Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

アメリカの民主主義は機能していない カーター America has no functioning democracy 

2013年07月18日 23時33分18秒 | Weblog
‘America has no functioning democracy’ – Jimmy Carter on NSA
Get short URL Published time: July 18, 2013 12:15

Former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted US intelligence methods as undemocratic and described Edward Snowden’s NSA leak as “beneficial” for the country.

Carter lashed out at the US political system when the issue of the previously top-secret NSA surveillance program was touched upon at the Atlantic Bridge meeting on Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia.

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said, according to Der Spiegel.

He also believes the spying-scandal is undermining democracy around the world, as people become increasingly suspicious of US internet platforms, such as Google and Facebook. While such mediums have normally been associated with freedom of speech and have recently become a major driving force behind emerging democratic movements, fallout from the NSA spying scandal has dented their credibility.



A Cruel and Unusual Record
Published: June 24, 2012

Revelations that top officials are targeting people to be assassinated abroad, including American citizens, are only the most recent, disturbing proof of how far our nation’s violation of human rights has extended.

Recent legislation has made legal the president’s right to detain a person indefinitely on suspicion of affiliation with terrorist organizations or “associated forces,” a broad, vague power that can be abused without meaningful oversight from the courts or Congress (the law is currently being blocked by a federal judge). This law violates the right to freedom of expression and to be presumed innocent until proved guilty, two other rights enshrined in the declaration.

These policies clearly affect American foreign policy. Top intelligence and military officials, as well as rights defenders in targeted areas, affirm that the great escalation in drone attacks has turned aggrieved families toward terrorist organizations, aroused civilian populations against us and permitted repressive governments to cite such actions to justify their own despotic behavior.






2013年07月18日 17時07分03秒 | Weblog
How Japan’s Military Should Change
By James R. Holmes

July 18, 2013

A Chinese correspondent emails to ask the Naval Diplomat's views about all of this, including such matters as revising the postwar "peace" constitution to "normalize" the status of the Self-Defense Forces as a regular military force, and perhaps rename the SDF as such; undertaking collective self-defense measures alongside U.S. forces; mounting a more active defense against ballistic-missile attack; and reorienting forces toward defense of the southwestern islands. Whew! Is that all?

My answer, in brief, is that Tokyo should proceed on all of these fronts except the renaming issue, and that any constitutional revisions should spell out, explicitly and unambiguously, that the SDF will never go on the strategic offensive.






 安倍首相がこれから、どのように、軍事をめぐる体制を再編成していくにせよ、日本は他国を絶対に侵略しないこと はこれ以上に明らかになることはないほど、明らかにしていくべきで、そのために、外交上「自衛隊」という名称は ある種のクッションになって、非常に役立っている。







2013年07月18日 12時20分37秒 | Weblog




(2013年7月18日10時57分 読売新聞)



米は病的、America is sick....It acts out its omnipotence, considers itself above international law"

2013年07月18日 09時49分48秒 | Weblog



NSA Snooping: The War on Terror Is America's Mania http://j.mp/18nSxls @SPIEGELONLINEさんから シュピーゲルは頑張るなぁ

NSA Snooping: The War on Terror Is America's Mania

A Commentary By Klaus Brinkbäumer

The NSA spying scandal shows that America's pursuit of terrorists has turned into a mania. Spying on citizens is as monstrous and unlawful as Guantanamo Bay and drone warfare. The German government's response has been woefully weak.

America is sick.....
It acts out its omnipotence, considers itself above international law -- certainly on its own territory and even on foreign ground. The fact that it's Obama behaving in such a way is bleak. If this were happening during the administration of George W. Bush, we could at least think, "It's just Bush. He's predictable. There is a better America." Now we know: There is only one America. Did Obama, the Harvard Law student, even believe what he was saying in his speeches about the return of civil liberties?

The German government has shown devastating weakness. Merkel should say, "You are manic, and what you are doing is sick." That's what friends do. Instead she weighs every word to avoid annoying the Americans.




2013年07月18日 08時54分13秒 | Weblog
Trayvon Martin’s Unpunished Shooting Death Among 100+ Extrajudicial Killings of Unarmed Blacks

AMY GOODMAN: Kali, I want to ask you about a particular case. A trial began this week in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for a case that’s been compared to the Trayvon Martin shooting. An elderly white man, John Henry Spooner, is facing first-degree intentional murder charges for the fatal shooting of his unarmed [neighbor], a 13-year-old African-American boy named Darius Simmons, in May 2012. According to the criminal complaint, Spooner confronted Darius Simmons of stealing from his home. When Simmons denied it, Spooner shot him. The boy’s mother witnessed her son’s murder. Darius Simmons’ aunt, Betty McCuiston, spoke at the vigil after the shooting.

BETTY McCUISTON: And his mom want everyone to know that he had his hands up, standing in front of him, when he shot him. And then he turned to run, and he shot him again in his back.

