Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年10月19日 23時50分52秒 | Weblog

15歳ロマの少女を学校行事中に拘束・送還、仏閣内に亀裂 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://j.mp/H9F586 @afpbbcomさんから


15歳ロマの少女を学校行事中に拘束・送還、仏閣内に亀裂 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://j.mp/H9F586 @afpbbcomさんから

mozu9 ‏@mozumozumozu 1時間

Deux tiers des Français contre le retour de Leonarda http://j.mp/1gsFvXy 世論調査によると64%が一家がフランスに戻ることに反対、ヴァルス内務大臣の支持は74%



Deserved to be thrown out because they failed to integrate ”同化しないなら出て行け!

2013年10月19日 17時03分17秒 | Weblog

Every night at eight o’clock the French police turn up, check the names of the 11 members of the family and then tell them to leave France. ‘Go back to Romania,’ say the officers. ‘You are not welcome here.’
Now, the Rostas have their final marching orders. The police have given them a deadline to pack their few miserable belongings, including the battered pushchairs of the two children, a girl called Diana, five, and a ten-month-old boy, Armando.
This weekend, the cars they live in ― a Renault, Citroen and Suzuki ― will have been towed away by the Paris authorities and the Rostas will be homeless.

‘We are frightened because we will have nowhere else to go. We came here to feed our children, to get a better life,’ says the head of the family, 58-year-old Toma, in a frayed check shirt.
In Romania, we are squashed together in a house with two rooms, no water, no heating, no toilet and no work. Now we are not wanted in France.’
Toma could not have spoken a truer word. He is one of 20,000 Eastern European gipsies or Roma (the vast majority from Romania and Bulgaria and half living in Paris) who have descended on France over the past three years, only to be met by a wave of hostility.

A firecracker has been hurled into this powder keg by French Interior Minister Manuel Valls, an immigrant from Catalonia in Spain. Valls said the forced evacuation of Roma from squatter camps was vital ― and polls showed three-quarters of the French supported him.
The gipsies, he pronounced, deserved to be thrown out of France because they failed to integrate, bringing crime and mafia-style gangs with them.

As things stand, the people of Romania and Bulgaria can spend up to 90 days at a stretch in other EU countries without needing visas.
But from January, when EU controls on their borders controversially come tumbling down, they will be allowed ‘free movement’ across Europe.
The authorities in Britain are already struggling with the numbers who have arrived and are making futile attempts to persuade them to return home.
A group of 60 East European gipsies who set up camp in Hyde Park this summer were given temporary housing, food and shelter.
Twenty received state-funded flight tickets back to Romania. But many of the 20 are back and sleeping rough again in the capital while begging on the streets.

In Germany, too, I found rising numbers of Roma arrivals provoking anger ― as well as a backlash against the gipsies.

Germany, of course, has an appalling history when it comes to the Roma. Before and during World War II, Hitler tried to wipe them out.
One chilling protocol, approved by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels in 1942, declared: ‘Gipsies are to be exterminated. The idea of extermination by work is best.’

Unable to stop this influx, in desperation Berlin has introduced an ‘integration plan’.
Of the 65 schools in Neukolln, nearly half have ‘welcome classes’ for Roma gipsy children where German is taught before they enter the main schools.

It is a multi-cultural place: there is a famous flea market and the streets are full of African migrants from the former French colonies who arrived as cheap-to-pay workers in the capital half a century ago.
It is the sort of area in which you would think the Rostas might feel at home.
Yet even the settled migrants have spat at the Rostas in the streets.
I watched in horror as one African drove by fast in his car, swerving to try to knock Victor and Alin off their bicycles and into the gutter.
‘Everyone hates us gipsy people here in Paris, just like they hate us in the rest of Europe,’ said Victor to me sadly afterwards.




