


2013-08-04 10:08:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Italy's prime minister vows to hold coalition together in wake of Silvio Berlusconi's conviction
By Josephine McKenna in Rome
Telegraph: 8:06PM BST 02 Aug 2013
Italy's prime minister has vowed to hold the country's fragile coalition together after a landmark court ruling against Silvio Berlusconi threatened to fatally undermine his government.


Members of Enrico Letta's own centre-left party on Friday suggested they could no longer serve in a coalition with Mr Berlusconi after Italy's highest court upheld his conviction and jail sentence for fraud.


They warned they would look at a formal move to oust the 76-year-old Mr Berlusconi from the Senate following the court's decision.


There were reports on Friday night that MPs for Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party (PDL) were ready to resign to protest the conviction of their leader.


PDL group leaders in the lower and upper houses said they intended to tender their MPs' resignations to President Giorgio Napolitano.


"We are ready to resign to defend our ideal," Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, a senior member of Berlusconi's PDL, was quoted as saying.


On Friday night, Mr Letta appealed for calm and said it would be a "crime" if the coalition collapsed just as it was trying to tackle the country's recession.


"It would be a crime not to keep going, to stop in the worst way, because the government's work is starting to bear fruit," he said. "I am fully aware that this is a sensitive time but I am thinking above all of Italy. I hope the general interest wins over personal interests - for the good of the country."


However, he warned he would not continue his job "at all costs" if the current political turmoil worsened.


On Thursday, Italy's supreme court upheld a four-year jail term for Mr Berlusconi - reduced to one-year under a 2006 amnesty law - for tax fraud in relation to foreign broadcast rights obtained by his Mediaset empire in 2002 and 2003.


It was the first definitive sentence ever received by the three-time premier in 20 years of legal battles before the courts.


However, the court declined to confirm his ban from political office for five years, sending it back to a lower appeal court.


While Mr Berlusconi's supporters were angered by the jail term, likely to be served under house arrest or as community service, members of Mr Letta's Democratic Party warned they would look at a formal move to oust the 76-year-old from the Italian Senate.


"We will vote in parliament for Mr Berlusconi's expulsion," said Gianna Pittella, a European MP and member of Mr Letta's centre-left party.


"We have no intention of making trouble for the government, (but) we are well aware of sharing it with a party that has different aspirations, perspectives, and interests to ours."


Nichi Vendola, head of the left-leaning SEL party and president of the Puglia region, said the prime minister's centre-left Democratic Party could no longer remain in an alliance with Mr Berlusconi following his conviction.


However, Deborah Bergamini, a prominent MP from Mr Berlusconi's party, said the attacks were "as predictable as Swiss clocks" and were simply designed to destabilise the government.


In a nine-minute TV address after the ruling on Thursday, an outraged Mr Berlusconi said the judiciary was "irresponsible" for conducting a "campaign of aggression" against him and pledged to continue his career.


"We have to continue our battle for freedom by staying on the field," Mr Berlusconi said while vowing to revive his party under its previous name, Forza Italia, with the "best young people and best energy" he could find.


As his allies rallied to his defence on Friday, there was growing speculation that the former leader may make way for his daughter Marina, head of his Fininvest empire, in some kind of political succession.


"Marina would be really good," said Daniela Santanche', MP from Mr Berlusconi's centre-right party and one of his most outspoken supporters. "Not just because she is a woman, this country needs more women because they talk straight. I'd be enthusiastic about the idea of having a woman with Marina's capabilities".


Meanwhile Milan prosecutors on Friday issued an order formally recognizing Mr Berlusconi's conviction. He now has until mid-October to decide whether he will serve his one-year term under house arrest or community service.


The billionaire media mogul is now ineligible to stand as a political candidate at future elections and the Senate could hold a vote to force him out of the upper house before that review is completed.


James Walston, professor of international relations at the American University in Rome, said he did not believe there was any immediate threat to the current government.


"What Mr Berlusconi and his supporters want to do now is really mark their ground and show they mean business," he said.


"His party does not want an election now as they run the risk of losing ground to Beppe Grillo and his Five Star Movement."


While the five-year ban on holding public office that was included in Mr Berlusconi's previous conviction has been sent back to a Milan appeals court for review.



