Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年10月03日 21時00分33秒 | Weblog



2013年10月03日 20時34分43秒 | Weblog
毎日新聞 2013年10月03日 13時21分(最終更新 10月03日 16時39分)











2013年10月03日 20時16分47秒 | Weblog
安田浩一 ‏@yasudakoichi 16時間

@kriemhild_gretc @km5822 お疲れ様でした。取材を重ねていきますと、特権なるものの多くはデマと妄想でしかないという結論にならざるを得ませんでした。そもそも日本において日本人以上に優越的な権利を保有するエスニックグループなど存在しないはずです。おやすみなさい。









2013年10月03日 12時24分18秒 | Weblog
In Japan, Will Hafu Ever Be Considered Whole?
October 03, 2013
By J.T. Quigley

“Spain! Spain!” the boys shouted at her and her brother, day in and day out at a summer camp in Chiba prefecture. The incessant chanting eventually turned into pushing and hitting. One morning, she even discovered that her backpack full of clothes had been left outside in the rain.

“It was the worst two weeks of our lives,” recalls Lara Perez Takagi, who was six years old at the time. She was born in Tokyo to a Spanish father and Japanese mother.

The latest statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare indicate that one out of every 50 babies born in 2012 had one non-Japanese parent.

Regardless of Karthaus’ negative experience, he expresses a deep fondness for Japan and says that none of his children have been direct victims of racism.

“My son got called a gaijin (a Japanese term that literally means outsider – as opposed to the more formal gaikokujin, which means foreigner) once, in the third grade. But there was no discrimination otherwise for my other kids,” Karthaus tells The Diplomat. “My eldest daughter actually dyed her hair to look more foreign.”

Unlike Takagi’s summer camp experience, Nishikura says that her childhood was generally free from discrimination based on her mixed roots.

“When I attended Japanese elementary school I was aware that I received extra attention from my classmates for being mixed but I don’t have any painful memories. I do remember that when I encountered children who I did not attend school with, they would stare at me or call me ‘gaijin’.”

Speaking of her experience with The Hafu Project, Lise adds:

“As a hafu brought up in Japan and having a foreigner's appearance in the eyes of many people in Japan, I have experienced on many occasions ‘differentiation’ but not discrimination. Being surprised that you can speak Japanese fluently doesn't count as discrimination, I don't think – although being exposed to such treatment, constant subtle differentiation, on a daily basis can really get you thinking. I think somebody called it ‘racial fatigue.’”

Lise also points out that after more than 60 interviews with her hafu subjects, the number who had experienced racial discrimination over the course of their lives was “near zero.”

“I came across at least five people with cases of bullying at school based on the fact that they were ‘different’,” she notes. “Does that constitute as racial discrimination?”

“I remember sitting in class one day when the teacher left for a brief moment, and this boy stood on his chair and said in Japanese ‘Raise your hand if you're not from Japan!’ Everyone looked at me,” Deja recalls. “I didn't raise my hand.”

She continues, “Because of my skin color, no one suspects that I was actually born and raised in Japan. I have been put down by strangers on the street. Sometimes I hear children behind me, if I’m talking in Japanese, saying things like ‘the foreigner spoke Japanese!’”

Deja feels that Caucasian-Japanese hafu are more widely accepted by the people of Japan, pointing out that they can blend in better with their lighter skin. “At first glance, I think that Black-Japanese are seen as just black,” she says. She added that younger people are generally more open-minded than middle-aged Japanese, a statement that may ring true in most parts of the world.

Despite any negativity she has faced in Japan, Deja enjoys being an ambassador for both of her backgrounds.

“I think that, with being hafu, it makes me happy that some Japanese people see me as a bridge to getting an American viewpoint.”










2013年10月03日 11時13分21秒 | Weblog
児童ポルノ事件 借金…「やめられなかった」
2013.10.3 09:55 (2/3ページ)[性犯罪]






William Pesek ?

2013年10月03日 10時57分09秒 | Weblog
The post where I unmask Fight Back
Posted by Ken Y-N on October 2, 2013

 てか、ヘイトブロガー有道氏を知っている日本人ってほとんどいないし、政治家で彼を知っているのは、ツルネンさんとか、日本叩きのヘイトブログに参加していた ヘイズ・ジョン氏くらいじゃない?

 はい、William Pesek 氏、ジャーナリストとしてちんぼーーーつ。

Trading Places: Decisive #Japan, Dysfunctional US

2013年10月03日 08時03分57秒 | Weblog
Mariko Oi | 大井真理子
Interesting analysis - Trading Places: Decisive #Japan, Dysfunctional US 日米立場逆?#消費税 増税と米予算協議についての興味深い比較 http://on.wsj.com/18nViQv #shutdown

October 1, 2013, 7:10 PM
Trading Places: Decisive Japan, Dysfunctional U.S.

The surprise for long-time watchers of both capitals: It is Japan showing decisive leadership, the U.S. system breaking down.

The jarring question emerging: Can President Barack Obama match Mr. Abe’s moves? Doubts are growing about his administration’s military “pivot” to Asia, as well as his prospects for pushing an ambitious free-trade pact through Congress. Indeed, he hasn’t even been able to get a routine spending bill through Congress, leading to the partial government shutdown at 1 p.m. Tuesday Japan time (0400 GMT) ― almost the exact moment Mr. Abe was triumphantly telling a ruling party meeting: “I have decided to raise the consumption tax….”






(2013年10月3日07時57分 読売新聞)


After 4 Decades in Solitary, Conviction Overturned 42年独居房の拘禁の末。

2013年10月03日 06時38分27秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 FULL SHOW | HEADLINES | NEXT: Canadian Filmmaker and Doctor Imprisoned in Egypt Without...
After 4 Decades in Solitary, Dying Angola 3 Prisoner Herman Wallace Freed, Conviction Overturned

A dying prisoner has been released in Louisiana after serving nearly 42 years in solitary confinement, longer than any other person in the United States. Herman Wallace and two others, known as the Angola Three, were placed in solitary in 1972 following the murder of a prison guard. The Angola Three and their supporters say they were framed for the murder over their political activism as members of one of the first prison chapters of the Black Panthers. In a surprise development on Tuesday, Wallace was released from prison after a federal judge overturned his conviction, saying he did not receive a fair trial. Wallace, who is near death from advanced liver cancer, was taken directly to a New Orleans hospital where supporters greeted his arrival.

 42年 殺人罪で独居房に幽閉されていたが、公平な裁判を受けていない、との司法判断がでて、解放。癌を患っていたので、直接、病院へーーーーアメリカ


韓国の軍国主義 Another sign of more militarism in East Asia

2013年10月03日 04時53分48秒 | Weblog


South Korea also used the event to display publicly for the first time its new “Hyeonmu 3” cruise missile, whose 1,500-kilometer (932-mile) range allows the South to strike anywhere inside North Korean territory. Seoul has been touting the missile since the North staged its third nuclear test in February and ratcheted up war-like rhetoric.

The precision-guided weapon can “strike the office window of the North’s command headquarters,” a spokesman for the ministry said earlier this year.


Seoul is also pushing for a delay of the planned 2015 return to the South of wartime control of South Korean forces. The U.S. has assumed full responsibility of the South’s forces as well as its own 28,500 troops since the end of the hostilities in the Korean War in 1953. Seoul officials and some former U.S. commanders have voiced concerns about a change in the command structure possibly destabilizing the South’s deterrence against the North.
