経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習


Global Business Ability

2014-07-28 06:35:06 | 雑感

The advanced business school provides a class in English. The normal method to mean an English use is important to improve a global business brain. The businessperson who is not a native speaker must learn the English language as a basic communication method.

However, in Japan in particular, the problem about the English communication method must be dealt with as the basics of education system. We have to consider the issue more deeply and more actually.


2014-07-28 04:12:41 | 雑感

Thinking something is making value of self, and doing something is making value of others.

Reading the textbook which was used in an English class of my young period, I feel that cultural thoughts are important as the materials.

Practices need cultural knowledge to decide judgements more deeply, and innovating activities are increased depending on the deepness.

Creating Market

2014-07-28 00:02:09 | 雑感

Technologies are applied for developments in business. However, strategic planning is needed for the making market of the engineering item. While the item consists of advanced engineering techniques, but the plan of marketing makes the business result.

It is important for the engineers to know creating market of the item, and an effective method might be the experience to sell something at a mall.