Kick a ginger kid day

2013年10月19日 16時56分25秒 | Weblog
Schoolchildren beaten up after classmates organise 'kick a ginger kid day' inspired by South Park
Ginger youngsters targeted in unofficial day organised by other students
Pupils at the 850-student Wingfield Academy have been 'reprimanded'
Idea is believed to have stemmed from an episode of South Park
PUBLISHED: 10:03 GMT, 18 October 2013 | UPDATED: 12:19 GMT, 18 October 2013




Girl beats up and spits on 80 year old Sikh man in London

2013年10月19日 16時49分09秒 | Weblog

Girl beats up and spits on 80 year old Sikh man in London


Daily Mail

Teenager admits she punched Sikh pensioner, 80, to the ground and spat in his face in brutal attack
Coral Millerchip, 19, was filmed attacking Joginder Singh, 80, in Coventry
Mobile phone footage showed her punching the dementia sufferer to ground
She admitted assault causing actual bodily harm at Warwick Crown Court
The teenager was remanded into custody awaiting sentencing
PUBLISHED: 17:03 GMT, 18 October 2013 | UPDATED: 20:20 GMT, 18 October 2013




”【朝日新聞】同化求めるのも差別 無意識の態度、ヘイトスピーチ助長”

2013年10月19日 15時40分26秒 | Weblog
同化求めるのも差別 無意識の態度、ヘイトスピーチ助長






それはどうかな? まず、論者は、「同化」という語で、欧米語の何をあてているのか?

Assimilationが一方通行、 Integration が双方向の融合みたいな感じで使われているのを読んだことがあるが、もっとも、Assimilationでも、双方向の統合みたいな意味でつかわれることもあるし、逆にintegration でも一方通行の意味で使われる場合もある。

ただ、前提となっているIdentity politics がもう古いものになりつつある。










なんていうか、空想の論敵を攻撃するStraw man fallacy であるが、いいたいことは、例えば、同性愛者や異性の服を着るのが好きな人たち、あるいは、東北弁、英語アクセントの話し方が東京弁と異なる人々など、多数強者の人々と嗜好やありかた、行動の仕方が多少、異なるからといって、少数弱者を多数強者の型にはめようと強制してはいけない、ということであろう。





 他方、強制が許されるとは、仮に出身国では、公にポコチンをだすことがゆるされていたとしても、日本の公的な場所では、他の日本人と同じようにポコチンを隠すことを強制するとか、出身国では、良かったとしても、いいなずけと結婚することを強制していはいけない、ことを強制するとか、私的な個人間で何語を話してもいいが、公の議論の場や文書では日本語を強制するとか、である。 私的な活動でも、例えばの話、JapanTimesという新聞社はおれが日本語で投書しても、採用せず、英語で書く事を強制するがだからと言って、レイシストとは言えないだろう。




更新 Deserved to be thrown out because they failed to integrate ”同化しないなら出て行け!


2013年10月19日 15時09分52秒 | Weblog
親密・日米に韓国イラ立ち ソウル・黒田勝弘
2013.10.19 10:03 (2/3ページ)




米 エジプト軍事クーデーター後も軍用装備の提供継続

2013年10月19日 14時45分46秒 | Weblog
Democracy Now
U.S. Weapons and Arms Parts Continued to Flow to Egypt After June Coup & Deadly Crackdown

we found that what actually matters is the transfer of spare parts and maintenance contracts. And that is continuing. That has not stopped. Egypt already has a surplus of these large military systems. What was announced last week by the administration was a temporary delay in the delivery of large weapons systems, which include F-16s, M1A1 tanks, Apache helicopters, Harpoon missile systems. Egypt’s military already has a surplus of this. It has the fourth-largest amount of F-16s in the world. And when we spoke to Egyptian generals, retired Egyptian generals in Egypt, as well as defense analysts here in the U.S., what became clear is that they don’t need these―you know, these kind of large weapons systems for what―for anything they’re confronting right now. It’s also interesting that the U.S. military has been trying to push for Egypt to kind of switch from these large military systems to lighter systems designed for counterterrorism, for border surveillance, for use in the Sinai. And all of that support will continue as before.

What will also continue is the funds for military training. You know, every year, Egyptian officers and generals come to the U.S. to be trained in American war colleges. One of those generals was today Egypt’s strongman; General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 2006. This exchange program will continue. And from what, you know, major generals in the American military and the Egyptian military told us, this is a key part of the relationship. It creates lasting friendships between the two militaries.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And also, you found that even as the Obama administration was announcing these cuts, huge shipments were on their way to Egypt.

