Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?

2013年10月20日 23時50分42秒 | Weblog

一応、マジメに解説しようとしている珍しいジャパン・ネタ。Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? http://gu.com/p/3jtcn/tw via @guardian


Abigail Haworth
The Observer, Sunday 20 October 2013

Japan = Wacky シリーズをまじめなそぶりで、固定観念を駆使して書きなぐっているだけのように思えるが。

Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works out of her narrow three-storey home on a Tokyo back street.



Aversion to marriage and intimacy in modern life is not unique to Japan. Nor is growing preoccupation with digital technology. But what endless Japanese committees have failed to grasp when they stew over the country's procreation-shy youth is that, thanks to official shortsightedness, the decision to stay single often makes perfect sense. This is true for both sexes, but it's especially true for women. "Marriage is a woman's grave," goes an old Japanese saying that refers to wives being ignored in favour of mistresses. For Japanese women today, marriage is the grave of their hard-won careers.





Prime minister Shinzo Abe recently trumpeted long-overdue plans to increase female economic participation by improving conditions and daycare, but Tomita says things would have to improve "dramatically" to compel her to become a working wife and mother. "I have a great life. I go out with my girl friends – career women like me – to French and Italian restaurants. I buy stylish clothes and go on nice holidays. I love my independence."

Tomita sometimes has one-night stands with men she meets in bars, but she says sex is not a priority, either. "I often get asked out by married men in the office who want an affair. They assume I'm desperate because I'm single." She grimaces, then shrugs. "Mendokusai."

 このライフスタイルーーーこれは、これでいいんだが、だからなに? これを日本人の若い女性に一般化したいわけ?

 あるいは、日本人女性=イエローキャブ 固定観念の新しい強化手法?

Japan's Institute of Population and Social Security reports an astonishing 90% of young women believe that staying single is "preferable to what they imagine marriage to be like".





 独身でいることにもメリットはあるという未婚者は女性で、たしかに、87.6% 他方、いま結婚することに利点のあるという未婚者の女性も、75.1% つまり、いま独身でいることに利点もあるが、仮にいま結婚しても利点がある、という人が大半なわけで、それは不思議ではなかろう。


 そして、結婚する意思をもつ未婚者は同じく9割弱で推移 で、「結婚に利点あり」という未婚者は、女性でやや増えている、わけでっせ? 









30代未婚男性の3割が交際経験なし、20代と割合変わらず -結婚と出産調査

結婚したくても出会いが…交際相手なし男性61%、女性49% 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所が調査
2011.11.25 21:17 (1/2ページ



The Slants つり目バンド

2013年10月20日 23時21分14秒 | Weblog
Asian-American Band Fights To Trademark Name 'The Slants'
October 20, 2013 6:14 AM

 アジア系アメリカ人で結成されたバンドでThe Slants つり目 というバンドがあるそうで、商標登録しようとしたが、拒否された、と。特定の人種や民族などを馬鹿にしたと解釈できるような商標は登録でないからである、と。





 因みに、開き直り を英語で調べると

らきなおる 開き直る

(suddenly) take the offensive
take a ‘so‐what' attitude 《toward》
turn on somebody
assume a defiant attitude.

となるわけですが、このSo What といった感じ、つまり、おまいらの馬鹿にする つり目だよ、So What? と。 本人たちの意識にあるかば別にして、おまいら、こんなふうに馬鹿にして恥かしくないのか、みたいなメッセージになるのですかね。

サービス残業は「真実」 ユニクロの名誉毀損認めず、東京地裁

2013年10月20日 21時53分59秒 | Weblog

名誉毀損訴訟:ユニクロが文春に敗訴 東京地裁
毎日新聞 2013年10月18日 20時22分(最終更新 10月19日 07時50分)




 ファーストリテイリングの話 判決は遺憾。今後の対応を慎重に検討する。

 文芸春秋の話 記事が正しいことが認められた。

Uniqlo loses libel case over 'harsh labor' article, book

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A court on Friday dismissed the 220 million yen libel suit filed by clothing chain Uniqlo Co. and its parent Fast Retailing Co. that said Bungeishunju Ltd. hurt their reputation by publishing an article and a book alleging store managers in Japan and factory workers in China toil under harsh labor conditions .