AMY GOODMAN: After witnessing her son’s murder, Darius Simmons’ mother, Patricia Larry, was reportedly forced to remain in a police car for more than an hour instead of being allowed to be with her son’s body. Police searched her home for the firearms Spooner had accused the boy of stealing but found nothing. He was her―his neighbor. They also arrested another of her sons on a year-old truancy violation. On Monday, at least one potential juror for the Spooner case was not chosen after he expressed anger over the Zimmerman verdict. Of the 14 jurors selected Monday, only one is African American. If you could tell us more about this, Kali Akuno?

KALI AKUNO: Well, I mean, just briefly, we see, again, the same pattern, particularly in the jury selection. We see the same pattern of how the police were derelict in their duties to gather the information, how they treated the mother and the rest of her family as if they were guilty. We see the same kind of pattern. It speaks to the mindset of criminalizing blackness, of criminalizing black people, that Michelle Alexander was breaking down to you, that we see as systematic throughout the country

欧米で同性婚を認める動きが広まっている 日本の性的マイノリティーも問題提起してみたら?

2013年07月18日 02時02分15秒 | Weblog
7月17日 11時31分



3.4 近代における同性結婚概念の成立
4 同性結婚を認めた国(地域)
4.1 ヨーロッパ
4.1.1 オランダ
4.1.2 ベルギー
4.1.3 スペイン
4.1.4 ノルウェー
4.1.5 スウェーデン
4.1.6 ポルトガル
4.1.7 アイスランド
4.1.8 デンマーク
4.1.9 フランス
4.2 アメリカ大陸
4.2.1 アルゼンチン
4.2.2 カナダ
4.2.3 ウルグアイ
4.2.4 アメリカ合衆国 マサチューセッツ州 カリフォルニア州 コネチカット州 アイオワ州 バーモント州 ニューハンプシャー州 ワシントンD.C. ニューヨーク州 ワシントン州 メイン州 メリーランド州 ロードアイランド州 デラウェア州 ミネソタ州
4.3 アフリカ
4.3.1 南アフリカ共和国
4.4 太平洋
4.4.1 ニュージーランド





2013年07月18日 01時08分23秒 | Weblog
ロシア軍 極東で最大規模の軍事演習
7月16日 1時6分



Russia Holds Massive Military Drill Aimed at China, Japan
By Zachary Keck

July 17, 2013

via mozu

A statement released by Russia’s Defense Ministry said: “The main purpose of the activities is to check the readiness of the military units to perform assigned tasks and evaluate the level of personnel’s training and technical preparation as well as the level of equipment of units with arms and military equipment.”


Putin has praised holding snap drills as the best way to demonstrate combat readiness.



Alexander Khramchikhin, whom the BBC describes as an independent Moscow-based military analyst, told the UK broadcaster “the land part of the exercise is directed at China, while the sea and island part of it is aimed at Japan.”




XINHUA.JP 7月17日(水)7時24分配信




As this suggests, the drills illustrate just how fraught Russian-Chinese relations remain despite the recent notable improvements in certain areas, like energy and military cooperation (last week Russia and China held their largest joint naval exercises.)

In particular many Russian officials strongly suspect China of trying to mount a long-term annexation strategy over Russia’s Far East, due to the large number of Chinese immigrants who have populated the area in recent years. Other countries, notably the U.S. in the 19th Century, have used similar strategies to expand their territory.

“Anti-Chinese feelings are very strong [in Russia] and changing. There is a feeling that China wants to conquer the Russian Far East. In the past five to six years, these primitive anti-China sentiments are being joined by new anti-China feelings based on a fear of economic threat.”






米 対 仏

2013年07月18日 00時51分56秒 | Weblog
Top 10 scraps between the US and France

10’Lazy’ French workers . When French Industrial Development Minister Arnaud Montebourg wrote a letter in February to Maurice Taylor, CEO of US tyre giant Titan, asking if he would take over the Amiens Goodyear tyre plant, he got this response. “How stupid do you think we are? [French workers] get an hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three." Montebourg called Taylor an “extremist,” and Taylor slammed the "nutcases from a communist union.”

4.“He speaks French, too!” As John Kerry became George W. Bush’s Democrat challenger in 2004, conservatives emphasized Kerry’s ‘Frenchness.’ He’d gone to a Swiss school, was pilloried as “French-looking,” and spoke French – a skill that Republicans evidently thought was suspect. More recently, eventual 2012 candidate Mitt Romney was attacked for dabbling ‘en français’ by Republican primary challenger Newt Gingrich in this ad

.2. De Gaulle goes nuclear. Since WWII, Charles De Gaulle had doubted the US’s ability to defend France from the Soviets. He wanted France to be a superpower in its own right, and saw nuclear capability as the key. Viewing NATO as something of a front for US dominance, his drive for French independence came to a dramatic climax in 1966, when he expelled US forces from France, and withdrew militarily from NATO.


(米 対 仏)