ANJALI KAMAT: Right. I mean, what we found is that―so there was a military coup in Egypt on July 3rd. Under U.S. law, the U.S. is required to suspend military aid to a country if there’s a determination that there’s been a military coup there. The U.S. has declined to make this determination so far. What we found―and this is on the Department of Defense website―is that after July 3rd, in the three months after the coup before this latest announcement, the Pentagon continued to award defense contracts to large defense corporations for equipment headed to Egypt.

What will also continue is the funds for military training. You know, every year, Egyptian officers and generals come to the U.S. to be trained in American war colleges. One of those generals was today Egypt’s strongman; General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 2006. This exchange program will continue

ANJALI KAMAT: Yeah, that’s right. I mean, this is something that I think a lot of people don’t realize, is that, you know, since Egypt signed the peace accords with Israel, Camp David, 1979, there’s been a steady flow of U.S. military aid to Egypt. Since 1987, that’s averaged to about $1.3 billion a year in military aid. All of this aid stays in the United States. It never actually makes it to Egypt. What happens is that Egypt can draw on this money, or has been able to traditionally draw on this money, to purchase American-made equipment.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: It’s deposited in a bank in New York?

Alajazeera America

In US military aid to Egypt, business as usual
October 11, 2013 3:30PM ET

E xclusive data show that a steady stream of American military equipment continued to flow after the military coup
Topics: International Egypt in Turmoil
by Anjali Kamat and Nicole Salazar




2013年10月19日 10時46分53秒 | Weblog
Disturbing video shows Chinese mother whipping her daughter in public catches her skipping school

Daily Mail

Disturbing video shows Chinese mother whipping her daughter in public after she catches her skipping school
PUBLISHED: 20:00 GMT, 17 October 2013 | UPDATED: 12:09 GMT, 18 October 2013

台湾 娘が学校をサボっていたのを見つけて、路上で、鞭打ち


Vivian Vosburg arrested, charged with child abuse, neglect


Mom of Accused Teen Cyber Bully Arrested on Child Abuse Charges
Oct. 18, 2013

アメリカ 被害者が自殺するまでいじめたいじめっ子の母親が児童虐待ーーこどもをボコボコ


Vivian Vosburg, 30, of Lakeland, Fla., is charged with two counts of child abuse with bodily harm, and four counts of child neglect with great harm, according to the office of Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.






三枝 有

これらの禁止行為を行った場合について, 児童虐待防止法では具体的な刑罰規定をおいていないため処罰されることはない。 実際の虐待行為については, 刑法上の犯罪に該当する場合についてのみ刑法の各規定により処罰されることになる


しかし, 現実に刑事司法機関が児童虐待を刑法上の犯罪として取り扱い, 虐待行為者の刑事責任を追及す
るケースは, 実際の虐待行為に比較して極めて少数である



刑法により児童虐待行為を積極的に処罰することで, 社会悪としての烙印を明確に押しつけていく必要がある。 それは, 刑罰規定化による新たなる規範意識の形成である





2013年10月19日 10時03分16秒 | Weblog



You may have heard my story, thanks to Anonymous who trended #justice4daisy.




 * 慰安婦関連の記事や本を読めばすぐわかる。


2013年10月19日 07時05分05秒 | Weblog

Typical German: Professional vs. Personal

Why the Germans can't help being rude: Historic divisions mean they are used to being surrounded by enemies
Germans like 'stability and structure' because of nation's fractured past
Respected German institute produce video showing the difference between them and their foreign counterparts
PUBLISHED: 04:40 GMT, 18 October 2013 | UPDATED: 12:20 GMT, 18 October 2013

As the old stereotype goes, German people are always first to bag the sun loungers, and always last to say thank you.
The Goethe Institute, which is Germany's equivalent of The British Council, claims that a number of factors could explain away the stereotype.
Famed for their punctuality, they also have a reputation for getting straight to the point - which can be perceived as rude by the British.