Fast Retailing said the ruling at the Tokyo District Court is "contrary to fact and it is truly regrettable" and that the companies will consider future steps carefully.

Presiding Judge Akihiko Tsuchida acknowledged that "key sections about domestic stores are true," noting that an account given by a store manager about working more than 300 hours per month is "highly credible."

The judge also said that the publisher had reason to believe that poor conditions in Chinese plants were true based on information gathered in the country and from other sources.

Freelance journalist Masuo Yokota wrote the story for the Shukan Bunshu weekly's May 5 and May 13, 2010 editions and published the book entitled "The Glory and Disgrace of the Uniqlo Empire." Yokota wrote that the clothing chain's store managers in Japan and factory employees in China were forced to work in harsh conditions.

The publisher said, "The ruling is a just one, acknowledging that the article is correct."

October 19, 2013(Mainichi Japan)


サービス残業は「真実」 ユニクロの名誉毀損認めず、東京地裁


2013年10月20日 19時58分52秒 | Weblog


 ところで、本で問題提起していくのはいいが、Slate とか、Salon とか、動画でいうと、democracy now とか、The Young Turks とか、リベラルとか左系のひとが、一般人が無料で閲覧できる媒体でびしばし情報発信をしているが、それに相当するような媒体で、日本の左系の人も、どんどん問題提起していってもらいたいものですね。



2013年10月20日 19時09分10秒 | Weblog
2013年10月18日(金) 川口マーン惠美










あるいは、この天涯孤独の感覚はユダヤ人独特のものなのか? 今でこそイスラエルという国があるが、それまで何千年もの間、ユダヤ人はあらゆる国に属しながら、実はどこの国にも属していなかった。どこの国をも愛することはなくても、しかし、それでも民族はアイデンティティーを持ち続けることができるのか? 民族としてのアイデンティティーとは、いったい何なのだろう?












 同じと覚知するから、じゃあ、本質的な同じ要素かなにかあるか、というと、ある一族の人たちが、すべてに共通する要素はないが、どこか似ているところのある人々同士の緩やかな集まり、つまり、家族的類似性(family resemblance)があれば、同じ一族と認識されるように、類似性の連続があれば、同じと認識され、それがなければ、その民族のメンバーでないようなアイデンティティーのようなものはないんでしょうね。



I ♡ Tokyo

I ♡ Japan


Nuclear weapons are Israel's 'worst-kept secret,' says Israeli historian

2013年10月20日 18時01分17秒 | Weblog
Nuclear weapons are Israel's 'worst-kept secret,' says Israeli historian
by Tom Kutsch @tomkutsch October 18, 2013 9:19AM ET

Israel has long hewed to a policy of nuclear opacity ― known as amimut in Hebrew ― neither confirming nor denying the existence of a substantial nuclear arsenal. While the U.S. and its allies largely refrain from talking publicly about Israel’s program, Iran often cites it as an instance of what it decries as a Western double standard.

In my opinion I cannot see virtually any possibility that it could be used, including with regard to Iran.

Do you foresee any situation where Israeli policy could eventually embrace some kind of international nonproliferation agreement or regional nuclear-free option?

To be blunt, there is little true interest in Israel’s strategic community either in the NPT ― and the NPT is not an option for Israel ― or even in the idea of a nuclear-weapons-free Middle East.

My own view is that I don’t think that Iran today is after actual nuclear weapons. I think they would like to be considered a strong threshold state. I think that Iran realized some time ago that for them to be a full nuclear weapons state does not really serve their purpose.They are not ready to pay the price for that. But they are determined, as a matter of prestige, as a matter of all sorts of national images and symbolisms, to be very close, to be known as being very, very close to the bomb.

And Iran has been playing on this inherent ambiguity all along, and I think they would like to be more or less like Japan, which has a very sophisticated nuclear program, and everybody will know that they are relatively close to the bomb and to be treated in that way.










