Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”Walter White’s sickness mirrors America ”  他

2013年10月01日 20時26分27秒 | Weblog

TUESDAY, OCT 1, 2013 08:00 AM +0900
Fired for doing porn: The new employment discrimination
Adult performers who get work elsewhere can be fired if their past comes out -- and there's no legal recourse

When Gauge retired from the adult industry in 2005, she had big plans for her post-porn career. A 4-foot-11 Arkansas native best known her signature move ― receiving anal sex while doing a handstand ― Gauge abruptly left the industry after shooting more than 140 films, due to a contract dispute with her management company. Although she enjoyed her four-year stint in front of the camera, she wanted to take time off to prove to herself that she could succeed in other avenues. “Some girls enter the business without a long-term plan, or maybe they think they can’t do anything else,” she says. “I was never like that. I always thought I could do anything.”

After a few years of saving money through feature dancing, Gauge went to school to get her certification as a surgical tech, reaching the top of her class and logging double her required hours in the process. Then an anesthesia tech recognized her, and word spread through the hospital staff that a porn star was among their ranks. “Everybody wanted me in their room, but they started treating me like shit,” Gauge says. “They made me feel like I was contaminating everything.” By the time she was set to graduate, no one at the hospital would sign off on her required hours.

Thanks to the widespread availability of porn clips on streaming websites like PornTube and Tube8, it’s become increasingly difficult for former adult stars to conceal their past from their employers. Stacie Halas, an Oxnard, Calif., middle school teacher who went by the professional name of Tiffany Six, is the most recent example of this phenomenon. A science teacher at Haydock Intermediate School, Halas was fired after students found one of her videos on the Internet. When she fought her termination in court, her appeal was denied by a three-judge panel, one of whom wrote in a 46-page statement that “the ongoing availability of her pornographic materials on the Internet will continue to impede [Halas] from being an effective teacher and respected colleague.”

Unfortunately, employee discrimination cases involving sex workers are usually “very, very difficult to win,” says adult entertainment lawyer Michael Fattorosi. Under current discrimination laws, there are no protections for former sex workers, and firing someone for their porn past is “not like saying we’re letting you go because you’re black or Jewish or you wear a turban. Those things are not a result of a life choice you make, and being a sex worker is.” An employee who, like Halas, failed to disclose a porn past on his or her résumé would be compromised even further; the employer could argue that the employee had been hired under false pretenses, leading the court to side in their favor.




SUNDAY, SEP 29, 2013 01:00 AM +0900
Walter White’s sickness mirrors America
"Breaking Bad" strikes such a nerve because Walt's ills of body and soul are also those of our country

日本では、「あまちゃん」やら、「半沢直樹」が話題になったように、アメリカではブレイキング・バッド Breaking badというドラマが話題なようである。


The most obvious way to see that is to look at how Walter White’s move into the drug trade was first prompted, in part, by his family’s fear that he would die prematurely for lack of adequate health care. It is the kind of fear most people in the industrialized world have no personal connection to ― but that many American television watchers no doubt do. That’s because unlike other countries, Walter White’s country is exceptional for being a place where 45,000 deaths a year are related to a lack of comprehensive health insurance coverage. That’s about ten 9/11′s worth of death each year because of our exceptional position as the only industrialized nation without a universal public health care system (and, sadly, Obamacare will not fix that).

Walter’s fear of bankrupting his family is also familiar. The kind of medical bills Walter faced are hardly rare in America ― they are, in fact, the country’s single largest cause of bankruptcy. And again, this makes America exceptional because, alas, medical bankruptcies basically do not exist in the rest of the industrialized world.

He is the personification of the whole theory that America’s exceptional form of safety-net-free capitalism ― and the desperation it breeds ― truly does breed innovation and entrepreneurship.

So what sets him apart and makes his story so representative of this moment’s zeitgeist? The answer is his total embrace of the most pernicious aspects of the American Dream mythology.

Walter still chooses what he calls “the empire business” in an effort to live out the dominant mythology. More specifically, he rejects his friends’ offer of help and embarks on a flamboyant journey to live out the archetypal up-from-the-bootstraps story ― the American Dream narrative on which our society bases its very definition of manhood. In the process, he also tries to live out the Aggrieved American White Guy Fantasy of thwarting his dark-skinned foreign competitors and claiming a market that he believes to be rightfully his.

