Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

アベ サンドバーグ いいね

2013年07月02日 21時42分17秒 | Weblog




American chief executives are systematically better paid than CEOs from continental Europe or Japan

2013年07月02日 13時07分25秒 | Weblog
Outsource the CEO
The latest figures tell us that American executives make more than foreigners, media titans make more than oilmen, and none of it makes much sense.
By Matthew Yglesias|Posted Monday, July 1, 2013, at 3:18 PM

[E]veryone knows that the pay gap between the big executives and the average Joe has been growing. The surprise・・・・is the striking lack of method to the madness: America’s CEOs are paid a lot largely because other American CEOs are also paid a lot.

It would be wrong to say that compensation for America’s chief executives is handed out randomly, but there’s certainly no clear link to corporate performance, and even the link to corporate size is surprisingly vague

American chief executives are systematically better paid than CEOs from continental Europe or Japan. CEOs of U.K., Canadian, and other Anglophone firms tend to earn at close to American levels.

And big American investment management firms―also led by American corporate executives―likewise think this makes sense. Which is all quite nice, but if you tried convincing one of these very same executives that he shouldn’t replace an American factory worker with a cheaper Chinese one, he would laugh you out of the room.



 そこで、表題の Outsource the CEO シャチョーを外注したほうがいいのではないか、となるわけでしょうね。


American Way of Birth, Costliest in the World

2013年07月02日 12時53分18秒 | Weblog
American Way of Birth, Costliest in the World

Having a Baby in the U.S. Costs Way Too Much, Especially If You Actually Pay Your Bills
By Allison Benedikt | Posted Monday, July 1, 2013, at 3:14 PM




2013年07月02日 12時32分36秒 | Weblog

New video of ‘Islamist’ public beheadings of ‘Assad loyalists’ surfaces in Syria (GRAPHIC CONTENT)
Get short URL Published time: June 28, 2013 19:21

Horrific video shows Syrian Catholic priest being 'beheaded by jihadist fighters in front of cheering crowd'
Father Francois Murad's death was confirmed by Vatican news agency
Footage of 49-year-old's gruesome death was filmed on a camera phone
The Syrian priest was killed last 23 June in Gassanieh, northern Syria
PUBLISHED: 10:19 GMT, 1 July 2013 | UPDATED: 15:27 GMT, 1 July 2013

A Syrian Catholic priest has been beheaded by jihadist fighters in Syria, it has been claimed.
The death of Franciscan Father Francois Murad has been confirmed by the official Vatican news agency.
The gruesome killing has raised further concerns about the West arming rebels in the fight against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.


 アサド 対 反乱軍で、白黒はっきりいえるものではないわけで、そんななか、反乱軍に西欧諸国から武器を提供するのはいかがなものか、という疑問を呈しているのは、ロシアからだけではないようである。

Forced to work as a slave for 13 years

2013年07月02日 12時19分27秒 | Weblog
Missing man, 43, 'is rescued after being forced to work as a slave for 13 years without one day off on farm where he slept with rats'
Darrell Simester disappeared while on holiday in Wales in August 2000
His family found 'vulnerable' son on farm in filthy conditions after tip-off
He claims he was treated like a slave by Irish traveller farm owners
PUBLISHED: 12:06 GMT, 1 July 2013 | UPDATED: 14:14 GMT, 1 July 2013

A 'vulnerable' man who went missing for 13 years has claimed he was kept as a slave by Irish travellers.
Darrell Simester, now 43, disappeared after arguing with friends on a holiday in Wales in August 2000.
His desperate parents Tony, 66, and Jean, 61, contacted the police around 50 times but were never able to locate their son.
But after years of searching, they have finally tracked him down in a remote farm in south Wales following an anonymous tip-off.



He added: 'These type of people roam the streets picking up the vulnerable and offering them a new life. Then they are treated like dogs.'


今回奴隷にしたほうの加害者は、Irish travellers である、と。

 容疑者の出自というか、身分というか、そんなものを 明示しているところがなんとも、といったところで、日本で言えば、”朝鮮民”みたいな含意でしょうか?ーーー詳しい方があれば教えてほしいところ。

(at large)

Son of Chinese government official drugged and sexually assaulted girl after spending months downloading date rape pornography and planning attack
Posted on July 1, 2013
Suzannah Hills


Jailed: Student Xuanyu Zhong, 25, drugged and sexually assaulted his female victim after becoming obsessed with date rape pornography

The son of a Chinese government official who was obsessed with date rape pornography has been jailed for six years after drugging an unsuspecting girl before sexually assaulting her.