2013年10月20日 17時39分43秒 | Weblog

It is an established fact that someone with a long face is probably feeling a bit sorry for themselves - but scientists say people with wide faces are untrustworthy.
Research has shed new light on the motives of 'wide boys' who are more likely to lie and cheat than their thinner faced contemporaries.
But the study also showed that those with larger faces, such as former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and disgraced former US President Richard Nixon, were more cut-throat and therefore more likely to be successful, particularly in business or in politics.



幸せ=現実 - 期待

2013年10月20日 17時33分06秒 | Weblog
Mariko Oi | 大井真理子

Sums it up well! "Why #GenerationY are unhappy" #FirstWorldProblems 「なぜY世代(1975-89年生)は不満が多いのか」 豊かな国、時代に生まれた私たち世代の特徴? http://huff.to/1effgBE







2013年10月20日 17時17分30秒 | Weblog

Dignity’s Due by Samuel Moyn | The Nation http://j.mp/16Zk8Hg  人間の尊厳概念の歴史。カトリック教会との結びつき具合が興味深い。


Dignity’s Due
Why are philosophers invoking the notion of human dignity to revitalize theories of political ethics?

Samuel Moyn O

In Dignity, Rank, & Rights, Jeremy Waldron―perhaps the leading legal and political philosopher of our day―argues that the notion of human dignity originated in the democratization of the high social status once reserved for the well-born. “Dignity” means rank, and Waldron argues that we are the beneficiaries of a long, gradual process that he calls “leveling up.” More and more people, he says, are treated as high-status individuals, deserving of the social respect once restricted to the solemnly oiled.

. During most of that time, the concept of dignity served to elevate some people over others rather than putting them on the same level.


The historical origins of dignity in terms of social status are important to Waldron because of the recent turn to another potential source―abstract philosophy―for securing human worth. Even as dignity was slowly being recognized as existing beyond aristocrats, philosophers continued their age-old struggle to identify uniquely human properties that set us above the other animals. One philosopher, however, the German Enlightenment sage Immanuel Kant, thought about human distinction precisely in terms of dignity―namely, the priceless worth conferred on us by our freedom to choose.Kant inserted a break in the great chain of being between the rest of the animals, which are subject purely to the determination of nature’s laws, and human beings, who could (he hoped) deploy their free will to make their own rules rather than slavishly obey beastly imperatives. In a difficult argument, Kant insisted that man’s “rational nature”―our ability to set ends―makes every human life of highest value, and indeed provides the basis of all value in the world.

Further, as Waldron persuasively argues, it is not possible to derive from Kant’s idea of human dignity everything that human rights law might protect. For example, the Universal Declaration makes room for economic and social protections, but how can the notion of human dignity justify the declaration’s more specific protection of unionization rights or paid vacations? Dignity seems too abstract a notion to support such specific entitlements.

Waldron’s proposal is that the universal and egalitarian implications of Kant’s kingdom of ends can be reached indirectly by allowing the democratization of high status to continue through various legal institutions.

Kings and aristocrats relied heavily on a theological worldview, with God establishing their “divine right” to rule on earth. In fact, it is extremely doubtful that Kant’s bundle of assumptions about what gives human beings dignity can be plausibly traced to European beliefs about social status, as opposed to theological premises that he struggled to reformulate in secular terms.

the party most closely associated with claims about human dignity was neither liberal nor socialist, but rather conservative and rigid in its commitment to hierarchy: the Catholic Church.

Rosen beautifully shows, however, that the Catholic notion of dignity long bolstered the vision of a highly hierarchical society. In the confusing decade of the 1930s, when Catholic social thought profoundly informed the illiberal regimes of Austria, Spain and Portugal, “dignity” seemed to refer to man’s place in a divine order in which the high rank of humans still meant their subordination to one another―notably the subordination of women to men. The first national constitution to use human dignity in a prominent way was Ireland’s in 1937; in it, “the dignity and freedom of the individual” is linked to theological virtues, and women were told―contrary to the country’s earlier liberal constitution, which the new document repealed―to find their “place within the home.”


