k-sun's Blog



2016年10月07日 12時19分55秒 | Weblog
Some people like to do indoor activities in their free time.
Others enjoy outdoor activities.
Which would you prefer and why?
Include details and examples to support your answer.

I would prefer to enjoy outdoor activities for two reasons.
Firstly, doing outdoor activities is more beneficial to my health.
For example, I made a habit of daily walking several years ago to prevent low back pain.
And now, the frequency of the pain has been decreased.
Secondly, I feel the need to become close to nature because I work all day indoors.
When I go outdoors to walk around my neighborhood, I can escape from daily chores
and enjoy fresh air and the changing of seasons such as seasonal flowers, colors of leaves and scenery of rice fields.
They make me feel relaxed and comfortable.
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