


2020年01月02日 | 雑感
NATOのJens Stoltenberg事務総長は、中国の軍事的な伸張はすべてのNATO加盟国の安全保障に影響を与えるとの公式見解を示した。(2019年12月3日)NATO軍の最高司令官であるTod Wolter 大将は、ロシア軍は、直近3ヶ月の間はNATO艦艇や米海軍艦艇、偵察哨戒機など航空機に対する挑発・嫌がらせを行っていないとしている。10月下旬にノルウェー軍は、ロシア海軍潜水艦10隻が、北方艦隊の拠点コラ半島から大挙して北大西洋方面に進出していると発表した。まさにレッド・オクトーバーの世界だ。The Barents Observerによれば潜航しつつ北大西洋に進出しているのは8隻だと報道しているが、何れにせよこれは演習である。NATOの対潜監視網からは逃れられない。

このロシアを米国は、ウクライナ問題に端を発した経済制裁により中国寄りにしてしまった。早期警戒衛星の情報提供や技術供与はその明らかな兆候である。ロシアもしたたかに金のあるように見える中国には、核心的な技術は渡さずにうまく付き合っている。そして、中国人民解放軍海軍(People's Liberation Army Navy)の活動はグローバル化しており、ロシア海軍もこれに連携している。2019年11月25日〜同月30日の間、中国人民解放軍海軍はロシア海軍と南アフリカ海軍と3カ国による合同演習をケープタウンを拠点として実施した。(新華社通信 2019年11月27日)中国のアフリカ侵出は有名だが、はるばる南アフリカまで出張っての演習は、外征海軍であるとの意を示したいのであろう。しかし、海軍の育成には時間が掛かる。とても米海軍の熟練度には達していない。未熟で経験不足だ。また、中国人民解放軍海軍とロシア海軍は、イラン海軍&革命防衛隊と年も押し詰まった12月27日から31日の4日間、共同海軍演習を実施した。年明け2020年1月には、中国人民解放軍海軍は、パキスタン海軍との合同訓練を実施する。(新華社通信 2019年11月29日)


さて、NATOは、海洋監視能力の向上を目指してEU MOC(European Maritime Operations Center)構想を進めている。2019年11月20日から21日 に開催されたOcean 2020@イタリアでプロトタイプを公開テストした。イタリア海軍艦艇を中心とする5隻と無人機9機が参加。因みにOcean 2020は、EU加盟15ヶ国から42の企業団体が参画している。

ミャンマーのラカイン州問題 ~さまよえるロヒンギャ族~

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has officially stated that China's military extension will affect the security of all NATO members. (December 3, 2019) General Tod Wolter, Commander-in-Chief of the NATO Army, said the Russian Army has been provoking and harassing aircraft such as NATO ships, U.S. Navy ships, and reconnaissance patrol aircraft for the last three months. It is not. In late October, the Norwegian Army announced that 10 Russian Navy submarines had begun to fly north into the North Atlantic in large numbers from the Kola Peninsula, home of the Northern Fleet. The world of Red Oktober. The Barents Observer reports that eight vessels are sailing into the North Atlantic while diving, but this is an exercise anyway. You cannot escape NATO's anti-submarine surveillance network.

The United States has brought Russia closer to China due to economic sanctions triggered by the Ukraine issue. Providing information and technology for early warning satellites is a clear sign. Russia seems to have a lot of money, but it has been dealing well without giving core technology. And the activities of the People's Liberation Army Navy (People's Liberation Army Navy) are globalizing, and the Russian Navy is working with it. Between November 25 and 30, 2019, the PLA Navy conducted a joint exercise with the Russian Navy and the South African Navy based in Cape Town. (Xinhua News Agency Nov. 27, 2019) Although China's invasion of Africa is famous, the exercises on a business trip to South Africa all the way would indicate that it is an expeditionary navy. However, fostering the navy takes time. It has not reached the level of US Navy skill. Immature and inexperienced. In addition, the Chinese PLA Navy and the Russian Navy conducted joint naval exercises with the Iranian Navy and the Revolutionary Guard for four days from December 27 to 31. At the beginning of January 2020, the PLA Navy will conduct joint training with the Pakistan Navy. (Xinhua News Agency November 29, 2019)

India is alert to the movement of the PLA Navy on the Gulf and Indian Ocean. In particular, the PLA Navy ships frequently appear in the Andaman Sea, and the Indian military is strengthening the defense of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In January 2019, the Indian Navy opened a new Kohasa base in northern Andaman. This aims to improve the capabilities of the Andaman Nicobar Army. Since then, it has been working on a joint depot for the three Andaman Nicobar forces, renovating Naval Base Campbell and expanding the runway. India's state intentions are clear. India has been paying attention to the Shin-Meiwa UP2 flying boat, a testimony to the heavy view of the isolated environment far away from mainland India. However, disturbing movements around India, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh approaching China, are remarkable. Currently, China is building a naval base and submarine base in Bangladesh. It's not surprising that you buy a submarine from China. Myanmar's relations with China are subtle. Despite the Rohingya problem, China's economic assistance is at stake. There India leases submarines to Myanmar and educates naval officers. This is the same composition that more than 3,500 Chinese PLA cadets are studying at a Russian military academy.
I personally focus on India's military expansion. I am brave at India's emergence as a powerful opposition to China.

NATO is now working on an EU Maritime Operations Center (MOC) initiative to improve ocean monitoring capabilities. The prototype was publicly tested at Ocean 2020 II Italy, which was held from November 20 to 21, 2019. Five vessels, mainly Italian naval vessels, and nine drones participated. Ocean 2020 has 42 business associations from 15 EU member states.
