Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

What men want, America delivers

2013年07月05日 23時09分50秒 | Weblog
Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft. T.I., Pharrell

From Robin Thicke's latest songs to abortion restrictions around the country, America's all about men's desires




FRIDAY, JUL 5, 2013 09:15 PM +0900
What men want, America delivers
From Robin Thicke's latest songs to abortion restrictions around the country, America's all about men's desires

Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines Lyrics
Robin Thicke: Blurred Lines (feat.T.I., Pharrell ) (和訳)


Shake the vibe, get down, get up
 Do it like it hurt, like it hurt

下げて 上げて



Some critics have suggested that the song, together with the the music video, trivializes sexual consent. Tricia Romano of the Daily Beast wrote that some female fans were uncomfortable. She also quoted feminists who interpreted the song's message as being the promotion of rape culture on account that the moniker "Blurred Lines" and portions of the lyrics like "I know you want it" encourage the idea "no does not always mean no" and that some women who are raped are asking for it


 日本の演歌なんかが よく、男の欲望を投影した女性を唄いあげたりしていますね。

Why were America's crimes superficially recorded, let alone documented, let alone acknowledged

2013年07月05日 22時34分53秒 | Weblog
Forcing down Evo Morales's plane was an act of air piracy
Denying the Bolivian president air space was a metaphor for the gangsterism that now rules the world
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John Pilger
The Guardian, Thursday 4 July 2013 19.00 BS

Imagine the aircraft of the president of France being forced down in Latin America on "suspicion" that it was carrying a political refugee to safety – and not just any refugee but someone who has provided the people of the world with proof of criminal activity on an epic scale.

Imagine the response from Paris, let alone the "international community", as the governments of the west call themselves. To a chorus of baying indignation from Whitehall to Washington, Brussels to Madrid, heroic special forces would be dispatched to rescue their leader and, as sport, smash up the source of such flagrant international gangsterism. Editorials would cheer them on, perhaps reminding readers that this kind of piracy was exhibited by the German Reich in the 1930s.

Snowden's revelations are not merely about privacy, or civil liberty, or even mass spying. They are about the unmentionable: that the democratic facades of the US now barely conceal a systematic gangsterism historically identified with, if not necessarily the same as, fascism. On Tuesday, a US drone killed 16 people in North Waziristan, "where many of the world's most dangerous militants live", said the few paragraphs I read. That by far the world's most dangerous militants had hurled the drones was not a consideration. President Obama personally sends them every Tuesday.

In his acceptance of the 2005 Nobel prize in literature, Harold Pinter referred to "a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed". He asked why "the systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities" of the Soviet Union were well known in the west while America's crimes were "superficially recorded, let alone documented, let alone acknowledged". The most enduring silence of the modern era covered the extinction and dispossession of countless human beings by a rampant US and its agents. "But you wouldn't know it," said Pinter. "It never happened. Even while it was happening it never happened."

This hidden history – not really hidden, of course, but excluded from the consciousness of societies drilled in American myths and priorities – has never been more vulnerable to exposure. Snowden's whistleblowing, like that of Manning and Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, threatens to break the silence Pinter described. In revealing a vast Orwellian police state apparatus servicing history's greatest war-making machine, they illuminate the true extremism of the 21st century. Unprecedented, Germany's Der Spiegel has described the Obama administration as "soft totalitarianism". If the penny is falling, we might all look closer to home.










2013年07月05日 21時47分02秒 | Weblog







2013年07月05日 18時49分35秒 | Weblog
なぜか今頃「ひきこもり」がBBCネタに……。BBC News - Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their rooms? http://bbc.in/1a3Pa3F





「ひきこもりは家族への恥 shameになっている」とか解説されると、どこか後進国っぽく見えてしまう。Family shameという英語フレーズは「個人の独立を阻む家族主義」みたいなネガティブ・コノテーションがつきまとう。ムスリム系の強制結婚ネタなどでよく出てくるし。


4 July 2013 Last updated at 23:21 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their rooms?
By William Kremer and Claudia Hammond
BBC World Service

A second social factor is the amae - dependence - that characterises Japanese family relationships. Young women traditionally live with their parents until marriage - men may never move out of the family home. Even though about half of hikikomori are violent towards their parents, for most families it would be unthinkable to throw them out.


"Traditionally, Japanese psychology was thought to be group-oriented - Japanese people do not want to stand out in a group," says Yuriko Suzuki, a psychologist at the National Institute for Mental Health in Tokyo. "But I think especially for the younger generation, they want more individualised or personalised care and attention. I think we are in a mixed state."

