


2013-08-04 10:32:27 | Telegraph (UK)
Iran's Hassan Rouhani: Israel an 'old wound that should be removed'
Damien McElroy By Damien McElroy
Telegraph: 11:25AM BST 02 Aug 2013
Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned Iran's incoming president as an extremist after reports that Hassan Rouhani declared that Israel was an "old wound" that should be removed from the Middle East.


Iranian state television later denied that Mr Rouhani, who was attending rallies to mark Iranian solidarity with Palestinians, had made such remarks, blaming a rogue news agency report for "distorting" his comments.


Mr Rouhani raised hopes of a change in Iran's outlook when he won election in June on calls for "moderation" and "hope".


But the hardline language was seized on by the Israeli leader.


Mr Netanyahu called on the world to "wake up" to Mr Rouhani and recognise that while the president was changing, the state would not fundamentally change.


"The true face of Rouhani has been revealed earlier than expected," Mr Netanyahu said. "Even if the Iranians work to deny these comments, this is what the man thinks, and [it] reflects the regime's plans."


Mr Rouhani, who will be inaugurated as the Iranian head of state tomorrow [SUN], was participating in the Islamic regime's Jerusalem Day rallies, an occasion that traditionally sees Israeli-bashing speeches.


"Nevertheless, there is an old wound on the body of the Islamic world, under the shadow of the occupation of the holy lands of Palestine and [Jerusalem]," according to a transcript of Mr Rouhani's remarks.


"This day, is to remember that the Muslim population, will not forget its historic right and will resist tyranny and occupation."


But a report in the ISNA news agency, a radical outfit with close links to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the outgoing president, claimed Mr Rouhani has called for the demise of Israel.


"The Zionist regime has been a wound on the body of the Islamic world for years and the wound should be removed," it said.


Statements ready out at the rallies included a call for the "annihilation" of Israel as a "cancerous tumour".


For his part, Mr Ahmadinejad told a rally that Israel would be uprooted from the Middle East.


"I will inform you with God as my witness, a devastating storm is on the way that will uproot the basis of Zionism," Ahmadinejad said.


He added that Israel "has no place in this region".


Mr Ahmadinejad's presidency has been dogged by his repeated attacks on Israel most notoriously his remarks that the Jewish state should be "wiped off" the map. The statements compounded Iranian isolation at a time when Iran was already under increasing pressure on the world stage as a result of its defiant pursuit of a nuclear programme despite UN sanctions.


Mr Rouhani has indicated that he will try to mend broken diplomatic relations when he takes office.


Meanwhile, state television showed hundreds of thousands of people marching across the country, chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America".


The demonstrators also denounced any renewed peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.