Northumbria University student Xuanyu Zhong, 25, spent months researching how to carry out his ‘fantasy’ before buying drugs off the internet.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how Zhong then secretly laced his victim’s drink and forced himself on her
while she lay helpless.

Zhong, whose dad is a government official in China, had intended to rape the girl but, ‘for some reason’, changed his mind at the last minute and instead sexually assaulted her.

The student was eventually caught when his victim remembered certain parts of the assault and reported it to the police.

Zhong, originally from China but living in Newcastle at the time, claimed the incident was consensual but was found guilty by a jury.

He finally admitted what he’d done in a letter to the judge ahead of his sentencing on Friday when he was jailed for six years.




'you’re not English', 'none of you are English', 'f*** off' and 'get back to your own countries'

2013年07月02日 12時02分55秒 | Weblog
Emma West Secretly Filmed In Racist Rant On Tram In Nov 2011

What has this country come to?': Mother who launched vile racist tram rant which was caught on camera is spared jail
Judge said Emma West was clearly suffering mental health problems
Court hears she unwittingly overdosed on medication for depression
Video of her yelling 'what has this country come to?' went viral
Was bound over to keep the peace following sentencing today
PUBLISHED: 17:57 GMT, 1 July 2013 | UPDATED: 22:07 GMT, 1 July 2013


be spared jail については、旭川モントレー英語倶楽部をどうぞ。

West, from Croydon, was also handed a 24-month community order for offences of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against her partner and assaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty as she appeared for sentencing at Croydon Crown Court.

community order を受けた、といいますが、これは、暴言を吐いたときの暴行に対する刑みたいですね。

このcommunity orderとは、community service orderのことかと思いますが、これは行刑と訳されるんですね。

A student jailed for possession of bottled water, ice cream 水を買ったら逮捕ナノダ

2013年07月02日 10時29分57秒 | Weblog
UVA student jailed for possession of bottled water, ice cream

Va. agency reviews arrest of student with bottled water
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY 1:47 p.m. EDT June 29, 2013
The UVA student, jailed on felony charges, panicked when approached by 7 armed plainclothes officers.




Some are more equal than others

2013年07月02日 02時47分28秒 | Weblog

Why discussions on cyber snooping have been so painful
Consumption of American culture and ultimately 'values' has created a false sense of security, writes Meer.
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2013 13:11

When we sided with "the West" watching 80's Cold War movies, we were actually siding with USA, and when we watched war movies, we desperately wanted "our side" to win.

Every time we hear the "we never spy on US citizens" line, it’s another reminder that we are not equal (and that even if we became citizens, our parents, siblings and friends back home would still be fair game). Every CSPAN clip we see reminds us that some are more equal than others. It was always true, but we were blissfully ignorant. The leaks bring the issue into sharp relief and the national reaction to the leaks make it clear we don’t belong.

George Bush famously proclaimed: "You’re either with us, or against us". He asked foreigners the world over to choose. The wholesale spying on "foreigners" says how we chose made little difference at all.




2013年07月02日 01時53分41秒 | Weblog

A&E patients being forced to wait in ambulances for up to eight hours because of lack of beds
Thousands of patients were made to wait outside hospitals for hours
Lack of beds see patients treated in ambulances outside A&E
PUBLISHED: 23:32 GMT, 30 June 2013 | UPDATED: 23:32 GMT, 30 June 2013

Patients are being kept in ambulances for up to eight hours because there are not enough beds in A&E, figures show.
More than 3,400 patients were made to wait in vehicles parked outside hospitals for at least two hours, a rise of two thirds compared to 2011/12.

Freedom of Information requests from eight of England’s ten ambulance trusts show that last year 3,424 patients were made to wait in ambulances for at least two hours, compared to 2,061 the previous year.

And this included 96 who were made to wait four hours or more, treble the number recorded in 2011/12.
The figures also showed that in March, one patient was forced to wait outside the Royal Truro Hospital in Cornwall for eight hours, while two others waited for seven hours.
Another patient waited almost six hours outside Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport, Greater Manchester, with a further patient kept for more than five hours outside Tameside Greater Hospital, in Lancashire.

There is widespread suspicion that NHS managers are deliberately keeping patients waiting in ambulances to meet their targets.
Hospitals have been told to ensure that 95 per cent of patients spend no more than four hours in A&E before being discharged or sent to another ward.
But the clock starts only once a patient is formally admitted, so if the emergency unit is particularly busy bosses will be inclined to leave patients waiting in an ambulance.