After 1945, Westerners generally followed the example of the Catholics in the previous decade and used the notion of human dignity to attack communism. A founding document of American Cold War politics, NSC-68, states that the point of the US campaign to contain communism was a defense of human dignity, and President Harry Truman agreed that “both religion and democracy are founded on one basic principle, the worth and dignity of the individual man and woman.”

Today, he shows, the German concept of dignity is generally secular, liberal and even Kantian in its meaning, notably in a controversial decision made after 9/11 forbidding the state from shooting down an airliner captured by terrorists. (

The 2012 Democratic Party platform referred to dignity frequently, in association with the universal human rights that liberals in the United States say are the country’s foundation, including a new emphasis on global women’s rights and global development, as well as in relation to liberal social policy like healthcare. Yet the Republican platform invoked dignity just as frequently: to inveigh against abortion and explain why it is wrong (one reason being that it offends “the dignity of women”); to insist that marriage is exclusively reserved for heterosexuals; and to support the military, warning that it must not become the site of “social experimentation.” In these usages, dignity clearly refers to a moral code above and beyond society, to which democracy must defer.



 ”尊厳”というのは、歴史的には、社会的高位な地位、階級を意味した、が、カントなんかが、動物と人間を区別するものとして、人間には、自由に選択する能力、目的を設定する能力があることから、付与された無上の価値としての尊厳を持ち出した、と。もっとも、 人間に尊厳があるからといって、直ちに組合団結の自由や、有給休暇の権利など特殊な権利が保障されるわけではない、と。









 動物の権利を推進してきたピーターシンガーの本にたしか、Expanding Circle というのがありましたが、その意味するところを咀嚼すると、友達の輪、というか、権利の輪に入る仲間を、白人男性から、白人女性、有色人、動物に拡げて行きましょう、というわけでしょうね。

中国 記者25万人に日本非難の研修

2013年10月20日 16時12分16秒 | Weblog
きょうどうつうしん 2013年10月20日(日)2時0分配信 共同通信



All Chinese journalists ordered to censor supportive stances toward Japan

2013年10月20日 12時15分35秒 | Weblog
All Chinese journalists ordered to censor supportive stances toward Japan

OCT 20, 2013

via mozu

BEIJING – China’s Communist Party has begun ordering all Chinese journalists not to take supportive stances toward Japan when writing about territorial and historical issues between the two countries, participants of a mandatory training program revealed Saturday.

Around 250,000 journalists who work for various Chinese media organizations must attend the nationwide training program to learn about such topics as Marxist views on journalism, laws and regulations and norms in news-gathering and editing, in order to get their press accreditation renewed. The unified program started in mid-October and will run through the end of this year.

It is believed to be the first time the ruling Chinese Communist Party, which tightly controls the country’s media industry, has carried out this kind of training program before renewing press credentials.

On Japan, the instructors denounced Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “right-leaning” policies and urged reporters from newspapers, news agencies, broadcasters and online media to refrain from concessionary comments regarding China’s claims over the Japan-held Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, the participants said. China claims the islets as Diaoyu.

But at the same time, they warned participants not to adopt overly belligerent positions vis-a-vis Japan.

In addition to Japan, the instructors said the United States is “trying to undermine our country” and criticized the Philippines and Vietnam, which are mired in territorial disputes with China, the participants said.

They were also told to reject democracy and human rights, as these values, the instructors said, are claimed by “the West as universal (but) are targeting China’s Communist Party.”

One group of instructors praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the Chinese government has been trying to promote images of close relations with him, according to the participants.

After taking the program, Chinese journalists are required to pass an exam, seen taking place between January and February, to obtain press cards.


2013年10月20日 09時47分21秒 | Weblog





(2013年10月20日08時44分 読売新聞)

French legend Delon 'supports' far-right

French actor Alain Delon said he supports France’s far-right party, the National Front, in an interview published in a Swiss newspaper on Wednesday. The movie star was popular in the 1960s and was once called the “male Brigitte Bardot”