


2014-09-06 20:35:56 | Telegraph (UK)
David Cameron gets his man as next president of Europe
By Bruno Waterfield and Tim Ross
Telegraph: 8:08PM BST 30 Aug 2014
Boost for David Cameron as Polish PM Donald Tusk is named new European Council President


David Cameron has won a key battle in Brussels, securing his favoured candidate as the next president of Europe in a major boost to his campaign to reform the European Union.


Donald Tusk, the pro-reform prime minister of Poland, was named as the new president of the European Council at a summit of EU leaders.


Mr Tusk was Mr Cameron's preferred candidate to succeed Herman van Rompuy as president of the Council, the name given to the regular meetings of EU heads of government.


The Polish leader is understood to have won over Mr Cameron in a telephone call in which he promised to back British proposals to change the way the EU operates.


Crucially, the Polish premier indicated he would be ready to support Mr Cameron's plans to introduce new limits on welfare payments to migrant workers from other EU states.


Reforming immigration laws allowing the "free movement" of people across the EU is a key goal for the Conservatives.


"There was a constructive conversation and he acknowledged British concerns on free movement," a British source said.


The development will be a significant fillip for the Prime Minister, who has made a personal commitment to reform Britain's relationship with the EU.


It comes after Mr Cameron suffered a blow to his European policy last week when Douglas Carswell quit as a Conservative MP to join the UK Independence Party.

これに先駆けて、キャメロン首相は先週、Douglas Carswell下院議員が保守党を離脱してUKIPに加わるという事件に見舞われました。

Senior Tories are likely to seize on Mr Tusk's appointment as evidence that Mr Carswell was wrong to say the Prime Minister could not achieve his goals in Brussels.


Grant Shapps, the Conservative Party Chairman, said: "Carswell's position is regrettable, given that no-one has done more than David Cameron in Europe to ensure that the EU follows Britain's model of greater competitiveness, more growth and jobs. This is the real work we are doing in Europe."


If the Conservatives win next year's general election, Mr Cameron has promised he will negotiate better terms for Britain's EU membership, before putting a new deal to voters at an "in/out" referendum by the end of 2017.


Among the Prime Minister's chief concerns is the rise of so-called "benefits tourism", in which European migrants can travel to the UK to claim generous hand-outs on the welfare state.


Mr Cameron has promised to secure stricter rules, limiting payments to citizens of other EU countries, as well as wider reforms to migration laws.


Earlier this year, Mr Tusk, 57, furiously denounced Mr Cameron over his calls to scrap overseas payments of child benefit to the children of British-based migrants after the Prime Minister singled out the £55 million paid to Polish immigrants. However, he is said to have had a change of heart, and is now ready to work with Britain.


Downing Street hopes Mr Tusk will also act as a reformist counterweight to Jean-Claude Juncker, the arch federalist who has taken over as president of the European Commission, despite fierce opposition from Mr Cameron.


Ahead of the Brussels summit, Mr Cameron also held talks with Mr Juncker over what post Britain's candidate Lord Hill would have in his EU executive when it assumes office in November.


"The Prime Minister reiterated the case for Lord Hill securing a strong economic portfolio," said a Downing Street spokesman. "There was no offer made by Mr Juncker on portfolios."


Mr Tusk was initially reluctant to leave national politics, until he was persuaded by his wife Malgorzata to take the "prestige, better money and less problems at work" that come with a Brussels job at the top of EU officialdom, renowned for its "gravy train" pay and perks.


Mr Tusk currently earns 240,000 zloty a year, a salary that is worth just €60,000 (£47,500) a year, making him one of the lowest paid EU leaders. In the EU post, he will earn over five times that figure, with a pay and perks package worth well over €300,000 a year, including a personal motorcade of five limousines.


Mr Tusk's post is one the EU's most powerful roles and his closeness to Angela Merkel will make him a force to be reckoned with for Britain.


The German Chancellor pushed the Polish leader forward and sponsored him for the most senior EU post held by an East European, a move that indicates Poland's growing importance as player on the political stage.


During the course of next year, Mr Cameron, if he is still Prime Minister, will be pushing for EU treaty change and reform ahead his planned referendum in 2017. Mr Tusk will oversee the negotiations and broker a future EU treaty deal that could make or break the Conservative leader.


In his new post as president of the European Council, Mr Tusk may be at odds with Britain over cuts to Brussels budgets that benefit Poland, which gains hugely from EU farms subsidies and regional aid.


At the same summit yesterday, the EU agreed to appoint Federica Mogherini, Italy's foreign minister, to replace the Labour peer, Baroness Ashton, as the new EU foreign affairs chief, despite widespread concerns that she is soft on Russia and lacks experience.


After months of EU horse-trading, Mr Tusk is also seen as balancing Mrs Mogherini in her new role as Europe's foreign minister because of Poland's hawkish stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Mrs Mogherini, 41, will take over as EU foreign minister, despite inexperience and criticism from eastern European countries that she is too soft on Russia.


Just seven months ago she was plucked from parliamentary obscurity in Rome and named foreign minister of her own country by Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister. From November she will take over from Lady Ashton to run the EU's diplomatic service and foreign policy.



