Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”Kill everyone in China”

2013年10月24日 08時03分35秒 | Weblog
Jimmy Kimmel proves white kids start being racist jerks at around age six
MikeMike 13 hours ago

Without getting into our personal opinions of ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel (ahem, Conan is better, ahem), he’s had a string of pretty successful viral videos featuring kids and their crazy antics.

So, sensing more comedy gold, Jimmy dressed a bunch of kids up like politicians and asked them their thoughts about US current events, hoping for some adorable responses. After some initial cuteness, Jimmy asked how the kids thought America should take care of its debt to China, which is where the fun stopped for most of us, because one kid blurted out a disturbing proposal for solving the problem: kill everyone in China.

Y! 【社会ニュース】 2013/10/22(火) 19:28



