Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年07月25日 22時05分07秒 | Weblog

Yuka Hayashi

Will Caroline Kennedy Be Role Model in Japan as US Amb. and shake a "ceiling full of men in dark suits"? http://on.wsj.com/19iVnrj @WSJ

July 25, 2013, 8:34 AM
Ambassador Caroline Kennedy: A Role Model in Japan?

Some Japan-watchers, however, are skeptical about how good a role model Ms. Kennedy will be.

“Caroline Kennedy shows that you can have a big career after having children and a long private life,” said Rochelle Kopp, Managing Principal of Japan Interconsulting Inc., in an interview with JRT. “But did Caroline Kennedy ‘lean in’ and work her way up a career?” she asked, referring to a popular book by Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg that argues women should be more assertive in seeking leadership positions. “She didn’t really do that.”

“If the U.S. really wants a role model that inspires women to pursue work and career, someone who did ‘lean in’ and have a career ― a woman who had worked her way up the State Department, for example, or a woman who rose up the ranks of the corporate world, may have been a better choice,” Ms. Kopp said.


 いずれにせよ、 日本の men in dark suitsは、女性とか男性とかではなく、アメリカ大使について、その背後にある巨大な帝国、強大な軍事大国であるアメリカゆえに、たぶん、Darth vader に対するがごとく、震え上がらざるえない。



2013年07月25日 21時39分36秒 | Weblog
速度超過、スペインの特殊な車両構造… 何が原因か
2013.7.25 21:15









Don Brown
I came to Japan on this day 14 years ago. I must be doing something right because I still feel like celebrating. 14年前のこの日に日本に来ました。めでたしめでたし。
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 その他
お気に入り June the Evil
2013年7月24日 - 17:37
suzuky ‏@suzuky 12時間
@ryuganji おめでとうございます!
June the Evil ‏@Junetheevil 12時間
@ryuganji 年月って長いようで短い様で…不思議なもんですよねぇ…14年、おめでとうございます!
Don Brown ‏@ryuganji 12時間
@suzuky ありがとうございます!
詳細 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 その他
Don Brown ‏@ryuganji 12時間
@Junetheevil 仰るとおりですね。ありがとうございます!




(2013年7月25日18時14分 読売新聞)
最新主要ニュース9本 : YOMIURI ONLINE トップ




中国人看護師 試験合格率も日本人と大差はない

2013年07月25日 21時16分46秒 | Weblog
人民網日本株式会社事業案内 更新時間:07:58 Jul 25 2013

via mozu




2013年07月25日 17時41分19秒 | Weblog




 日常生活でうけるセクシズムの体験を列挙する、The everyday sexism projectをのぞいてみると、それほど苦労せずに、痴漢被害の体験をみつけることができるーーー一ページ目ーーーいま現在の話。


#37189 T 2013-06-16 03:33
Guy started hitting on me while I was at work (waitress). When I showed him my wedding ring his reply was "So what. Rings don't plug holes."

Megan 2013-06-16 03:28
When I was about fourteen a guy who I considered a friend used to grope me in places that me uncomfortable. I didn't say anything to anyone or tell him to stop because I was confused and scared. I didn't know how other people would react if I told them. I felt like I would be making too big a deal of it. Now I understand that what he did was wrong and that it is never a big deal to communicate to someone that you are being sexually harassed.

#37185IS 2013-06-16 03:23
Most recently, at a public event where a member of an organization groped my friend and I under the pretense of putting on stickers. He patted my crotch and looked me up and down, and he groped her chest and whispered at her that she couldn't be more than nineteen because she's "really hot". We're both sixteen.

sam 2013-06-16 03:17
I was drugged and raped when I was down the shore last may. We took it to court and his excuse was that I was "asking for it" with the outfit I was wearing, even though I was under the influence.


While waiting to be picked up from the bus station in the wee hours of the night, a man slowed his bike enough to say to me: "Hey babe, wanna give me a blowjob?" Although he just continued on his way, I was repulsed and incredibly uncomfortable.

I was at Celebration Square in Mississauga last night for the Canada Day celebration. It was time for the last band of the night, the headliners, so my group of friends and I made our way into the crowd around the stage. Part way through the show, a new guy found his way beside me. After a while I felt the back of his hand brush up against my leg. I didn't think anything of it. I figured we were at a concert, squished in with lots of people, accidental brushing was bound to happen. But then I felt his hand brush me again, but it didn't move away. It was then that I started getting uncomfortable. He started moving his hand around my leg, up and down, and as far towards my backside as he could get without actually touching it, like that was some kind of limit. This went on for 20 minutes