The health tourist 'hit and runners' who rip you off... with £24million in unpaid NHS bills as abuse of free care by non-EU patients doubles in just one year
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt promises crack down after Mail On Sunday investigation
For every £100 spent by the NHS on health tourists only £23 has been paid back
One individual cost the NHS £217,000 but not a penny has been repaid
PUBLISHED: 21:12 GMT, 29 June 2013 | UPDATED: 21:12 GMT, 29 June 2013



A country in denial: Most Americans believe they are healthy.. even if they are overweight and don't work out
PUBLISHED: 17:55 GMT, 30 June 2013 | UPDATED: 18:17 GMT, 30 June 2013



アメリカンドリームの終焉 The End of the American Dream?

2013年07月02日 01時31分51秒 | Weblog

The End of the American Dream? By Niall Ferguson http://j.mp/1avbgv9 @newsweekさんから

The End of the American Dream?

Americans have a much higher toleration for inequality. But that toleration is implicitly conditional on there being more social mobility in the United States than in Europe.


story from rags to riches のし上がって金持になっていくような、アメリカンドリームという神話が、賞賛され、繰り返しテレビや映画で撒き散らされていたわけですね。


. In other words, problems that used to be disproportionately associated with African-American communities are now endemic in the trailer parks and subprime slums inhabited by poor whites. You get born there, you stay there―unless you get sent to jail.


How can social mobility increase in a society that cares twice as much for Grandma as for Junior?


Perhaps those in charge of Ivy League admissions have good reasons for their decisions. Perhaps it is right that they should do more than simply pick the most academically talented and industrious students who apply. But the possibility cannot be rejected out of hand that, whatever their intentions, the net effect of their pursuit of “diversity” is in fact to reduce yet further this country’s once unique social mobility





The End of the American Dream? と最後にクエスチョンマークがあるのは、論者は、それでも希望をもっているんでしょうね。

America’s Pacific Force Structure Takes Shape

2013年07月02日 00時43分42秒 | Weblog
America’s Pacific Force Structure Takes Shape
June 28, 2013
By Robbin F. Laird

Through new capabilities like the Osprey and F-35, the U.S. and its allies are building a 21st century attack and defense enterprise.


“Speed, range and presence are crucial to the kind of operations we participate in throughout the Pacific. The Osprey clearly fits perfectly into the types of missions we are tasked to perform.

 To illustrate hypothetically, if we were tasked to counter challenges in the South China sea, such as to bolster the defense of Ayungin Shoal, also known internationally as Second Thomas Reef, with one of our treaty allies, the Philippines, the U.S. has several options, but not all are efficient or even timely. We could use USAF assets, such as B-2 bombers or B-52 aircraft from Guam, or Navy surface or subsurface assets that are patrolling in the South China Sea, but the location of those assets may not provide timely arrival on station.

“But using the Osprey, we can fly down quickly from Okinawa with a platoon of well-trained Marines or Special Operations Forces (SOF) forces, land on difficult terrain or shipping, and perform whatever task that may be required in not only a timely but efficient manner.”







The U.S. ---- a friend  or a foe  ? 味方か敵方か?

2013年07月02日 00時14分33秒 | Weblog
Friends or Foes? Berlin Must Protect Germans from US Spying

A Commentary by Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark

The German government has failed to protect the public from the NSA's surveillance program and should be held accountable. On both a national and an EU level, there needs to be an independent investigation into the scandal.

シュピーゲル ドイツ政府は、アメリカのスパイ活動から国民を護れなかった、その責任は負うべきで、ドイツの国家レベル及び、EUレベルの独立した機関での調査が必要である、という記事

Obama is, at best, telling only a small portion of the truth.



The Americans' colossal spying operation smacks of totalitarianism.


In it, the NSA openly refers to Germany as both a friend and a foe. "We can, and often do, target the signals of most 3rd party foreign partners," it boasts.

3rd party foreign partners と、a friend and a foe との繋がりがよくわからないのだが、とにかく、アメリカにとって、ドイツは味方でもあり、敵方でもあるわけですね。



When it comes to correspondence, the private sphere was even a top priority for those who drafted Germany's constitution


Rumors persist that the US coordinated at least part of their surveillance program on German soil with German authorities.




The NSA is striving for "Information Superiority." What any constitutional state must now strive for is "Information Sovereignty" -- a return to self-determination and its basic right to decide itself what happens to its data
