


2013-03-18 11:05:47 | Telegraph (UK)
China's new premier Li Keqiang 'to cut state control over economy'
By Emma Rowley
Telegraph: 5:27PM GMT 17 Mar 2013
China's new premier promised a smaller role for the state in the world's second biggest economy, pledging to give up control in a "painful" but necessary effort to support growth.


Li Keqiang said he would open the economy to market forces and strip power from the state in an effort to help China grow by 7.5pc a year until 2020.


"It's about cutting power, it's a self-imposed revolution," he said. "It will be very painful and even feel like cutting one's wrist."


Mr Li on Friday replaced Wen Jiabao as the man in charge of the superpower's day-to-day running for the next decade.


Speaking in Beijing at his first briefing in the role, Mr Li made few specific pledges beyond a commitment to cut red tape by a third on some 1,700 processes needing government approval. That would reduce opportunities for corruption, he said.


"Nowadays, stirring up vested interests is more difficult than stirring up one's soul," he said. "But no matter how deep the water is, we must wade through because we don't have other options ― it's our nation's fate and future that are at stake."


China's gross domestic product (GDP) last year expanded by 7.8pc, its slowest growth in a 13 years. There are worries that its economic momentum will falter as officials cool the Chinese property market and work to stop a credit bubble.


Hitting a 7.5pc growth target would be difficult, Mr Li said.


"We need to maintain steady economic growth, prevent inflation and control latent risks," he said. "That will not be easy, but we have favorable conditions in place and enormous potential in domestic demand."


Transcripts from state media seen by Bloomberg said Mr Li had discussed 7pc growth, which conflicted with his spoken comments.


Ting Lu, chief China economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong, said the speech's pro-reform focus would be welcomed by investors. "He understood very well that key barriers for reforms are vested interests rather than ideology," he said.

バンク・オブ・アメリカ・メリルリンチ香港支店のチーフ・チャイナ・エコノミスト、Ting Lu氏は、このスピーチが改革推進的だったことは投資家に歓迎されるだろうと言いました。

Mr Li has enjoyed a smooth ride to the top of the Party as part of the "Youth League faction", the group of leaders who joined the party as university students. He is viewed as a capable steward of the Chinese economy, with a master's degree in Law and a doctorate in economics from Peking university.


Blotting his CV is his role in the cover-up of an AIDS scandal in the late 1990s, when tens of thousands of people were infected by the disease after botched blood donations.



