Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

New rules? where?

2015-02-01 | Rescue Rules 2015

RoboCupJunior のフォーラムを読んでいて・・・

RescueA Secondary のところにこんな投稿がありました。


Different crosroads,same question
Permalink Submitted by jeremyyoung on Fri, 01/30/2015 - 16:02.
OK,the new rule came out the day before yesterday,but it seems that I can't send you pictures.May I contact you by email,TechnoX?I really have something to ask.

Re: Different crossroads
Permalink Submitted by TechnoX on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 00:23.
 Send me an email to the address stated on the first page of the rules.  
 // Fredrik Löfgren

Re: Crossroads
Permalink Submitted by TechnoX on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 00:25.
 Where did you find the new rules? :)
 Send me an email to the address stated on the first page of the rules.
 // Fredrik Löfgren

It's just chinese rules.I'm s
Permalink Submitted by jeremyyoung on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 10:42.
It's just chinese rules.I'm sorry that you misunderstand my idea.

Re: Crossroads
Permalink Submitted by TechnoX on Sun, 02/01/2015 - 06:52.
You can send me an email if you want (my email address is in the rules). For example if your question is about a clever idea for your robot that you don't want to post here.
 // Fredrik Löfgren, TC and OC member 2015 

New rules? where?
Permalink Submitted by kablek on Fri, 01/30/2015 - 18:32.
What do you mean new rules already came out. I am constantly monitoring the site where rules should be posted and at that moment I am writing there are no new rules there:
Am I missing something?





「えっ、どこで新しいルールを知ったの!? メールで教えて・・・」

で、最後は、「えっ、新しいルール!? それはいったい何所にあるの!? 私は常に RoboCupJunior のサイトを見て確認しているけど、まだ掲載されてないよ・・・」








Sorry for the delay of the pu
Permalink Submitted by amyeguchi on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 00:05.
Sorry for the delay of the publication of new rules. The Technical Committees are deligently working to finalize the new rules now. They should be out soon.
 Thank you for your patience!
 Amy Eguchi, Vice President of RoboCup Federation representing RoboCupJunior

という Amyさんの投稿で締めくくられています。



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