Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年07月22日 23時37分50秒 | Weblog
Strategic Triangle: A Japan-Australia-India Coalition at Sea?
By James R. Holmes

July 21, 2013

The more compelling the common interest, or the more deadly the menace, the greater the likelihood that the collaborative impulse will override the differences that work against such joint enterprises as policing the commons or facing down hostile power

Let's not forget that maritime cooperation in far-flung oceans constitutes a secondary effort for each one of these countries. It's doubtful that, say, the Bay of Bengal will ever constitute a primary theater for Japan. Likewise for India in the East China Sea. Clausewitz counsels against embroiling yourself in secondary operations unless you stand to gain something "exceptionally rewarding," and unless you enjoy "decisive superiority" in the main sphere of action, and thus can spare the resources for lesser pursuits without undue risk.

Does Japan enjoy decisive superiority in Northeast Asia? Less and less so, which leads us to Clausewitz's dismal verdict on alliances and coalitions. You never attach the same value to someone else's cause that you attach to your own, he advises. Common practice is to back up your partners halfheartedly. You send a middling-sized force to the ally's aid, and look for the exit when the going gets tough.

All of this suggests that the new partnerships now forming up along the Asian periphery may find it easy to do easy things together, but that relations will come under enormous strain when the time comes to do hard and perilous things.



 で、共通の利害が強ければ協調行動とるにせよ、ベンガル湾が日本に脅威になることもないし、東シナ海がインドにとって脅威になることもないので、 かなりの報酬か、余裕がなければ、一方の海域に他方の海軍が勢力を費やすことを期待することはできない、と


 首相、8月にも集団的自衛権の議論再開 公明は慎重姿勢


Žižek  v Chomsky

2013年07月22日 23時13分08秒 | Weblog

The Slavoj Žižek v Noam Chomsky spat is worth a ringside seat
It's barely caused a ripple outside leftist discourse, but their debate on theory, ideology and reality touches on important stuff
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Peter Thompson
Peter Thompson
guardian.co.uk, Friday 19 July 201

via mozu

Chomsky is also probably still smarting from his encounter with Michel Foucault in 1971, on questions of human nature versus socialisation. Foucault argued that human society produced ideas in individuals which were the product of the power relationship between those individuals and society. In Foucault's view society took precedence and individuals are unable to uncouple themselves from the power relations at play and which soaked through everything. In which case, it is necessary to have a speculative theory about how the relations of power might work in psychoanalytical terms. This is part of a long tradition of Ideologiekritik.

For Žižek there is no finished human nature, but rather simply a process of working out how human beings are in the world. At the core of this argument is a question of whether the word "real" is spelled with a capital letter or not.

For the empiricists the word "real" refers to something, well, real; something pre-existing which has to be uncovered. For the Žižek/Lacan tradition, the word is spelled "Real" and refers to something which isn't real, is inaccessible, and which can never be defined as it is still, with Hegel, "im werden" (or, in becoming).

Our being is conditioned by absence, by the something that is missing and by the desire to fill that gap.





2013年07月22日 22時47分04秒 | Weblog


Tobias Harris
If the DPJ can't win in Tokyo, it doesn't deserve to survive MT @ShingetsuNews: DPJ set to win none of the five Tokyo District seats

Let's study Japanese!

風見鶏 <風見>

〈にわとりの形をした風見〉 a weathercock.
〈日和見主義者〉 an opportunist; a timeserver
あの政治家は定見がない. 単なる風見鶏だ. That politician is by no means a man of principle; he's just a timeserver.


2013年07月22日 22時39分59秒 | Weblog

The Government's welfare benefits and tax changes will widen income inequality between rich and poor on a scale similar to that of Margaret Thatcher, new analysis will reveal this week.

Research for the Fabian Society claims cuts to benefits and tax credits, particularly for working-age families with children, will amount to a “speeded-up replay of Thatcherism”, with inequality increasing twice as fast by 2015 as it did under the former Conservative prime minister.

The analysis is published just as signs of optimism about the economy appear, with the latest GDP figures, published this week, expected to show a further quarter of modest growth. At the same time, a poll for the consumer organisation Which? has found that people are becoming increasingly optimistic about both the economy and their own spending power. But household incomes continue to be squeezed, with 1.5m more families feeling the pinch than a year ago.

The report, published tomorrow for the Fabian Review by the economist Howard Reed, sets out a projection of the impact of coalition policies on income equality. The poorest families will lose more than 12 per cent of their net income on average, compared to around 3 per cent of net income for households in the ninth decile (the second most wealthy income bracket), Mr Reed, director of Landman Economics, says. This underscores how regressive coalition tax and benefit changes have been. Council tax, for example, on average charges low- to middle-income families a much higher percentage of their disposable income than the richest households.



無人機の犠牲者、94人は子供 More horrifying still: Of those 147 civilian deaths, 94 were children...

2013年07月22日 22時14分26秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, JUL 22, 2013 08:48 PM +0900
Leaked report shows high civilian death toll from CIA drone strikes
The report describes 147 civilian deaths, much high than the U.S. administration has admitted to

A secret document obtained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism reveals for the first time the Pakistan government’s internal assessment of dozens of drone strikes, and shows scores of civilian casualties.

The United States has consistently claimed only a tiny number of non-combatants have been killed in drone attacks in Pakistan – despite research by the Bureau and others suggesting that over 400 civilians may have died in the nine-year campaign.

The internal document shows Pakistani officials too found that CIA drone strikes were killing a significant number of civilians – and have been aware of those deaths for many years.

Of 746 people listed as killed in the drone strikes outlined in the document, at least 147 of the dead are clearly stated to be civilian victims, 94 of those are said to be children.

The confidential 12-page summary paper, titled Details of Attacks by Nato Forces/Predators in FATA was prepared by government officials in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Based on confidential reports from a network of government agents in the field, it outlines 75 separate CIA drone strikes between 2006 and late 2009 and provides details of casualties in many of the attacks. Five attacks alleged to be carried out by Nato or other unspecified forces are also listed.

The numbers recorded are much higher than those provided by the US administration, which continues to insist that no more than 50 to 60 ‘non-combatants’ have been killed by the CIA across the entire nine years of Pakistan bombings. New CIA director John Brennan has described claims to the contrary as ‘intentional misrepresentations‘.



2013年07月22日 17時34分28秒 | Weblog

2013 Election Brief: The rout of Japan’s Left is complete with a crushing LDP Upper House Victory

Posted by debito on July 21st, 2013

Let's get rid of western political ideals and have our own constitution! ... except, y'know, the whole western idea of having a parliament and prime minister... that's working for me | Shinzo Abe - See more at: http://memegenerator.co/instance/39929096#sthash.kthuMHny.dpuf


「西洋の政治的理念などかなぐり捨てて、自分たちの憲法を持とう、もっとも、議会や首相制度は私に都合がいいから温存しよう。 安倍晋三  」



 それとも日本語が読めない外国人をミスリードし続けるニフコJapanTimesのコラムニスト 有道出人 がまた、デマをばらまいているの?



2013年07月22日 14時49分30秒 | Weblog
2階建て「フクオカオープントップバス」に初の外国人男性「バスアナ」 /福岡
みんなの経済新聞ネットワーク 7月19日(金)17時39分配信

Gaikokujin Tour Guide on Fukuoka Open Top Bus

Jul. 22, 2013, 14:31 No Comments


