Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年07月20日 19時18分01秒 | Weblog








 では、こうした、想定がアメリカやカナダではないか、というと、日系人が、いつまでたっても、Where are you from? You speak English well などといわれるところをみると、日本だけの問題でもない。


 多人種といえば、multi racial multi-ethnic あるいは、multi culture は区別したほうがいいかもしれれない。

 人種が髪や肌の色、彫りの深さが指標になるとすると、髪は黒 肌は、白から茶色、顔は、彫りの深いのからひらめ顔までいる日本人は、多人種ではある。











2013年07月20日 14時54分01秒 | Weblog
Federal appeals court: Journalists can’t decline to testify in criminal trials

By Matt Zapotosky and Justin Jouvenal,

The majority of judges ruled, effectively, that neither the First Amendment nor common law offers protection to journalists who promise anonymity to their sources from having to testify about them in criminal proceedings.

There is no First Amendment testimonial privilege, absolute or qualified, that protects a reporter from being compelled to testify by the prosecution or the defense in criminal proceedings about criminal conduct that the reporter personally witnessed or participated in, absent a showing of bad faith,” Chief Judge William B. Traxler wrote.

Some experts said the ruling essentially affirms the status quo, while news media advocates said it might have a chilling effect on the willingness of people to leak information in a climate where leakers already are vigorously pursued.



漢字の指導方法を確立することが急務  中国人留学生が減少、ベトナム人・ネパール人留学生は激増

2013年07月20日 14時45分35秒 | Weblog

Record China 7月19日(金)9時42分配信




They Really Hate Us アメリカ大嫌いなエジプト

2013年07月20日 14時25分52秒 | Weblog

The tsunami of anti-American rhetoric swamping Egypt has been justified as a legitimate response to Washington's supposed support for the now-deposed Muslim Brotherhood government. There is no doubt that many Egyptians on both sides are indeed enraged with U.S. policy toward Egypt. Nor is there any doubting the intensity of the anti-Brotherhood fever to which Washington has so effectively been linked. Nor, finally, could anyone really disagree that the United States has failed to effectively engage with or explain itself to the intensely polarized and mobilized new Egyptian public.

Still, there is clearly more going on than just a response to current U.S. policies. Hostile media campaigns and anti-American sentiments long predate the rise of Mohamed Morsy and his Muslim Brotherhood. Mubarak's regime made an art form of using the state media to bash America while pliantly going along with American policies.

While this virulent Egyptian populism has many targets, Washington remains a distinctly valued target. Denouncing the United States is politically useful to every Egyptian faction. The SCAF, like Mubarak, finds anti-Americanism useful in masking its strong relationship with Washington. Secular elites and felool ("remnants" of Mubarak's regime) find it useful in deflecting attention from their own return to grace. The Muslim Brotherhood finds it useful in returning to the movement's own anti-American comfort zone. Anti-Brotherhood activists find it useful as a way of appealing to nationalist public opinion to justify support for the coup.

The Obama administration should certainly engage more broadly with a wide cross-section of Egyptian opinion and craft a more compelling narrative to make sense of its seemingly contradictory policies. It should do so even as it understands that little it says or does will make any immediate difference in Egypt's highly polarized, intensely politicized public sphere, where anti-Americanism is a surefire and cost-free political winner.



Only an open dialogue will help irradiate the fear that still exists between different races

2013年07月20日 10時46分58秒 | Weblog


Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter: Zimmerman case a wake-up call to finish MLK’s work
Get short URL Published time: July 19, 2013 20:23

BK: I think we all have to start personally, individually, in our own homes and in our own hearts. My father taught the power of unconditional love and non-violence and seeing people as part of the human race - not just black or white or Asian or Latino - but as a part of the human race. And we have to find a way - not just in this nation but in this world - to see ourselves as interconnected and interrelated, and find a way to live together as brothers and sisters - or as my father said, “perish together as fools.” And one of the best ways to do that is we have to have more dialogue and discussion and it has to be honest dialogue and discussion and we have to remove a lot of the hate and hostility in the process and really talk about the different perspectives and feelings that people have as it relates to race because we have to get to the bottom of it. We continue to brush it under a rug, but we have to talk about it.





