガティブであるが、デリメのイメージ戦略は鋭い。


慰安婦問題 再調査したら?

2013年10月13日 10時17分13秒 | Weblog
慰安婦問題の拡大阻止 92~93年、東南アで調査せず







American Sex Slaves アメリカ人性奴隷

2013年10月13日 07時02分08秒 | Weblog
From the Streets to the ‘World’s Best Mom’


NASHVILLE ― WHEN men paid Shelia Faye Simpkins for sex, they presumably thought she was just a happy hooker engaging in a transaction among consenting adults.

It was actually more complicated than that, as it usually is. Simpkins says that her teenage mom, an alcoholic and drug addict, taught her at age 6 how to perform oral sex on men. “Like a lollipop,” she remembers her mom explaining.

Simpkins finally ran away from home at 14 and into the arms of a pimp.

“I thought he was my boyfriend,” Simpkins remembers. “I didn’t realize I was being pimped.”

When her pimp was shot dead, she was recruited by another, Kenny, who ran a “stable” of four women and assigned each of them a daily quota of $1,000. Anyone who didn’t earn that risked a beating.

In this respect, Nashville is Everytown U.S.A. Sex trafficking is an American universal: The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation reported in 2011 that over a two-year period, trafficking occurred in 85 percent of Tennessee’s counties, including rural areas. Most are homegrown girls like Simpkins who flee troubled homes and end up controlled by pimps.

Of course, there are also women (and men) selling sex voluntarily. But the notion that the sex industry is a playground of freely consenting adults who find pleasure in their work is delusional self-flattery by johns.

 アメリカ人ナショナリスト記者 クリストフらしく、アメリカの記事を書くときには、ポジティブな面を書くのも忘れないが、しかし、久々に、ちょっぴりアメリカに辛口の記事をかけたのにはびっくりした。




(慰安婦 性奴隷)

Red Cross to feed hungry Brits for first time since WWII

2013年10月13日 06時35分08秒 | Weblog

channel 4
Red Cross to feed hungry Brits for first time since WWII

"Unbelievably, 3 million tonnes of food are wasted in the UK every year while thousands go hungry. We're delighted to help FareShare give much-needed support to people in crisis."

The collections, which will take place on 29 and 30 November and 1 December, are set to help feed about 130,000 people across the UK. The charity estimates 5.8 million people in Britain are struggling to afford everyday essentials like food.

Nearly 500,000 people in the UK needed support from foodbanks last year, according to figures from the Trussel Trust.


11 October 2013 Last updated at 06:32 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Red Cross launches food aid campaign for Britain

The Red Cross announced the initiative as it released a report on the humanitarian impact of Europe's financial crisis, which found a 75% increase in people relying on its food aid across the Continent over the last three years.

At least 43 million people across Europe are not getting enough to eat each day and 120 million are at risk of poverty, according to the report.


 何から何まで欧米に見習え! 欧米がやっているから、やるべき! といった時代は終わらせるべき。