どうかなあ? 引きこもりのこどもは、家族の中で甘えて、家族に癒着して、そこから離脱する恐怖が世間に飛び出すのを引き止めているのではないかな。その意味で、まだ、個人の芽生えがない。

Andy Furlong, an academic at the University of Glasgow specialising in the transition from education to work, connects the growth of the hikikomori phenomenon with the popping of the 1980s "bubble economy" and the onset of Japan's recession of the 1990s

At first he would go out to buy shopping, but she observes ruefully that internet shopping means this is no longer necessary and he no longer leaves the house. He is now 50 years old.


A common reaction is for parents to treat their recalcitrant son with anger, to lecture them and make them feel guilty for bringing shame on the family.




His approach is to begin with "reorganising" the relationship between the patient and his parents, arming desperate mothers and fathers with strategies to restart communication with their children



2013年07月05日 18時30分39秒 | Weblog


 同誌のホームページによると、「緊急アンケート 安藤美姫選手の出産を支持しますか?」としてアンケートを実施。「出産を支持しますか?」「子育てしながら五輪を目指すことに賛成ですか?」という設問に対し多数の抗議が寄せられたという。




中国 烏坎 民主主義への道

2013年07月05日 18時26分57秒 | Weblog
Wukan: After the Uprising
After ousting its corrupt leadership, one Chinese village grapples with the challenges of democracy.
Special series Last Modified: 05 Jul 2013 08:39

烏坎事件 wikiをつうじて、村長選挙を勝ち取った過程の特集らしい。ウィキによると




’on the plane, sitting thigh to thigh with a big fat nigger. Lucky me’

2013年07月05日 17時39分13秒 | Weblog
FRIDAY, JUL 5, 2013 05:00 AM +0900
The N-word on the 4th of July
The flight home to see my family for the holiday was a tearful, shameful affair. I had to say something. But what?

As we boarded, I noticed that this mom and I would be sitting in the same row, I in the window seat, she in the center. As we sat awaiting takeoff, I finished a text conversation and signaled to the flight attendant for a seat-belt extender, a fat passenger’s best friend. Then just as the call came to shut our phones off, I glanced over at her, and she was still texting, rapidly. I caught a few words of the end of her text that made me look more intently: “on the plane, sitting thigh to thigh with a big fat nigger. Lucky me.

My breath caught in my chest.

And then there was pain. Humiliation. Embarrassment. Anger.

I still remember the very first time I was called the N-word. It was 1988 or so, and I was in third grade. My classmate, a poor white girl named Vicki, chose to punctuate the end of a childhood spat by yelling, “You DIRTY NIGGER!” Seven- or 8-year-old me was bewildered. And silent. I had never heard that word used that way before. I didn’t know what it meant. Yet I felt its force and its vitriolic intent viscerally.

アメリカ独立記念日に飛行機にのったら、となりの白人のおばちゃんが、携帯で、「飛行機搭乗、デブのniggar のとなり、ラッキー」とメッセージを送っていたのをみて、ショックだった。

初めて、nigger と呼ばれたのは、1988年、ばっちいnigger と同級生にののしられたときで、その時は意味はわからなかったけど、強烈な辛らつな何かを感じとった、と。

欧州も米に卑屈 European leaders are slavishly obedient to American policy 

2013年07月05日 17時09分19秒 | Weblog

Latin American leaders slam US, EU on Morales flight
TODAY @ 09:29

The leaders ended the summit with a joint-statement, condemning France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

All four-member states refused to allow Morales’ Falcon 900 to enter into their respective airspace.

Critics of the air ban say the president was "virtually kidnapped" and that the Europeans broke international laws at the request of the Americans.

Bolivia’s ambassador to the United Nations called it an act of aggression.


Snowden asylum case: ‘European leaders are slavishly obedient to American policy’
Get short URL Published time: July 04, 2013 15:26

In the debate between security and privacy the US government went way too far in the direction of security, but the European leaders are obedient to American policy, Gerolf Annemans, member of the Belgian Vlaams Belang party, told RT.

RT: How do you explain this decision to ground the Bolivian President’s plane, surely it goes against any understanding of presidential immunity?

Gerolf Annemans: This shameful situation is due to the fact that European governments and European politicians, European leaders are slavishly obedient to American policy, they all are, and that’s why they handled this matter in this way.


