Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

罰金 支払い遅滞→手錠→裸→拘留

2013年10月28日 18時29分40秒 | Weblog
Texas woman strip-searched and put to jail for overdue ticket
Published time: October 25, 2013 17:51 Get short URL

Texas woman strip searched, tossed in jail for not paying ticket within 60 days
Sarah Boaz said she was cuffed outside her house by a Richland Hills City Marshal who told her a warrant was issued for her arrest after she failed to pay an August traffic ticket. Boaz admitted she lost the ticket, but expected to pay only a late fine.

Comments (37)

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2013, 11:36 AM



(police brutality)


2013年10月28日 18時22分35秒 | Weblog



Wednesday, October 16, 2013





農水省 岩盤規制

2013年10月28日 18時17分20秒 | Weblog










2分おきに性的暴行 Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted   

2013年10月28日 18時10分08秒 | Weblog


About Victims

44% of victims are under age 18
80% are under age 30
Learn more victim statistics

Sexual Assault Numbers

Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted
There is an average of 207,754 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year
Read more sexual assault numbers

Reporting to Police

54% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police
97% of rapists will never spend a day in jail
Learn more reporting statistics

About Rapists

Approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim
38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance

 2分毎に性的被害があが、54%の被害が通報されることもなく、また、97%の強姦犯は、収監されることもないのだそうです。 アメリカ



Shouganaiーーー五日おきに銃乱射事件 There's a mass shooting in America every five days

2013年10月28日 18時00分28秒 | Weblog
Fight the NRA: 28,117 gun deaths since Sandy Hook must be remembered
There's a mass shooting in America every five days. Why do we lack the courage to do something about it?

As of this week, estimates are that 28,177 Americans have died of gun violence since the Newtown, Conn. school shootings.

That’s 90 people every single day.

This includes a 2-year-old who, last weekend, fatally shot herself with a loaded .22-caliber pistol she found in her family’s living room. And it includes the 12-year-old who earlier this week opened fire at his middle school in Nevada and the teacher he killed in the shooting.

It includes, frankly, 28,177 more people than it should. And most of those 28,177 people don’t even register on our public radar as we become disgustingly numbed to the everyday prevalence of gun violence in our communities.

We don’t know all the solutions to gun violence and violence in general. But not having the perfect answer doesn’t mean we should do nothing at all ― and we know some very simple and, not incidentally, very popular measures that we could take to curb gun violence.

Almost 9 in 10 Americans support universal background checks for gun sales ― which is also supported by 75 percent of actual NRA members. Seventy percent of Americans support bans on military-style semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. Even a strong majority of NRA members think that people with certain types of recent criminal charges should not be able to buy guns and that illegally selling guns should carry a minimum two year prison sentence.


 アメリカ人の Shouganai 精神なのでしょうかね?


Which is worse----they stare at you like uppity foreigner or they refused to look at you ?

2013年10月28日 17時43分18秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, OCT 28, 2013 03:00 AM +0900
My Confederate town
Civil War-era politics still dominate Front Royal, Va. -- and I feel their hostility every time I walk out my door

At the last party, many of them refused even to acknowledge us the entire time. I recognized one young woman as the clerk behind the counter the one time I took Maggie to the local ice cream shop. It was one of the situations where I open the front door of a place, everyone’s smiling and laughing until they take a look at me, standing in the entrance looking, to them, like an uppity foreigner, an illegal alien, or maybe even a terrorist. Whatever it was they saw in Maggie and me, it made them turn completely silent

Sometimes it’s hard to decide which is worse―when they refuse to look at you because they don’t want to acknowledge your existence, your presence, in what they believe is a world that should belong only to them; or when they do look at you, and look at you with the purpose of sending the message that you don’t belong here and that you’re an intruder who better watch his fucking step. One might think, at first, that invisibility is always preferable, because it precludes the possibility that acts of violence may be taken against you.

But there’s a part of me that prefers for them to see me, even if it’s just to glare at me, to give me the look that says You ain’t one of us, motherfucker. Because even though there’s real danger here―these are people who believe in their guns and who think violence is a good thing―there’s something less existentially distressing in being threatened than in being invisible, which just occurred again to me recently.


Julien and I stood before the vendor’s table as the white-haired woman introduced me to the vendor, a slightly younger woman. “This is Jose Padua,” the white-haired woman said. “He’s a local poet.” Then she introduced the vendor to me saying, “This is Celia – she’s one of those organic farmers.” The entire time the white-haired woman tried to introduce us, Celia, the vendor, never once looked at me.


After a moment, she finally lifted her hand in greeting. I lifted my hand in turn and said, “Hello.” She wasn’t waving at me though, but at a woman on the grass outside the stall behind me. I was standing in front of her, yet the vendor hurried this other person in and started helping her. I remained there before Celia, the vendor, and she continued to blatantly – dare I say, even aggressively – ignore me. The white-haired lady turned silent. A puzzled, embarrassed look came over her face. I turned Julien’s stroller around and headed straight out of the farmer’s market.

This happens in one way or another any time I go out here in my town, with its vestiges of the old South. It’s why, sometimes, I choose not to go out.





He viciously beat two men who were speaking Hebrew. ”Speak English”

2013年10月28日 17時37分47秒 | Weblog
Wisconsin man brutally attacks Hebrew speakers for speaking ‘Spanish’

By Scott Kaufman
Sunday, October 27, 2013 14:30 EDT

A Janesville, Wisconsin man was arrested early this morning after he viciously beat two men who were speaking Hebrew.

At approximately 2:19 a.m. Saturday morning, Dylan T. Grall overheard two men on the street speaking Hebrew. He confronted them, demanding they speak English.

Witnesses say Grall then proceeded to hit both men in the face, dropping one to the ground and leaving the other with an eye swollen shut. Grall denied hitting the men, but admitted to police he confronted them because he believed they were speaking Spanish.

He has been charged with two counts of battery with a hate crime enhancer.



(Speak English)


2013年10月28日 17時16分32秒 | Weblog
2013年10月28日 (月)

きょう(10/28)のクロ現は「ひきこもりを地域の力に ~秋田・藤里町の挑戦~」です。