Still divided by race

2013年07月20日 10時25分24秒 | Weblog

EDITORIAL: Still divided by race issues

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Posted: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:00 pm

BUT THE MEDIA CIRCUS is not the only reason this case sparks controversy. Now and then a case comes along that shines a bright light on the continuing racial divide which exists in America. The Rodney King incident comes to mind. So does the O.J. Simpson murder trial.
These cases, like the Trayvon Martin incident, lay bare the fact that many Americans see the world around them from vastly different perspectives, largely separated by race. Readers will remember that while whites took scant notice of the Rodney King beating, blacks staged demonstrations and in some places, including Beloit, resorted to violence in the neighborhoods. Likewise, in the Simpson murder trial, when the not guilty verdict was delivered, polls showed whites thought the former football star committed the crime while blacks believed he was innocent.

US Still Divided Over Race
Published: Wednesday | July 17, 2013

To say justice was served would be ignorant and shallow. What was served, is the painful reality that we in the US are still divided as a nation

Zimmerman Verdict Shows How Still Divided America is by Race
Yahoo! Contributor Network Mark Whittington July 14, 2013

One of things the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case proved was how divided America is still by race. Blacks and white, in general, regard almost everything (not the least of which criminal justice) from a different perspective.



犯罪者扱いされない黒人は少ない オバマ大統領

2013年07月20日 03時40分39秒 | Weblog

President Obama Says, 'Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me'
By MARY BRUCE (@marykbruce)
July 19, 2013

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me," he said.

"There are very few African-American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me, at least before I was a senator. There are very few African-Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often," he said.


2013年07月20日 03時21分47秒 | Weblog
Chinese student on board crashed Asiana flight was killed by the firetruck that ran over her as it approached the burning plane
Ye Meng Yuan, 16, was killed by blunt force trauma as a result of a firetruck running over her at the scene of the crash, according to the results of an investigation
Yuan was sitting in the back of the plane and it is believed she may have been ejected onto the tarmac, where she was hit by the vehicle
She is one of three people, all Chinese students, who died as a result of the crash
PUBLISHED: 12:38 GMT, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 17:36 GMT, 19 July 2013


Disowned by Cameron, the raffish men-only club that his father once ran
PUBLISHED: 22:15 GMT, 18 July 2013 | UPDATED: 16:22 GMT, 19 July 2013

メンバーオンリー この場合には、男性専用、女性のお断りのクラブというのがあるんですね。で、キャメロン首相が首相になるまえに脱退していた、と。


Gone at last! Romanian travellers in Park Lane finally leave after being given free flights home
A total of 63 were held in 4am raid but only 20 accepted free flights home
Immigration official says groups like these are 'taking the mickey'
The issue is costing the local authority £500,000 a year and is set to increase
PUBLISHED: 16:11 GMT, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 16:48 GMT, 19 July 2013

They were all offered a one-way flight to Romania worth £50 as long as they pledged not to return, but only 20 accepted, who were swept off to Heathrow airport. The rest were arrested.

Another group was held in Mayfair, and member Florin Piompi, 19, who had been sleeping rough for a month with his wife Maria, 21, told the Evening Standard: 'I am not a beggar or a thief, I want to work. We came here because things are so bad in Romania. There is not enough to eat and there is no where to live. We also have a one-year-old daughter, so things are difficult. London is a good city but finding work when you do not have an address has been too difficult.'

They can come to the UK for three months but must leave if they are not working, and are not 'self sufficient'.
Last month police and immigration officials moved in to clear a ‘shanty town’ built by migrants in a leafy London suburb.
A total of 68 mainly Romanian squatters were found living in huts built from waste wood and plastic amid the filth of a tip at a former football ground in Hendon.
Just five of those at the camp were found to have the right to work in the UK.



2013年07月20日 02時23分25秒 | Weblog


2 years after nuclear disaster, Japan spawns freaky veggies [UPDATE] http://on-http://j.mp/12Bpeni @msnNOWさんから ようやく福島とは無関係との訂正が入る

