Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年10月07日 23時50分40秒 | Weblog
XINHUA.JP 9月20日(金)10時10分配信

「古地図」で強引な領有主張 石井准教授が反論 尖閣で中国
尖閣 · 2013年9月

 ―なりません。例えば現在でも「沖縄」は中国語で「CHONG SHENG」と表記され、「八重山」は中国語で「BA CHONG SHAN」と表記されますが、日本領です。漢字をただ中国語で読んだだけです。


2013年10月07日 23時36分24秒 | Weblog
Is Scalia in Denial About His Own Homophobia?
By Mark Joseph Stern

But Scalia’s writings on gay rights explode any notion of judicial remove, rocketing beyond casual homophobia into the repugnant realm of virulently anti-gay invective. Scalia has compared homosexuality to murder, polygamy, and animal abuse. He’s analogized gay people to drug addicts and prostitutes and likened gay sex to incest, adultery, and bestiality. He’s echoed his son in questioning whether gay people even exist, suggesting that homosexuality is actually aberrant, depraved conduct rather than a true identity. And he’s derided the “homosexual agenda” for “eliminating the moral opprobrium” against “a lifestyle [many Americans] believe to be immoral and destructive.”

Scalia wants to spout this censure while also insisting―as he does in the opinion quoted above―that “I have nothing against homosexuals.” (He even reveals to Senior that he has friends whom he “very much suspect[s]” are gay, leaving one to wonder why in the world they haven’t come out to him already.) And though it may be possible to oppose gay rights without hating gay people, let’s be clear here: Whatever he says in this interview, Antonin Scalia really, really hates gay people. He thinks they’re wicked and twisted and deviant; he suspects they’re insidiously indoctrinating America with perverted values; he thinks homophobes are merely “protecting themselves and their families” from homosexuality’s corrupting immorality.

None of this, moreover, is conjecture: It is all taken straight from the justice’s own writings and copious public comments. These comments aren’t one-off gaffes; they’re an endless barrage, which, taken together, form a consistent philosophy of unrelenting homophobia. If Scalia feels constantly compelled to air his grievances about gay rights, so be it. But it’s intellectually dishonest for him to simultaneously maintain that these beliefs have no bearing on his jurisprudence.




2013年10月07日 20時16分19秒 | Weblog






2013年10月07日 20時11分22秒 | Weblog



 同じくネット公開で、意に反して土下座させた疑いで逮捕、バシバシ ビンタしても警察は動かない、とはこれいかに、といったところ。


Korean activists' hate speech is 'discriminatory'

2013年10月07日 20時02分18秒 | Weblog
Court says anti-Korean activists' hate speech is 'discriminatory'

KYOTO (Kyodo) -- The Kyoto District Court branded on Monday as "discriminatory" demonstrations staged by anti-Korean activists during which they used hate-speech slogans and ordered them to pay damages for disrupting classes at a Korean school.

It is the first court decision in Japan in connection with hate speech fanning discrimination and hatred toward a certain race or minority, lawyers for the school said.

In handing down the ruling, Presiding Judge Hitoshi Hashizume said the actions of Zaitokukai members and other activists who shouted hate-speech slogans near the school in Kyoto city and posted video of the demonstrations online were "illegal" and banned them from staging further demonstrations.

The actions "constitute racial discrimination as defined by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination," which Japan has ratified, Hashizume said.

Zaitokukai and the activists were ordered to pay about 12 million yen and banned from street demonstrations within a 200-meter radius of the pro-Pyongyang Korean school.

The operator of the school had sought 30 million yen in damages. The fine imposed by the court was nonetheless high to make effective action against racial discrimination, the ruling said.

Hashizume said the demonstrations scared the children and teachers, destroyed the studying environment and tarnished the school's reputation.


Four of the eight defendants have been convicted of forcible obstruction of business and property destruction in connection with the demonstrations while the school's former principal has been fined 100,000 yen for unauthorized occupancy of the park.

October 07, 2013(Mainichi Japan)

「ヘイトスピーチ」は人種差別 地裁の判断

2013年10月07日 13時31分12秒 | Weblog

ヘイトスピーチ:差別か表現の自由か 街宣訴訟7日判決
毎日新聞 2013年10月05日 07時43分(最終更新 10月05日 18時51分)








「ヘイトスピーチ」は人種差別 地裁が在特会に禁止命令









(2013年10月7日14時16分 読売新聞)

Court says anti-Korean activists' hate speech is 'discriminatory'

KYOTO (Kyodo) -- The Kyoto District Court branded on Monday as "discriminatory" demonstrations staged by anti-Korean activists during which they used hate-speech slogans and ordered them to pay damages for disrupting classes at a Korean school.

It is the first court decision in Japan in connection with hate speech fanning discrimination and hatred toward a certain race or minority, lawyers for the school said.

In handing down the ruling, Presiding Judge Hitoshi Hashizume said the actions of Zaitokukai members and other activists who shouted hate-speech slogans near the school in Kyoto city and posted video of the demonstrations online were "illegal" and banned them from staging further demonstrations.

The actions "constitute racial discrimination as defined by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination," which Japan has ratified, Hashizume said.

Zaitokukai and the activists were ordered to pay about 12 million yen and banned from street demonstrations within a 200-meter radius of the pro-Pyongyang Korean school.

The operator of the school had sought 30 million yen in damages. The fine imposed by the court was nonetheless high to make effective action against racial discrimination, the ruling said.

Hashizume said the demonstrations scared the children and teachers, destroyed the studying environment and tarnished the school's reputation.


Four of the eight defendants have been convicted of forcible obstruction of business and property destruction in connection with the demonstrations while the school's former principal has been fined 100,000 yen for unauthorized occupancy of the park.

October 07, 2013(Mainichi Japan)


2013年10月07日 13時07分54秒 | Weblog

慰安婦記録「軍強制」の詳細開示 公文書館、河野談話の原資料



2013/10/06 20:42



"Interbreeding between ethnicities goes against God's will"

2013年10月07日 09時09分38秒 | Weblog

He said: 'The majority of the people I've come across are no different than somebody living next door. You'd only know they were in the Klan if they decided to share that with you, had a distinguishing emblem on a tee-shirt or a racially-themed tattoo.
'They live normal lives, some with stronger racial overtones than others. There is wealthy and poor, intelligent and unintelligent… just like anywhere else.'

Members of the group, originally formed by Confederate veterans in the aftermath of the American Civil war, have committed numerous racially-motivated murders and assaults over the past century.
They advocate the seperation of the races, claiming interbreeding between ethnicities goes against God's will (religion is a key part of their beliefs).







2013年10月07日 00時04分57秒 | Weblog

Tobias Harris
I'm reading accnt of 1st Abe gov by @uesugitakashi. Penetrating insight into Abe and his inner circle. Good yardstick for assessing 2nd gov.

mozu9 ‏@mozumozumozu 7時間
Aceface ‏@Aceface4ever 6時間
@mozumozumozu その程度の人だと思うけど、なぜかみんな彼の評価は高くて小生は少数派。
mozu9 ‏@mozumozumozu 5時間
@Aceface4ever 意見や主張はともかく日本語ソースの扱い方ではそれほど問題ない人かなと思っていたんですけれど。論文で参照していたりしたらドン引きしますね。
