Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年07月04日 22時08分51秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, JUL 4, 2013 08:15 PM +0900
How to debate your crazy uncle at the July 4 BBQ
It's the worst holiday tradition: Political debates with ignorant relatives. Here's a guide for answering the crazy






不平等はイノベーション 革新の母




2013年07月04日 17時39分53秒 | Weblog








デリメUKネタ 3本

2013年07月04日 13時16分49秒 | Weblog

A third of pupils aged five 'can't count to 10': Ofsted chief says too many children start school without the skills to learn
Sir Michael Wilshaw said a 'significant minority' are 'not ready' for lessons
Many early years settings aren't giving children skills needed for school
PUBLISHED: 21:42 GMT, 3 July 2013 | UPDATED: 21:43 GMT, 3 July 2013

More than a third continue to struggle to do simple tasks such as count to ten, write simple words or take turns speaking in class amid a shortage of ‘high quality’ provision.

Last year, teachers warned that rising numbers of children were arriving at school still wearing nappies while others were struggling to speak properly.

But 34 per cent of five-year-olds do not have a good level of communication, language or literacy. Among children from poorer areas, the figure rises to more than four in ten.
Fifteen per cent of five-year-old boys in England cannot write their own name or short words like ‘cat’ or ‘dog’, compared with eight per cent of girls.


Children's diets worse today than in wartime: And now illnesses of 1940s are making a comeback
Doctors warn food standards in UK are worse now than during the war
Scurvy and rickets are on the rise amongst children who live on junk food
Lack of vitamins leads to lifelong bone health issues
PUBLISHED: 11:46 GMT, 3 July 2013 | UPDATED: 01:00 GMT, 4 July 2013

Wartime diseases are making a comeback among children because their junk food diets are worse than during rationing, warn experts.
Conditions such as scurvy and rickets are being fuelled by too many takeaways and microwave meals, it is claimed.

 ジャンクフードのせいで、子供の栄養状態が配給時代のように悪く 戦時中のように、栄養不足で 壊血病 やくる病になる子供が増えている、と。

Patched-up Prince: Charles's worn out jacket for his date with the Daleks
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited BBC studio, Cardiff, Wales



2013年07月04日 12時49分22秒 | Weblog
Father: Teen Jailed For Facebook Comment Beaten Up Behind Bars
July 03, 2013 3:43 AM

The family of Justin Carter, the 19-year-old Texas gamer who made offensive Facebook comments that landed him in jail, is working with new urgency to get his $500,000 bail reduced because they say he's getting beat up behind bars.

"Without getting into the really nasty details, he's had concussions, black eyes, moved four times from base for his own protection," says Carter's father, Jack. "He's been put in solitary confinement, nude, for days on end because he's depressed. All of this is extremely traumatic to this kid. This is a horrible experience."


在特会参加者 書類送検

2013年07月04日 10時14分41秒 | Weblog
韓国籍のライターを脅迫容疑 在特会デモ参加の会社員




 警備部は、起訴を求める「厳重処分」の意見を付けた。2013/07/03 19:09 【共同通信】

「こういうのは殺(や)ろう」デモ批判のフリーライター脅迫 容疑で右派グループ関係者の男を書類送検
2013.7.3 16:56 [westピックアップ]




エジプト軍、大統領を排除 現憲法停止へーーーー危険な前例

2013年07月04日 09時12分06秒 | Weblog
エジプト軍、大統領を排除 現憲法停止へ


It's not just Morsi, it's the entire political class
Morsi won't leave office nor should he without the opposition having a concrete political programme, writes scholar.
Last Modified: 03 Jul 2013 09:18

Now elements of the opposition are calling for a caretaker technocratic government presided over by the military. Ignoring the dangerous precedent that military intervention sets for Egyptian democracy, the calls for technocratic rule expose a deeper problem among Egypt's political class

Until the opposition can figure out how to coordinate on actual policy, their future--at least in democratic contests--remains dim.