Charlotte, Qc
When I was twelve, in gym class, we were playing ping-pong. One day, while everybody was playing at their own tables (there was about 10-12 tables) and I was playing with my friend, the ball flew at the other end of the gym. I began to ran to go get the ball, my eyes fixed on it. Incidentally I slammed into a boy who was just randomly standing there. I said sorry, and before I had the chance to back away, the guy aggressively grabbed my breasts and used them to abruptly push me back. He was laughing. His friend too. I was completely mortified and my breasts were hurting. I looked at the teacher, who was looking at the other end of the gym. I don't know if she looked away before we had the chance to make eye-contact. I was extremely humiliated. It doesn't seem so bad, but for me it was incredibly traumatic. A few years later when I was 17, I went to a restaurant and he was the waiter. Even though it was years after "the" accident, I immediately stiffened. And you know what? I realized that I still felt the pain and the humiliation. I told a few friends when I was twelve. They were all mortified but the idea never crossed my mind to report the guy. Never.

carolyne gagné

I was 14, getting home in a 1 hour bus ride when a man came in and sat with me, even if almost all seats were empty.. He started to talk with me, telling me I was pretty, and he put a hand on my knee...I felt so bad and I got up and went to sit right behind the bus driver.. he had seen everything and told me to stay there with him... but he never once talked to the guy...never defended me...



 表題も 痴漢大国 よりも、世界における痴漢問題、のほうがよかった。現在日本でも痴漢は大問題であろう。

83%もの有権者が議会に不信任  Over 80% of citizens disapprove of lawmakers

2013年07月25日 16時30分00秒 | Weblog
NBC/WSJ poll: Faith in DC hits a low; 83 percent disapprove of Congress

A whopping 83 percent of Americans disapprove of Congress' job, which is an all-time high in the survey. What's more, President Barack Obama has seen his job-approval rating dip to its lowest level since August 2011, when the debt-ceiling showdown wounded almost every Washington politician.
And nearly six-in-10 voters say they would vote to defeat and replace every single member of Congress if they had such an option on their ballot ­ another all-time high.


Asked to explain their dissatisfaction, respondents cite (in order) partisanship and the inability of Congress to get things done, middle-class Americans being ignored and the Obama administration's policies and leadership.
But there's a stark political divide: Democrats and independents blame partisanship and congressional gridlock as their chief culprit, while Republicans blame the president.

But by 51 percent to 45 percent, respondents say congressional Republicans should stop trying to block the law instead of doing everything they can to prevent it from being implemented.


ただちに健康被害はない No immediate health danger

2013年07月25日 16時12分55秒 | Weblog
July 23, 2013, 10:28 AM
China Broadcaster Says KFC’s Ice Dirtier Than Toilet Water



China is not alone in serving ice cubes that make toilet water seem clean by comparison. In June, the British newspaper Daily Mail said it conducted the same experiment with samples of ice from 10 fast-food chains and found six that had higher bacterial levels than toilet water.


Scientific tests have shown that ice from branches of McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, Cafe Rouge and Nando’s all had higher levels of bacteria than samples of water taken from their lavatory bowls. Experts say it could be due to them being cleaned more often than the ice machines.
None of the samples found presented an immediate health danger, but four contained such high levels of microbes the restaurants should be considered a ‘hygiene risk’, according to a Government-accredited laboratory




2013年07月25日 16時00分20秒 | Weblog


PHOTO: Japanese Commuters Tilt Train To Free Trapped Woman : NPR

A crowd moved quickly Monday to tip a train car enough so that a woman who had fallen on to the tracks could b...
いいね! · シェア14,809人がシェアしました。



Japanese Pushing Metro Train to save a woman


ChristopherJacques 22 時間前
What I don't get is how she fell in between the train and the platform. There's barely a 5 inch gap there, it's always amazed me.
返信 · ナイス! イマイチ

MaikNL 19 時間前
Because this didn't happen in America.
返信 · 32 ナイス! イマイチ ChristopherJacques さんへの返信

Rhy Thymic
Rhy Thymic 3 時間前
It can't happen. Americans are too fat to fall into a hole that small. Japanese women are skinny, yo!



2013年07月25日 13時38分16秒 | Weblog
毎日新聞 2013年07月25日 東京朝刊






アルカイダ 最大の敵はフランス

2013年07月25日 12時46分51秒 | Weblog
Al Qaeda growing, but less focused on US, study finds
The number of Al Qaeda affiliates has expanded, as have their geographic scope, but the terror network has become more diffuse and decentralized, the RAND study found.

By Anna Mulrine, Staff writer / July 22, 2013


The goal for Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, for example, is to overthrow regimes in North Africa, particularly Algeria, and replace them with an Islamic government, Jones notes.

In many cases, “France, rather than the United States, is the most significant foreign enemy.”


貧困の味  the face of modern poverty

2013年07月25日 07時51分08秒 | Weblog


"Poverty is the sinking feeling when your small boy finishes his one Weetabix and says: 'More, Mummy, bread and jam please, Mummy,' as you're wondering whether to take the TV or the guitar to the pawnshop first, and how to tell him that there is no bread or jam," she wrote.

This and other posts are filled with the minutiae of a life in poverty: the forensic, penny-pinching accounting that accompanied every trip to the supermarket; the shame of referral to a food bank; the time she sold the entire contents of her house – crockery, curtains and all – to pay off rent arrears; the hundreds of failed job applications, painstakingly typed out on a mobile phone; the dread that all this paupery might somehow attract the attention of children's social services.