Iceland proposal would grant NSA leaker Snowden citizenship
Published July 05, 2013

Icelandic lawmakers have introduced a proposal in Parliament that would grant immediate citizenship to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.
Ogmundur Jonasson, whose liberal Left-Green Party is backing the proposal along with the Pirate Party and Brighter Future Party, put the issue before the Judicial Affairs Committee Thursday, but the idea received minimal support.
Snowden is believed to be stuck in a Moscow airport transit area, seeking asylum from more than a dozen countries. At one point, he told the Guardian newspaper that he was inclined to seek asylum in a country that shared his values ― and that "the nation that most encompasses this is Iceland."
But to apply for asylum in Iceland, Snowden would have to reach the island nation's soil.
Granting Snowden immediate citizenship would circumvent that issue. The same tactic helped get eccentric chess master Bobby Fischer to Iceland from Japan in 2005 to escape U.S. prosecution for breaking sanctions imposed on the former Yugoslavia.
Jonasson argued to parliament on Thursday that Snowden "is now being chased and has nowhere to go," according to Icelandic media.
Leaks by Snowden, a former NSA systems analyst, have revealed the NSA's sweeping data collection of U.S. phone records and some Internet traffic, though U.S. intelligence officials have said the programs are aimed at targeting foreigners and terrorist suspects mostly overseas.
The proposal to grant Snowden citizenship received limited support when it was discussed Thursday ― the last day before summer recess. Six members of minority parties were in favor out of Parliament's 63 members.



The 4th and 5th amendments have been virtually suspended.

2013年07月05日 04時34分34秒 | Weblog


Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment 5 - Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


2013年07月05日 01時19分03秒 | Weblog

'Setback for Democracy': World Leaders Critical of Egyptian Coup

Leaders in Europe and elsewhere have expressed dismay at the coup which saw the Egyptian military topple the country's president on Wednesday night. Some are warning that it sets a "dangerous precedent" that could happen again.

Foreign Secretary William Hague also told the BBC: "We don't support military intervention as a way to resolve disputes in a democratic system." "It's of course a dangerous precedent to do that, if one president can be deposed by the military, then of course another one can be in the future -- that's a dangerous thing.

"You can only be removed from dutry through elections, that is, the will of the people. It is unacceptable for a government, which has come to power through democratic elections, to be toppled through illicit means and even more, a military coup," he told reporters.





via mozu





Egypt's Cunning General: How the Military Plans to Keep Power

By Raniah Salloum

Egyptian President Morsi has been toppled, and a judge will be the country's new interim leader. But in reality, he's just a puppet. Behind the scenes, General Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and his military apparatus will continue to call the shots.



Happy white people’s independence day!

2013年07月05日 00時31分49秒 | Weblog

Stop calling it “Independence Day”
I love July 4. But what is “independence,” if full freedom still doesn't exist for everyone in this country?

Comedian Chris Rock sparked a debate a year ago today, when he tweeted: “Happy white people’s independence day! The slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks.” The sentiment expressed in Rock’s comments reflect the profundity of racial inequalities by challenging Americans to remember the stark realities of the past.



Statistics show that 87 percent of all NYPD stop-and frisks are of minorities ― despite blacks and Hispanics making up only 23 percent and 29 percent of the city’s population, respectively. The recorded number of black males stopped in 2011 exceeded the number of black males who actually live in the city. Over 90 percent of minorities stopped were innocent of crime and had no weapon. Yet the mayor incessantly defends racial profiling. And of the few whites who were stopped, white males were twice as likely to be carrying a gun ― the very reason Bloomberg claims he supports the program. So based on Bloomberg’s own analysis, he should be targeting whites.


 つまり、 自由が白人男性だけにあるのに、なーにが、独立や、と。

 日本でも、主権回復の日について 沖縄が米軍の統治下にあったのに、なにが、主権回復や?と反発されるのと似ていますね。


Recently, liberals and conservatives alike were outraged by the revelation that the National Security Agency, under the auspices of the Patriot Act, were collecting phone records and data on millions of citizens. The thought of the government recording their intimate calls outraged their sensibilities and sparked a national debate. Likewise, following an outcry from angry travelers, changes have been introduced to curb post-9/11 Transportation Security Administration practices that allow airport security to aggressively search, screen and frisk flight passengers.


”The problem with you is that you will always be a nigger”

2013年07月05日 00時18分30秒 | Weblog
Met police officer who used racial slur against suspect is sacked
PC Alex MacFarlane, who was recorded calling a man under arrest 'a nigger', is sacked for gross misconduct
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Paul Lewis
The Guardian, Wednesday 3 July 2013 18.28 BST

イギリスの警官が黒人に 問題は、てめえは、いつになってもniggerなんだよ、みたいなことをいってのを録音されたのが警察に明らかになた、当該警官は首になった、と。






2013年07月05日 00時00分18秒 | Weblog
4 July 2013 Last updated at 14:11 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
France 'has vast data surveillance' - Le Monde report