SUNDAY, SEP 22, 2013 08:00 PM +0900
“Breaking Bad’s” racial politics: Walter White, angry white man
Walter's brutal meltdown shows genius way "Breaking Bad" deals with white privilege, and men who can't get enough

It’s once viewers consider just how wide-ranging and epic Walter’s anger is that one of its true sources emerges: This is the voice of white male privilege, the angry, unfiltered sense that one is owed something and has had it taken away. Never mind that Walter built an empire worth $80 million. He always wanted more―respect or fear or worship―and he never got it.



Ronald Reagan’s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness
As president and governor of California, the GOP icon led the worst policies on mental illness in generations

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism.

California was the first state to witness not only an increase in homelessness associated with deinstitutionalization but also an increase in incarceration and episodes of violence.

By the mid-1970s, studies in some states suggested that about 5% of jail inmates were seriously mentally ill. A study of five California county jails reported that 6.7% of the inmates were psychotic. A study of the Denver County Jail reported that 5% of prisoners had a “functional psychosis.” Such figures contrasted with studies from the 1930s that had reported less than 2% of jail inmates as being seriously mentally ill. In 1973 the jail in Santa Clara County, which included San Jose, “created a special ward…to house just the individuals who have such a mental condition”; this was apparently the first county jail to create a special mental illness unit.

Given the increasing number of seriously mentally ill individuals living in the community in California by the mid-1970s, it is not surprising to find that they were impacting the tasks of police officers. A study of 301 patients discharged from Napa State Hospital between 1972 and 1975 found that 41% of them had been arrested. According to the study, “patients who entered the hospital without a criminal record were subsequently arrested about three times as often as the average citizen.” Significantly, the majority of these patients had received no aftercare following their hospital discharge. By this time, police in other states were also beginning to feel the burden of the discharged, but often untreated, mentally ill individuals. In suburban Philadelphia, for example, “mental-illness-related incidents increased 227.6% from 1975 to 1979, whereas felonies increased only 5.6%.”

Of all the omens of deinstitutionalization’s failure on exhibit in 1970s California, the most frightening were homicides and other episodes of violence committed by mentally ill individuals who were not being treated.

1970: John Frazier, responding to the voice of God, killed a prominent surgeon and his wife, two young sons, and secretary. Frazier’s mother and wife had sought unsuccessfully to have him hospitalized.
1972: Herbert Mullin, responding to auditory hallucinations, killed 13 people over 3 months. He had been hospitalized three times but released without further treatment.
1973: Charles Soper killed his wife, three children, and himself 2 weeks after having been discharged from a state hospital.
1973: Edmund Kemper killed his mother and her friend and was charged with killing six others. Eight years earlier, he had killed his grandparents because “he tired of their company,” but at age 21 years had been released from the state hospital without further treatment.
1977: Edward Allaway, believing that people were trying to hurt him, killed seven people at Cal State Fullerton. Five years earlier, he had been hospitalized for paranoid schizophrenia but released without further treatment.

Abuse of mentally ill persons in board-and-care homes also periodically surfaced at this time:

1982: “Nine ragged, emaciated adults” were found in an unlicensed home for mentally ill individuals in Jackson, Mississippi. They were living in a 10-by-10 foot building with “no toilet or running water, only a plastic bucket to collect body wastes. A hose and faucet outside the building were used for washing. There were two mattresses on the concrete floor and a single cot in the room.” There were also “two vicious dogs chained outside the room.”
1984: Seven “former patients” died in a fire in a “rooming house” in Worcester, Massachusetts. “The report released this week said officials of Worcester State Hospital who referred the former patients to the rooming house had been warned by community health workers that the privately owned house was not safe.”

Despite the claims of homeless advocates, media attention directed to homeless persons made it increasingly clear that many of them were, in fact, seriously mentally ill

By the mid-1980s, a consensus had emerged that the total number of homeless persons was increasing. The possible reasons for this increase became a political football, but the failure of the mental health system was one option widely discussed. A 1985 report from Los Angeles estimated that 30% to 50% of homeless persons were seriously mentally ill and were being seen in “ever increasing numbers.” The study concluded that this was “in part the product of the deinstitutionalization movement….The ‘Streets’ have become ‘The Asylums’ of the 80s.”

In Contra Costa County, California, all 71 homicides committed between 1978 and 1980 were examined. Seven of the 71 homicides were found to have been done by individuals with schizophrenia, all of whom had been previously hospitalized at some point before the crime. The 10% rate was also consistent with the findings of another small study in Albany County, New York. Therefore, by the late 1980s, it appeared that violent acts committed by untreated mentally ill persons was one of the consequences of the deinstitutionalization movement, and the problem appeared to be a growing one.



