Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年10月21日 12時37分14秒 | Weblog
The rise of 'motherism': Stay-at-home mothers face prejudice assuming they are lazy, stupid and unattractive, expert warns
Academic says 'motherism' is prejudice unspoken but highly damaging
Dr Aric Sigman: It should be treated as seriously as racism and sexism
Says mothers provide 'unrivalled benefits' to children that others can't

PUBLISHED: 18:55 GMT, 20 October 2013 | UPDATED: 19:01 GMT, 20 October 2013

Dr Sigman said: ‘You should take on “motherism” - the prejudice against stay-at-home mothers - a prejudice that expresses itself in derogatory clichés like: “You gain a baby and lose a brain” and comments that refer to “schoolgate mother mentality”, or to being “willingly self-lobotomised”.
Concerns: Dr Aric Sigman attacked the clichés which shape derogatory attitudes towards women at home
Concerns: Dr Aric Sigman attacked the clichés which shape derogatory attitudes towards women at home
‘The implication is that by being a full-time mother you are “subjugated and servile” and even sexually unattractive once you are a mother - a quality only associated with women who return to work with their high heels and clipboards.’

Lifestyle choice! Why do you so insult stay at home mums like me, George?
PUBLISHED: 21:15 GMT, 6 August 2013 | UPDATED: 23:02 GMT, 7 August 2013

For heaven's sake, Mr Osborne, stop undermining full-time mothers
By Jake Wallis Simons Politics Last updated: August 6th, 2013

Half sadness, half outrage. There should be a name for that emotion. Whatever it is, I felt it upon learning that the Chancellor, George Osborne, thinks that becoming a "stay-at-home mother" is a "lifestyle choice" which should not be rewarded by the Government.




白人女性失踪症候群 Missing white woman syndrome

2013年10月21日 09時31分00秒 | Weblog

ギリシャのジプシー村で見つかった誘拐されたブロンド白人少女のニュースは英米のメディアで大々的に報道されているが、他国の誘拐事件がこれほど、大きく扱われるのは、やはり、Missing white woman syndromeの症状といってよいのではなかろうか?



先進国 英の”老人にとっとと死んでもらって”国民保険の負担を減らす方法

2013年10月21日 09時06分37秒 | Weblog



UK doctors given bonuses for placing patients on ‘death lists’ - report
Published time: October 20, 2013 17:30
Edited time: October 20, 2013 19:31

General practitioners in England have been receiving £50 bonuses for placing patients on controversial ‘death lists’ in order to reduce the number of occupied hospital beds. The move is yet another tactic aimed at cutting NHS costs, UK media reported.

Each death which occurs outside an NHS hospital has been calculated to save the health system some £1,000 ($1,600) in England. On average, deaths which occur inside NHS hospitals cost the service around £3,065 (just under $5000), while those elsewhere cost £2,107 (around $3,400).

Doctors have been given bonuses for drawing up ‘end-of-life advanced care plans’ for patients they predict will die within a year.

The payments in question apparently have the intention of keeping NHS costs as low as possible.

Revealed: How GPs are paid £50 bonus to put elderly on 'death lists'
GPs paid to draw up 'end-of-life advanced care plans'
Documents seen by Mail on Sunday say 'key objective' is 'reducing healthcare costs'
Every death outside of hospital saves the NHS almost £1,000
PUBLISHED: 22:23 GMT, 19 October 2013 | UPDATED: 22:23 GMT, 19 October 2013

GPs have been paid bonuses to put elderly patients on controversial ‘death lists’ in an attempt to save the NHS money by cutting the number of people who die in hospital.
They have been given £50 a time to draw up ‘end-of-life advanced care plans’ for patients they predict will pass away within a year.
The payments are designed to encourage doctors to start talking about death with elderly and seriously ill patients and to keep a record of where, ideally, they would like to die.
Those behind the ‘yellow folder’ scheme – so named as that is where the care plan forms are kept – insist its main aim is to give patients a better death.

But critics say it was designed to save money and could result in people being denied treatment or help. According to documents seen by The Mail on Sunday, a ‘key objective’ of the project, trialled in eastern England, has been ‘to shift the place of death’ away from hospitals so ‘reducing .  .  . healthcare costs’.
Every death that takes place outside of hospital saves the NHS almost £1,000, official calculations show. Average hospital deaths in England costs the NHS £3,065 but those elsewhere cost only £2,107.

Our latest report comes three months after The Mail on Sunday revealed ambulance crews can refuse to take extremely ill people to hospital if they have stated on their care plan they want to die at home.
Dr Gillian Craig, a retired geriatrician, questioned why GPs were being offered an extra payment for having a difficult conversation.

‘Why should a GP be paid for this conversation, as opposed to any other?’ she said. ‘I feel doctors are paid very well and there should be no extra payments. Anything else is open to abuse and misuse.’
She also feared that patients signing up to die in their own home may unwittingly be ‘closing the door on potentially life-saving hospital treatment’. She explained: ‘A doctor may not realise that, while the person appears to be dying, they actually have a reversible condition.’




麻生発言 ”保障費削減するため、年よりはとっとと死んでくれ”?

Tennessee couple accused of selling daughters as young as 6 years old to pornographers

2013年10月21日 08時59分38秒 | Weblog
Tennessee couple accused of selling daughters as young as 6 years old to pornographers
By Scott Kaufman
Sunday, October 20, 2013 14:21 EDT



Reflecting the rising popularity of the anti-immigrant

2013年10月21日 02時30分58秒 | Weblog
フランス“極右”支持率トップに イメージ転換奏功、地方選勝利
2013.10.20 23:17 (1/2ページ)


France far-right National Front candidate Laurent Lopez wins competitive by-election

France's far-right National Front Party has won a local by-election. The result reflects the rising popularity of the anti-immigrant, anti-EU party ahead of next year's municipal and European elections.


Local election victory for Marine Le Pen's National Front raises fears on both left and right
Mainstream groups concerned that National Front could gain more regional council seats

ファクラー賞 ファクラー記念日

2013年10月21日 01時33分23秒 | Weblog
Peter Durfee ‏@Durf 8時間

Today is the 6th anniversary of this high point in media coverage of Japan. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/20/world/asia/20japan.html?_r=0 …




2013年10月21日 01時15分29秒 | Weblog

Walter Russell Mead

Japan's sexy sailor contest is boosting the military's popularity. Old taboos are ending...Mishima would be proud. http://ow.ly/pZvfB






But in Japan, very militaristic, muscular young men are exercising below the banner of the Rising Sun, attractive helicopter pilots are scanning the seas for intruding ships, schoolgirls are driving tanks in an anime show popular among young people… Mishima would approve.