"God hates faggot " ウエストボロ・バプティスト教会

2013年07月04日 08時14分09秒 | Weblog

White House responds to Westboro Baptist petition with stunning GIF





タヒチ プルトニウムの雨

2013年07月04日 08時14分09秒 | Weblog
French nuclear tests 'showered vast area of Polynesia with radioactivity'
Declassified papers show extent of plutonium fall-out from South Pacific tests of 60s and 70s was kept hidden, says French paper
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Angelique Chrisafis in Paris
The Guardian, Wednesday 3 July 2013 18.14 BST
Jump to comments (73)

 via mozu

French nuclear tests in the South Pacific in the 1960s and 1970s were far more toxic than has been previously acknowledged and hit a vast swath of Polynesia with radioactive fallout, according to newly declassified ministry of defence documents which have angered veterans and civilians' groups.

The papers, seen by the French paper Le Parisien, reportedly reveal that plutonium fallout hit the whole of French Polynesia, a much broader area than France had previously admitted. Tahiti, above, the most populated island, was exposed to 500 times the maximum accepted levels of radiation. The impact spread as far as the tourist island, Bora Bora.

From 1960 to 1996, France carried out 210 nuclear tests, 17 in the Algerian Sahara and 193 in French Polynesia in the South Pacific, symbolised by the images of a mushroom cloud over the Mururoa atoll. For decades, France argued that the controlled explosions were clean. Jacques Chirac, the French president, controversially resumed nuclear atoll explosions in the South Pacific shortly after being elected in 1995.

Le Parisien said the documents "lifted the lid on one of the biggest secrets of the French army". It said papers showed that on 17 July 1974, a test exposed Tahiti to 500 times the maximum allowed level of plutonium fallout.

Bruno Barillot, who has investigated the impacts of the nuclear tests for the Polynesian government, complained of the high levels of thyroid cancers and leukaemia in Polynesia. He said the declassified documents revealed Tahiti had "literally been showered with plutonium for two days" during the Mururoa test; from the outset France knew the impact spread further than it publicly admitted. But of the 2,050 pages declassified, 114 remained blacked out.

Richard Oldham, a member of the Polynesia nuclear workers' association Mururoa e Tatou, told Radio New Zealand International : "It's the right for our future generations to know what has happened in this country."

In 2006 a French medical research body found nuclear testing had caused an increase in cancer on the nearest inhabited islands. The French judiciary began investigating health implications. It was not until 2010 that France acknowledged that there could be a compensation process for veterans and civilians. But that is complex and limited to a small geographical area and certain ailments.

About 150,000 veterans and civilians worked on, or were present during, nuclear tests, including 127,000 in Polynesia. But of 800 dossiers, only 11 people have received compensation.




2013年07月04日 08時02分30秒 | Weblog
阿比留 瑠比









 また、そういう意味では、最近読んでいないが、当時、民主党を支持し続けていた observing Japan の Tobias Harris

LGBT Hate crime NY subway

2013年07月04日 07時57分38秒 | Weblog

LGBT Hate Crime New York Subway

公開日: 2013/07/02
On Sunday, June 30th at around 11:45 PM, I was riding home on the Queens-bound F train following a day of LGBT Pride festivities. Two men were loudly making homophobic comments, such as "Today was a scary day for me. There were fags everywhere." When a group of queer youth got on the train, the men proceeded to harass them, stating that the teens made them want to puke and that they would be killed if they were in Iran. The first assailant then threatened to rape them, at which point I took out my phone to document the incident.

