


2014-09-06 20:36:10 | Telegraph (UK)
Russian rouble hits record low as suffocating sanctions loom
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:20PM BST 02 Sep 2014
Russia's currency has dropped 25pc over the past 18 months but Vladmimir Putin shows no signs of backing down over Ukraine


The Russian rouble has fallen to record lows against the dollar as the US, Europe and Japan prepare to launch a fresh raft of financial sanctions within days unless the Kremlin pulls its troops and heavy armour out of eastern Ukraine.


The currency has dropped 25pc over the past 18 months, raising the real cost of servicing almost $610bn (£369bn) of foreign currency debt owed by Russian banks, companies and state bodies. Fresh capital flight pushed the rouble to 37.46 against the dollar on Tuesday, a level that may soon force the central bank to raise rates, driving the economy deeper into a protracted slump.


Data from Sberbank showed that net "short" positions held by speculators on the derivatives markets have reached an all-time high and are significantly more stretched than during the first wave of the crisis in March and April. Traders warn that a serious liquidity crunch is taking hold in Russian financial markets, even if this is not yet reflected on the Moscow bourse, where a strange calm still prevails.


"People are very scared," said one Moscow banker. "There is talk of Iran-style sanctions against Russia and, if we go down that route, we may not have much of a financial sector left."


The political mood has hardened in Europe after Russian president Vladimir Putin began talking over the weekend of an independent state in eastern Ukraine, with even Austria abandoning its softly-softly approach.


Austrian chancellor Werner Faymann accused the Kremlin of deploying ruthless "salami tactics" to dismember a free country, demanding that Mr Putin be brought to book. "The situation is extremely dangerous. If we don't defend liberty, we will lose it," he said.


European officials are exploring increasingly radical measures, including plans to cut off operational finance for Russian state banks and key energy companies beyond a maturity of 30 days. Any such move would impinge on routine trade for the first time. The current sanctions have already shut off funding for new projects with a credit ban beyond 90 days maturity. It is impossible for these companies to refinance debt on the capital markets. The oil giant Rosneft has requested a $42bn credit line from the government's reserve fund to cover maturing liabilities.


Analysts at Sberbank said the Russian bond market is completely shut. No Russian entity has been able to roll over or refinance a single bond since late June. It is unclear how long this can continue since they must repay more than $30bn of debt every quarter.


The central bank has pledged to support Russian lenders with hard currency if necessary and will undoubtedly bail out strategic companies in extremis but such measures would erode the country's foreign reserves. Analysts say this could become serious by next year if oil prices fall further.


"There is a serious discussion under way in Brussels for a complete embargo on purchases of Russian sovereign debt," said Alastair Newton, head of political risk at Nomura.


Officials are mulling bans on syndicated loans and the sale of hi-tech equipment for the gas industry, especially for liquefied natural gas projects.


Mr Newton said the Obama administration may opt for tougher measures than it wants at this stage to head off even more draconian demands from Congress, where calls are growing for military aid for Ukraine.


Britain, France and Germany all want broader "Tier III" sanctions against sectors of the Russian economy but any one of the EU's 28 states can veto a deal. Cyprus, Hungary and Slokavia all have deep misgivings.


Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform, said the need to keep everybody on board is preventing a coherent response, allowing the Kremlin to pick off the weakest links. "The chances are that we shall have another feeble package of half measures, which will only encourage Putin to press on," he said.




