

アメリカの投資家、ARSウイルスに感染 1

2008-08-25 17:46:48 | Telegraph (UK)

American investors catch a cold from frozen auction-rate securities
James Quinn
Serge Birbrair is just one of hundreds of thousands of Americans stung by the securities market scandal. James Quinn reports
Serge Birbrairは、証券市場スキャンダルに巻き込まれた、アメリカ人数十万人の一人に過ぎない

All Serge Birbrair wanted to do was to pay his daughter's college fees. For the retiree, who fled the former Soviet Union in 1979, funding his child through university was not only a matter of principle but one of pride. Having saved and invested sensibly for decades, paying the fees should not have been a problem.

Serge Birbrairと同じ目に遭った人たちが望んでいるのは、娘の大学の学資を支払うことだ。

But that was before he invested in auction-rate securities (ARS), investments that have seen $675,000 of his hard-earned money frozen, out of reach, in illiquid assets, which he can do nothing about.


Birbrair is not alone. He is one of hundreds of thousands of Americans caught in the country's ARS scandal, a scandal that has hit the headlines in recent weeks after investment banks such as Merrill Lynch and Citigroup agreed to buy back those frozen ARS from hard-done-by investors.


Until September 2007, the bulk of Birbrair's liquid assets were in money-market accounts that could be accessed almost as readily as cash, which was important as he lives on the interest, and could need the money at any time.


So when a batch of his certificates of deposits - a popular retail investment product known as CDs in the US - expired at the end of September 2007, he sought the advice of his local UBS financial adviser in nearby Boca Raton, Florida, inquiring about a possibility of a similar product with cash-like qualities.


"He recommended I invest the money in student loan auction-rate securities," says Birbrair, who, although not new to ARS, was new to the fact that they could be issued by student loan companies, having in the past invested in those issued by local authorities, so-called municipal issuers.


Before investing the $675,000 in five separate ARS issues, Birbrair asked questions as to why the interest rate on such securities appeared to be so high, and why student loan companies were now involved in issuing the securities, when they hadn't been the last time he'd invested in them around five to six years ago.


Satisfied with the answers, he took the plunge, and was happy with his decision. Until mid-February.


"Like everybody else on February 14 [the day the auction-rate securities market froze], I was caught and could not liquidate. It made me feel like the whole world was coming to an end," he admits, especially given that 20pc of his assets were caught up in the freeze.


Birbrair was a victim of the collapse of the $345bn ARS market, a market that promised its investors healthy interest rate returns and near-instant access to their money.


The ARS market is a perfect example of the way in which investment banks sold products that were little understood. In spite of their infamy, however, ARS are nothing new.


Since the early 1980s, major US banks have been involved in providing products for local state governments and state transport authorities, known as municipals, that essentially reduced financing costs by selling debt into the auction-rate bond market rather than issuing long-term bonds.


Although such bonds often had redemption dates some 30 years off, the interest was reset at auctions every seven, 28 or 35 days, typically resulting in lower interest rates.


For an institutional or corporate investor, ARS provided short-term debt products, which yielded a little more than money-market funds, and could easily be cashed in on the date of the next auction, which was never more than a month away.


What changed, however, was not only that the investor base evolved to include more individuals and charities but that the nature of the securities transformed.


By January 2008, a month before the ARS market collapsed, only half - $175bn of $345bn - the bonds came from municipal issuers, with the remainder coming from student loan companies ($85bn), collateralised debt obligations ($20bn), as well as closed-end funds and others. In short, a market that once depended on the AAA-grade credit qualities of city and state authorities had been weakened dramatically.


The ARS market had become home to what it is now referred to as "toxic" debt - in the form of sub-prime mortgage loaded CDOs and with bonds from student loan companies, a sector whose investment credentials rapidly worsened as the US economy tanked.


Worse still, in the final six months before the ARS market collapsed, the asset class became more attractive - as Birbrair found to his cost - because the bonds began to pay to what is known as a "maximum" or penalty interest rate as some of the weekly or monthly auctions began to fail due to a lack of appetite from investors.



