Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Detroit  The city is past being a city now; it’s gone

2013年07月09日 22時23分55秒 | Weblog
Financial Crisis Just a Symptom of Detroit’s Woes

Published: July 8, 2013

DETROIT ― A question unimaginable in most major American cities is utterly commonplace in this one: If you suddenly found yourself gravely ill, injured or even shot, would you call 911?

Many people here say the answer is no. Some laugh at the odds of an ambulance appearing promptly, if ever. In Detroit, people map out alternative plans instead, enlisting a relative or a friend.

As officials negotiate urgently with creditors and unions in a last-ditch effort to spare Detroit from plunging into the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation’s history, residents say the city has worse problems than its estimated $18 billion debt.

“The city is past being a city now; it’s gone,” said Kendrick Benguche, whose family lives on a block with a single streetlight, just down from a vacant firehouse that sits beside a burned-out home. The Detroit police’s average response time to calls for the highest-priority crimes this year was 58 minutes, officials now overseeing the city say. The department’s recent rate of solving cases was 8.7 percent, far lower, the officials acknowledge, than clearance rates in cities like Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and St. Louis.

 デトロイト 破産寸前で、警察や救急車、電気や水道などのインフラが機能しなくなって、街が街でなくなってきている、と。


朝鮮戦争時やベトナム戦争時においては 米軍が、女性を性奴隷にして搾取した。

2013年07月09日 22時08分22秒 | Weblog
「ユダヤ人大虐殺や黒人奴隷とは違う」 維新・橋下代表







R.I.P 吉田所長 ありがとう。

2013年07月09日 22時02分44秒 | Weblog

細野 豪志

2013年7月9日 21:03


東電 吉田昌郎元所長が死去
7月9日 18時59分





Women go to university to find a man to marry

2013年07月09日 10時42分00秒 | Weblog
Women go to university to find a man to marry: Boris Johnson accused of sexism after joke to Malaysian Prime Minister
London Mayor makes gaffe while debating the role of women in society
Malaysia's PM Najib Razak says 68% of graduates in country are women
Groans and laughter as mayor says they have 'got to find men to marry'
PUBLISHED: 12:38 GMT, 8 July 2013 | UPDATED: 22:36 GMT, 8 July 2013




2013年07月09日 09時55分43秒 | Weblog
Why Countries Build Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
By Zachary Keck

July 3, 2013

President France’s rationale was straight forward. As Hymans explains, he believed that “French military power must remain at least one order of magnitude superior to Germany’s; thus, the fewer the restrictions on German conventional weapons, the greater the need for a French atomic force.

Israel’s decision to pursue the bomb was also motivated almost entirely by its perceived conventional inferiority vis-à-vis its Arab neighbors.

This was ominous indeed for policymakers in Pyongyang, who rightly calculated that they couldn’t match America’s conventional military might. Consequently, they sought to negate its military superiority by acquiring the ultimate deterrent.

Iran’s nuclear program is better explained, then, by the rise in the potential conventional threat the U.S. poses to Iran.

On the other hand, the rise in China’s conventional military strength makes it likely that Eastern Asia will be the region where the most potent proliferation risks emanate from. Countries with territorial disputes with China―first and foremost, Japan― will have the strongest motivation to build the bomb.






The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

2013年07月09日 01時02分04秒 | Weblog
The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

Racial and Ethnic Mapping

The 2008 Attorney General's Guidelines also authorized "domain management assessments" which allow the FBI to map American communities by race and ethnicity based on crass stereotypes about the crimes they are likely to commit. FBI documents obtained by the ACLU show the FBI mapped entire Chinese and Russian communities in San Francisco on the theory that they might commit organized crime, all Latino communities in New Jersey and Alabama because a street gang has Latino members, African Americans in Georgia to find "Black separatists," and Middle-Eastern communities in Detroit for terrorism investigations. The FBI's racial and ethnic mapping program is simply racial and religious profiling of entire


経済学入門の嘘 Econ 101 is killing America

2013年07月09日 00時23分40秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, JUL 8, 2013 08:45 PM +0900
Econ 101 is killing America
Forget the dumbed-down garbage most economists spew. Their myths are causing tragic results for everyday Americans

Myth 1: Economics is a science.

The way economists maintain stature in public policy circles is to present their discipline as a science, akin to physics. In Econ 101, there is no uncertainty, only the obvious truths embedded in supply and demand curves. As noted economist Lionel Robbins wrote, “Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between given ends and scarce means, which have alternative uses.” If economics is actually a science, then policymakers can feel more comfortable following the advice of economists. But if economics is really a science – which implies only one answer to a particular question ― why do 40 percent of surveyed economists agree that raising the minimum wage would make it harder for people to get jobs while 40 percent disagree? It’s because as Larry Lindsey, former head of President Bush’s National Economic Council, admitted, “the continuing argument [among economists] is a product of philosophical disagreements about human nature and the role of government and cannot be fully resolved by economists no matter how sound their data.”



The countries that beat the U.S. in the latest competitiveness rankings by the World Economic Forum are all high-wage nations: Switzerland, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany.

In industries that cannot be outsourced, labor is only one of several factors of production that can be substituted for one another. Writing in defense of low-wage immigrant farmworker programs in the progressive magazine Mother Jones, Kevin Drum claims: “Most Americans just aren’t willing to do backbreaking agricultural labor for a bit above minimum wage, and if the wage rate were much higher the farms would no longer be competitive.” But if American farmworkers were paid better, then U.S. agribusiness would have an incentive to cut costs using technology, like automated tomato picking machines, as the agricultural sectors of Japan, Australia and other high-wage nations have done. While transitional unemployment as a result of innovation always has to be dealt with, the effects of high wages in encouraging investment in labor-saving technology should be welcomed, not deplored.


ネオリベ リバタリアン 的な勢力がいまだに強いわけだし、私は、支持するところもあるのだが、市場原理をすべての分野に拡大すべきとか、競争原理が常にもっとも能率的とか、計画経済は常にだめ、というわけではないのでしょうね。