before dawn


2005-06-17 01:08:08 | Weblog
What a shock..... I wrote about Cambodia this afternoon .
After writing that ,I got one shocking news about Cambodia.
Militants in Siem Reap killed one Canadian child at the kindergarten.
How cruel!
Though Siem Reap is famous for the Angkor Vat,it is very small village.
I have already talked about my 3 times visit to Cambodia.
ALL of that 3 times visit , I visited Siem Reap.
And the 2nd time I visited there,I helped one orphans’home.
So I cannot think it is none of my business.....
why did Militants barricade themselves in ? What did they want to do?
Don't say they are remnants of Khmer Rouge!! no,no,no! It is only one guess.
I am really sad to hear the news.
Meanwhile, I was surprised. The kindergarten where the kidnapping occurred is “ International school"!!
International school !?
My first visit to CAMBODIA is 3 years ago. For 3 years ,Cambodia has been continuing remarkable development in order to bury the woud of the civil war .
like a International school , convenienced stores,high-class restaurant.......

I hope present peace in CAMBODIA continues ....
I wish the civil war never to occur in CAMBODIA again.
I wish for Cambodia to develop without losing the smile.
It is easy to lose and forget a smile and something important in the process of development. Like JAPAN......