2013年10月01日 19時17分40秒 | Weblog

「老人福祉世界ランク」 韓国は91カ国中67位






Sweden ranks best at caring for pensioners
Published: 1 Oct 2013 10:00 CET

The Local reported last year that foreign-born Swedes who move here after their 35th birthday risk lagging behind socio-economically once they retire. "Because foreign-born persons have lower pensions, they are in need of housing support for pensioners and maintenance support for the elderly," the Statistics Sweden (Statistiska centralbyrån) report authors noted in December of last year.

Anglo-Swedish pensioner Christine McNab, who has lived in Sweden since the 1970s and recently turned 65, explained that reforms to the pension system make it harder for immigrants to earn a full pension.

"If you move here as an adult in your thirties, even if you start working full-time quite quickly, you'll never end up with enough for a full pension," she told The Local.



Global AgeWatch rank
out of 91
Global AgeWatch value
Shows how near a country is to the ideal value of 100.
Total population
23.1 million
Population over 60
4.5 million
% of population over 60


Global AgeWatch rank
out of 91
Global AgeWatch value
Shows how near a country is to the ideal value of 100.
Total population
34.8 million
Population over 60
7.2 million
% of population over 60


Global AgeWatch rank
out of 91
Global AgeWatch value
Shows how near a country is to the ideal value of 100.
Total population
127.2 million
Population over 60
40.0 million
% of population over 60

Republic of Korea

Global AgeWatch rank
out of 91
Global AgeWatch value
Shows how near a country is to the ideal value of 100.
Total population
49.0 million
Population over 60
8.1 million
% of population over 60

United Kindom

Global AgeWatch rank
out of 91
Global AgeWatch value
Shows how near a country is to the ideal value of 100.
Total population
62.8 million
Population over 60
14.4 million
% of population over 60

United of States of America

Global AgeWatch rank
out of 91
Global AgeWatch value
Shows how near a country is to the ideal value of 100.
Total population
317.5 million
Population over 60
60.4 million
% of population over 60


2013年10月01日 17時27分26秒 | Weblog
ヘーゲル米国防長官 韓国関係ニュース

Hagel: US Will Not Cut Forces in Korea

September 30, 2013

PANMUNJOM ― U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel toured the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on Monday, at times under the watchful eye of North Korean soldiers, and said the Pentagon had no plan to reduce its 28,500-member force in the South despite budget constraints.

This is probably the only place in the world where we have always a risk of confrontation,” Hagel said


Readout of Secretary Hagel's Meeting with the President of the Republic of Korea

Pentagon Press Secretary George Little provided the following readout:

"This afternoon in Seoul, Secretary Hagel met with the President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye at the Blue House.

"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command Adm. Sam Locklear, and Commander of U.S. Forces Korea/United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command Gen. JD Thurman also attended the meeting.

"Secretary Hagel thanked President Park for her strong commitment to the U.S.-Republic of Korea alliance and, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the mutual defense treaty, Secretary Hagel expressed the unwavering commitment of the United States to the defense of South Korea.

"He pledged to work closely with the Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense to continue to strengthen this alliance, which is a linchpin of security in Northeast Asia.

"They also discussed the latest assessment of the threat from North Korea, and steps ROK and U.S. forces are taking to more effectively respond together to provocations of any kind.

"Finally, Secretary Hagel commended the regular tri-lateral security cooperation with Japan to counter the North Korean threat. Secretary Hagel highlighted the importance the United States places on this type of cooperation."


仮想敵は日本 韓国軍が狂わせる日米韓の歯車
2013年06月21日(Fri)  勝股秀通 (読売新聞調査研究本部主任研究員)






Caribbean states seek slavery reparations from Europe

2013年10月01日 17時04分50秒 | Weblog
Caribbean states seek slavery reparations from Europe

Today @ 09:27

Caricom has now hired British human rights law firm Leigh Day to prepare the legal challenge with the International Court of Justice based in the Hague.

Leigh Day has already successfully fought for compensation for hundreds of Kenyans tortured by the British in the so-called Mau Mau rebellion in 1952-1960.

Some of the 14 nations, such as Jamaica and Antigua-Barbuda, have already tried to seek compensation on their own.

But earlier this year, all 14 Caricom nations decided to back a joint effort and focus on Britain, France and the Netherlands to pay for their role in the Atlantic slave trade.

A compensation figure has not been floated yet, but it could be to the tune of several hundred billion euros.

