


2013-04-30 09:22:33 | Telegraph (UK)

Muslim free school plans on hold over 'extremism' claims
By John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor
Telegraph: 7:00PM BST 29 Apr 2013
Ministers have been forced to suspend plans to open a high profile Muslim free school amid allegations of links to "extremist" views.


The Department for Education has launched an urgent investigation into concerns surrounding the Northern Lights Free School in Halifax, West Yorks, which had been due to open in September his year.


It follows claims that Muslim families were coming under pressure to enrol their children at the new Islamic-led primary following a leaflet circulated in the area suggesting that they would go to Hell if they did not participate.


The local MP, Linda Riordan, and the local authority Calderale Council had both raised concerns that the plans could harm community cohesion.

地元のLina Riordan下院議員および地方自治体は、この計画はコミュニティの団結を傷付ける可能性があるとの懸念を提起しました。

The Northern Lights Educational Trust, the group setting up the school under the Education Secretary Michael Gove's flagship scheme, has denied any links to hard-line views and insists that it supports a "modern, democratic Britain".


It also insists that it neither endorsed nor supported the controversial leaflet, which was sent out by another group last year.


But Lord Nash, the schools minister, has written to Mrs Riordan to say that the plans would be put on hold until concerns had been investigated.


A spokeswoman for the DfE said: "We take any form of extremism very seriously.


"We are investigating ― and if these serious allegations are confirmed we will not hesitate to take appropriate action.


"We will not take this project further until these matters are resolved.


"The Department carries out due diligence checks on all Free School proposals to make sure that only suitable people are able to set up and run Free Schools."


Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, said: "It is good to see the Government's Education's Diligence and Counter Extremism Division is not just a PR exercise and that sponsors for free schools are being monitored.

National Secular Societyのテリー・サンダーソン代表はこう語りました。

"But we fear that some highly questionable religious groups are seeing an opportunity to spread their influence at the taxpayers' expense through free schools.


"We wonder if the monitoring is rigorous enough to screen out all potentially extremist groups."


Concerns were first raised last year when families in the area received leaflets promoting a meeting for parents which said: "If it was said to us ‘If you do not attend this meeting your child will die' I am certain we would all make sure that we attend the meeting.


"What I am about to address … is even more serious than death and that is for us and our children to be safe on the Day of Judgment.


"There have been several incidents recently where children in various settings have been forced to do things against Islam."