Seeing that he was being recorded, the first assailant lunged at me, violently grabbing my arms while trying to steal away my phone. One of the youth took the phone from me temporarily to protect it and told the assailant he shouldn't attack a woman. When the assailant threatened to punch me, I took the phone back and ran to the other side of the train to push the emergency button and alert the authorities. At this point the second assailant got up and came towards me, grabbing my body and hands to try and get the phone to destroy the evidence. I yelled and told him I was an attorney. An onlooker then got up and stood between the assailants and myself, and another person left to get the train conductor・・・・


Helen, who’s Asian,  should be kissing our ass and serving us some fucking rice

2013年07月04日 01時32分46秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, JUL 4, 2013 12:21 AM +0900
“Big Brother” apology for racism is too little, too late
CBS says it doesn't "condone" hate on "Big Brother" -- then why doesn't the network stop it?



Big Brother Live Feeds - Aaryn / GinaMarie make racist/homophobic slurs  

Big Brother already a cesspool of racist, homophobic, and misogynistic comments

Big Brother 15 »
by Andy Dehnart / July 1, 2013, 8:02 AM

Here are examples, compiled and expanded from the above sources, video clips, and other sources:

GinaMarie said that, because of her income level, she receives “nigger insurance” (she whispered the n-word, so it’s possible she said the version that ends with “a”). She whispered it to both Nick and Andy, neither of whom challenged her.
GinaMarie said Helen, who’s Asian, “should be kissing our ass and serving us some fucking rice.
Aaryn said of Andy, “No one’s gonna vote for whoever that queer puts up.” She also suggested he’d win MVP because “people love the queers.”
Aaryn said about Candice, who’s black, “be careful what you say in the dark; you might not be able to see that bitch.” (A month ago, Aaryn tweeted, “Attractiveness comes from inside. What would you look like if your looks mirrored your words and actions?” So much irony.)
GinaMarie said Candice “gets that fuckin’ blackness,” referring to Candice’s reaction to something that happened in the game.
Aaryn said of Helen, “Shut up. Go make some fucking rice.
Talking about sheets that smelled bad, David said they were that way because “black Candice” was on them, and then admitted, “that was totally racist.”
Jeremy, who calls the house’s women “bitches,” said of Katilin, “I did touch her vagina today.. she didn’t act like she was happy.. I like to feel around see what’s she’s working with.. see if it’s a nice meat wallet … I know she’s on her period.”
Spencer called Andy “Kermit the fag”; Amanda called Andy “Faggoty Ann” (McCrae later called her out for that language, but she defended it).
Spencer said that the medical torture conducted by Nazi doctors was beneficial and praised Hitler’s speaking abilities, even while acknowledging that he’d be criticized for that.
Katilin said she likes gay people but they’re “untrustworthy in a game like this.
McCrae said, “If I’m talking to a girl, that probably means I don’t want to fuck her.”
Spencer referred to women as “cunts.”
GinaMarie said, “you know two blacks stick together. They’re like tokens.


 こうした言動を批判する人たちがいるわけですから、これがこの国の支配的な文化規範といえるかどうかはわからないわけですけど、他方、should be kissing our ass という態度を取る白人の人はわりにいるのも事実でありまーす。




2013年07月04日 00時46分48秒 | Weblog
AT教団 ‏@atkyoudan 2時間
http://www.tkfd.or.jp/research/project/news.php?id=1160 … 【書評】柳澤協二『検証官邸のイラク戦争 ―元防衛官僚による批判と自省』(評者:細谷雄一)


戦略上の最大の目的は、最小限、日本の領土、領海、領空を他国の侵害から守り、以って国民の生命を守ること、国民の生活を守る という意味では、海外に在留する国民の安全や、、シーレーン防衛もその目的のなかにあろう。


 平和が最大の目的であって、国威はそれに使われるべきであろう。チベットなどは、侵略戦争に対抗する軍事力を持たないから、残念ながら、いつまでも、国際社会において名誉ある地位が占められないどころか、滅亡の危機にさえある。 そんなチベットを平和を志向する社民党も、日本共産党も口先ではいろいろ言うかもしれないが、誰も救ってはくれない。国威をもって平和に仕えさせるべきである。