She is an energetic anti-poverty campaigner, infuriated by the media's vicious attacks on "benefit scroungers" and the inability of politicians and policymakers to comprehend the slender margins of breadline life.



2013年07月25日 07時40分49秒 | Weblog
(2)店長過労死、作り笑いの店員…「こんな悲劇繰り返せば マックはハッピーセットなど売れない」



2013年07月25日 07時27分52秒 | Weblog

デトロイト市財政破綻 なぜ?
7月19日 21時15分



人口減少、高い失業率、補助金の削減 → 歳入の減少



THURSDAY, JUL 25, 2013 12:06 AM +0900
There will be more Detroits: Your town could be next
Big corporations like Apple do anything they can to avoid paying taxes. It's driving governments out of business

But these days, in a global economy where U.S. multi-nationals can stash hundreds of billions of dollars in profits in off-shore tax havens,

How many other local governments are at risk of following Detroit into insolvency? The National League of Cities insists Detroit’s past governance issues and dramatic loss of population make it a unique circumstance.

U.S. multi-nationals are able to do their business around the world in large part because of U.S. military force projection yet increasingly they dodge that huge bill for that protection and leave it to be shouldered by individual taxpayers.



US manufacturing and the troubled promise of reshoring
Businesses are trying to bring well-paid factory jobs back home. But the dream of a manufacturing golden age remains elusive
Share 108

Mubin S Khan
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 24 July 2013 16.31 BST

Despite the impressive corporate names bragging about bringing their manufacturing operations back to the US, the scale has in reality been too small to make a real difference. The number of companies who have actually reshored jobs to the US is well below one hundred.

The public relations benefits, however, are undeniable.

"What these companies are doing is essentially image-building," says professor Richard B Freedman, co-director of the Labor and Worklife Program at the Harvard Law School. "It might also be that they would like to have some leverage in local politics by setting up these plants.

That is why, among industry experts and executives alike, optimism is scarce that more companies will follow suit in reshoring American manufacturing jobs.

The truth is that the center of gravity for many international manufacturing companies has long ago scattered from a single base in the US to a global melange of places with cheap labor and lower taxes. Many companies are hedging their bets.

Automated factories, however, require highly skilled workers, often with training in technology and computers. The US, with declining graduation rates, may not have a rich supply of such workers.

"If we want American kids to get those jobs, then we will have to restructure our education system," Harrigan said





“tough love” boarding schools

2013年07月25日 06時49分54秒 | Weblog
Students Recall Special Schools Run Like Jails

Published: July 23, 2013

In May, a lawsuit against a World Wide-related company was resolved for $3 million without the company admitting liability ― nine years after a 16-year-old girl hanged herself in a bathroom stall at a facility in Montana called Spring Creek Lodge Academy, which has since closed. Before her suicide, the girl had been punished by being forced to carry a bucket of rocks, according to depositions by the school’s owners and staff.

Violating rules often leads to being placed in isolation, or being “restrained” ― held on the floor for as long as an hour by staff members, who students say twist their limbs in painful positions until they stop resisting. Other punishments at World Wide programs have included pepper spraying, handcuffing, being forced into dog cages and being made to sit or stand in uncomfortable positions for hours, according to former students and claims in lawsuits.

Complaining or crying invited further punishment, the former students said, and children who intentionally injured themselves, including attempting suicide, were punished with demerits and extra work, according to former students and a school handbook. The programs’ contracts require parents to release the schools from legal liability.

The schools are typically surrounded by fences or walls to thwart runaways. As an additional deterrent, those who have insufficient accumulated points are required to wear flip flops, even in winter, because, staff members have told them, they make it harder to run.

Mr. Chomakhidze was at Horizon Academy for seven months in 2011 before his mother pulled him out. He said that on one occasion ― after he was sent to an isolation room ― he began to cry and was tackled by two staff members who twisted his arms behind his back for about 10 minutes.

Mr. Chomakhidze also said staff members and students bullied him because he is gay ― and even though he had a history of suicide attempts, he said one staff member encouraged him to kill himself. “They said I was a girl,” he said. “They said I was crazy.”

When he slit his wrists, he lost his accumulated points for good behavior, which are necessary to finish the program. The school has denied mistreating Mr. Chomakhidze, but acknowledged a policy of taking away students’ points after a suicide attempt.

John, who requested that his last name not be used, was 16 when he was sent to Horizon last year. He said he had been restrained by staff members several times during his five-month stay, and that he became so distressed that he refused to eat for nearly three weeks, losing 15 pounds off his thin frame.

“When I stopped eating, they put me in a room for a few days,” he said, referring to a small isolation room used to punish students. He said his pants and jacket were taken away, leaving him with only his T-shirt and underwear in a room so cold he shivered. Horizon denied that the room was cold or that his clothes were removed.

Several former students at schools operated by Mr. Robinson, a former amateur boxer, said in interviews ― some dating back to the 1990s ― that he had physically harmed them while disciplining them, and that they remained psychologically damaged.