 カリブ諸国がイギリス フランス オランダなどに、奴隷制度の補償を求めるかも、と。




2013年10月01日 12時51分21秒 | Weblog

Daily Beast
The Fukushima Generation: New Data on Birth Defects in Post-Meltdown Japan
Sep 26, 2013 6:43 AM EDT
Jake Adelestin


Lets get all fookooing excited about some vague data trend!
Posted by Ken Y-N on September 29, 2013



2013年10月01日 12時33分27秒 | Weblog












(2013年10月1日10時08分 読売新聞)



11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up 作り話であってほしい児童への懲罰 

2013年10月01日 07時21分39秒 | Weblog

11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Detention is so 20th century. Instead of report cards, some schools are doling out criminal records.
posted on September 27, 2013 at 2:01pm EDT

1. A 5-year-old student from Pennsylvania was suspended for a Hello Kitty bubble gun that school officials called a “terrorist threat.”
11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Via img.pandawhale.com
2. A 16-year-old California student had her wrist broken by school security and was arrested over “spilled cake.”

Via youtube.com
3. A 12-year-old student in Texas was charged with a misdemeanor for spraying herself with perfume and “disrupting class.”
11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Via tumblr.com
4. A 16-year-old student in Florida was arrested and expelled for an explosive ‘science experiment’ on school grounds.

youtube.com / Via YouTube
5. A student in New York was told to lick his desk after doodling on it.
11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Via dc591.4shared.com
6. A 13-year-old New Mexican student with autism was arrested for burping in class.

youtube.com / Via YouTube
7. Students of color in Utah were targeted in a “gang sweep.” They were detained, interrogated, and falsely accused of participating in “gang activity.”
11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Via reactiongifs.com
An American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit is pending.
8. A 7-year-old in Maryland was suspended for shaping his pop tart into a gun.
11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Via i.imgur.com
9. A third grader in North Carolina was strip-searched after his teacher suspected he stole something.

Via youtube.com
10. A 15-year-old student in Wisconsin was handcuffed in front of his entire school, arrested, and charged for ‘stealing’ $2.60 worth of chicken nuggets from the school cafeteria ― he said a friend gave him the nuggets.
11 Students Whose Punishments We Wish Were Made Up
Via tumblr.com
11. A 14-year-old student in Michigan was handcuffed and expelled from school for a very minor incident. Now he’s under house arrest.



仕事を辞めるとき ”Journalism is Dead (To Me). ”

2013年10月01日 06時54分32秒 | Weblog

An Interpretive Dance For My Boss Set To Kanye West's Gone

公開日: 2013/09/28
I work for an awesome company that makes news videos. I have put my entire life into this job, but my boss only cares about quantity, how fast we write and how many views each video gets.

I believe it's more important to focus on the quality of the content. When you learn to improve this, the views will come. Here is a little video I made explaining my feelings.

Wanna deal with me? Hit me up: www.marinavshifrin.com


Video editor quits her job by filming herself dancing around boss's office at 4am and posting it on YouTube
Marina Schifrin made video in office at 4.30am to Kanye West's Gone
Since posting it online two days ago she has had more than 300,000 views
She claims her online video firm cared 'more about views than quality'
PUBLISHED: 15:05 GMT, 30 September 2013 | UPDATED: 18:36 GMT, 30 September 2013

And as if that were not enough, she also penned a 1,500-word blog outlining her reasons, which she called Journalism is Dead (To Me).




聖書に基づく体罰 他

2013年10月01日 06時17分19秒 | Weblog

FRIDAY, SEP 27, 2013 12:11 AM +0900
“Bible-based” discipline has led to child abuse
Authoritarian parenting and abusive practices are all too common in some Evangelical households

In 2008, Hana Williams was adopted from an orphanage in Ethiopia and brought to the United States where she died at the hands of her Bible-believing American parents. Their notion of Christian discipline required breaking her will, a remarkably common belief among conservative Evangelicals. To that end, they frequently beat her, shut her in a closet, and denied her meals. Ultimately, she was left outside where she died of hypothermia exacerbated by malnutrition. They were convicted of manslaughter this month.


Using Christianity to Fight Crime
Alabama cops hope religion can help curb their city's skyrocketing murder rate.
RAY DOWNSSEP 27 2013, 8:00 AM ET

Billy Irvin, a popular Christian radio preacher, took the pulpit at Montgomery's City Hall on August 29 to address the city's murder rate. He talked about a documentary he had recently seen about young, wild elephants running amok who were tamed by an older elephant.

“Once the older elephant was introduced to the pack, the younger elephants had somebody to look up to,” Irvin told the crowd. “They had someone to guide them. And that's what our youth needs: someone to guide them. Without that, how will they know about moral structure?”

