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Hundreds of foreign workers have rioted in Singapore

2013年12月10日 13時05分02秒 | Weblog

2013.12.10 Tue posted at 10:06 JST

(CNN) シンガポールのリトル・インディア地区で8日夜、400人以上の群衆が物を投げたり車に火をつけたりする騒ぎがあり、警察が27人を拘束した。

Australia net work

Eighteen injured as foreign workers riot in Singapore's Little India district
Updated Tue 10 Dec 2013, 1:20am AEDT

Hundreds of foreign workers, mostly from Bangladesh and India, have rioted in Singapore after being enraged by a fatal road accident, leaving 18 people injured and police vehicles burnt.

Singapore depends heavily on guest workers, with labourers from South Asia dominating sectors like construction.

Many congregate in Little India on Sundays to shop, dine and drink.

Sinapan Samydorai, Executive Director at the Think Centre in Singapore, has told Asia Pacific he believes the riot was about emotion.

"Some of them were not paid much earlier, but this incident is not related to non-payment of salary," he said.

"It is emotional when you see your own national or some of your friends...so I think the first crowd that came out would be his friends.

"The bus that caused the accident was also carrying migrant workers back to their dormitory."



