k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (404)

2020年04月09日 10時50分41秒 | Weblog
No matter what difficulties you may face,
you are not a loser if you do not think you are unhappy.
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Three Sentences (296)

2020年04月07日 10時52分18秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~の不足のため :for lack of ~

① I had to broke up with my girlfriend for lack of better words.

② She has been watching TV for lack of anything better to do.

③ He failed in a college entrance examinaiton for lack of hard work.
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2020年04月05日 11時13分33秒 | Weblog
Two of your best friends have just had a big fight.
What would you say to persuade one of the friends to apologize to the other?

Hey, listen.
You should just calm down.
I think it would be better for you to be the first to say sorry to him.
We are not enemies but friends.
So, I'm sure he is thinking about making up with you, too.
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2020年04月03日 11時21分14秒 | Weblog
過去から教訓を学習するスキル :skills to learn lessons from the past
社会への適応力 :the ability to adapt to society
人間関係スキル :interpersonal skills
自己管理能力 :self-management abilities
意思決定スキル :decidion-making skills
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Today's Writing (403)

2020年04月01日 10時41分04秒 | Weblog
What is the wellspring of rich dialogue?
Indeed, the content of a conversation is important, but more important is
an atmosphere where anyone can lightly talk to you, or your character
that makes anyone feel like asking you something.
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