Irvin was speaking at the graduation ceremony for Operation Good Shepherd, a publicly funded Christian outreach ministry started by the Montgomery Police Department that puts Christian pastors on crime scenes to counsel and pray with victims and witnesses. Police claim the program is a way to regain trust in the community, but there's another motive, which they aren't at all coy about: evangelism―they believe a stronger sense of Christianity will reduce crime.

 キリスト教を手本として、若者に見本をみせて、市の殺人率を減らそう、と警察 アメリカ


FRIDAY, SEP 27, 2013 11:15 PM +0900
Why are so many Christians so un-Christian?
Many right-wing Christians vilify the poor, in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. Why the hypocrisy? VIDEO

So what’s going on when Ken Blackwell, the former Ohio Secretary of State and current conservative activist says things like there is “nothing more Christian” than cutting needy people off food stamps? It may seem like the rational thing for Blackwell to have done was simply admit that there’s nothing in the Bible that even comes close to suggesting that it’s good for people to be forced into starvation simply because they had the misfortune of living in a time of high unemployment. After all, Jesus just simply gave people the loaves and the fishes. He didn’t withhold the food, and like Blackwell did, say that being able to eat food would “breed dependency” and that starving the poor was a good way of “empowering others and creating self-sufficiency.”


Well, as stupid as he sounds, it’s the rational choice. Being considered a Christian means you get a lot of unearned esteem from the public, and you’re given a lot more benefit of the doubt than if you claimed to be, say, an atheist. Indeed, for many audiences, it’s better to sound like an idiot while claiming to be Christian than to sound intelligent without mentioning religion at all


Confirmation bias Backfire effectは、実はこの記事に引用されていたもの。




Mother-of-nine, 52, 'punished her two adopted special needs children using a dog SHOCK COLLAR'
One of the children, 17, told teachers about the 'punishment'
All of woman's nine children are adopted and she is trying to adopt another 'but told the teenager she was ruining her chances'
PUBLISHED: 17:02 GMT, 27 September 2013 | UPDATED: 17:37 GMT, 27 September 2013





2013年10月01日 05時05分44秒 | Weblog


安倍首相:消費増税あす最終判断、経済腰折れなら政権に打撃 - Bloomberg http://j.mp/169MMoz


Abe betting this tax hike will be different


”the Indians needed a mass famine.”  キッシンジャーはバングラディッシュに謝罪すべき!

2013年10月01日 04時36分12秒 | Weblog


Nixon and Kissinger’s Forgotten Shame by Gary J. Bass http://j.mp/1fBWypF 鋳型に入れたような

Nixon and Kissinger’s Forgotten Shame
Published: September 29, 2013

Some of Bangladesh’s current problems stem from its traumatic birth in 1971 ― when President Richard M. Nixon and Henry A. Kissinger, his national security adviser, vigorously supported the killers and tormentors of a generation of Bangladeshis.

As recently declassified documents and White House tapes show, Nixon and Kissinger stood stoutly behind Pakistan’s generals, supporting the murderous regime at many of the most crucial moments. This largely overlooked horror ranks among the darkest chapters in the entire cold war.

Of course, no country, not even the United States, can prevent massacres everywhere in the world ― but this was a close American ally, which prized its warm relationship with the United States and used American weapons and military supplies against its own people.

Nixon and Kissinger were not just motivated by dispassionate realpolitik, weighing Pakistan’s help with the secret opening to China or India’s pro-Soviet leanings. The White House tapes capture their emotional rage, going far beyond Nixon’s habitual vulgarity. In the Oval Office, Nixon told Kissinger that the Indians needed “a mass famine.” Kissinger sneered at people who “bleed” for “the dying Bengalis.”

They were unmoved by the suffering of Bengalis, despite detailed reporting about the killing from Archer K. Blood, the brave United States consul general in East Pakistan.

After Mr. Blood’s consulate sent an extraordinary cable formally dissenting from American policy, decrying what it called genocide, Nixon and Kissinger ousted Mr. Blood from his post in East Pakistan. Kissinger privately scorned Mr. Blood as “this maniac”; Nixon called Mr. Keating “a traitor.”

It will be up to Bangladeshis to fix their country’s rancorous politics, but their task was made harder from the outset by Nixon and Kissinger’s callousness. The legacy of 1971 still stains the reputation of the United States in India as well. If an apology from Kissinger is too much to expect, Americans ought at least to remember what he and Nixon did in those terrible days.







 東京に大空襲し、広島、長崎に原爆を落として、大量市民虐殺して以降、アメリカはBreaking Bad してしまったのだろうか?