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リビア情勢(速報3) トリポリ陥落 カダフィの行方は?

2011-08-22 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Libyans Jubilant As Gadhafi's Capital Falls


by NPR Staff and Wires

Alexandre Meneghini/AP
People celebrate the capture in Tripoli of Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya, early Monday, Aug. 22, 2011. Libyan rebels raced into Tripoli in a lightning advance Sunday that met little resistance as Moammar Gadhafi's defenders melted away and his 40-year rule appeared to rapidly crumble.  人々はカダフィの息子で彼の継承者でもあるセイフ・アル‐イスラムを月曜日早朝、捕えたことを、ベンガジの町で喜んでいる。 2011年8月22日、リビアの反政府軍はトリポリになだれ込んだ。 カダフィ政府軍は雲散霧消し、この電撃的侵攻は何の抵抗も受けなかった。 カダフィの40年の支配は急速に崩壊した。

August 22, 2011
With euphoric Libyan rebels in control of large parts of Tripoli early Monday, Moammar Gadhafi's 42-year rule appeared to be disintegrating. The Libyan leader issued defiant statements, but his whereabouts were not known.
After a lightning advance on Libya's capital, rebels celebrated late into the night in Green Square, the symbolic heart of Gadhafi's power. Revelers on the square, once the scene of almost nightly rallies organized by the regime, fired celebratory shots in the air, set fire to the green flag of Gadhafi's government and shot holes in a poster with the leader's image.

リビアの首都への電撃的な進撃を終え、反政府軍はその夜遅く、カダフィ政権の象徴的心臓部とも言えるグリーンスクエアで勝利を祝った。 かっては、政府に動員された集会が殆ど毎晩開催された場所である広場(グリーンスクエア)で反政府軍は空に向かって発砲し、カダフィ政府の緑の旗を燃やし、そしてカダフィの肖像のあるポスターに穴をあけて、勝利を祝った。

Reporting from Tripoli, NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro said the carloads of anti-Gadhafi fighters that had streamed into the capital from the coastal city of Zawiya were greeted by locals with cheers and waving rebel flags.
While the rebel's breakthrough appeared to mark a turning point in Libya's 6-month-old civil war, pockets of resistance remained.
"There are still areas that are unsafe and there has continued to be some fighting," Garcia-Navarro reported late Sunday. "By and large [the rebels] believe that if they can control Tripoli they have essentially won the civil war."

リビアの6か月に及ぶ内戦の大きな山場は越えたものの、各地区での政府軍の抵抗は続いている。 「まだ不安全な地域もあり、何箇所かで戦闘は続いていますが、全般的にみて、反政府軍がトリポリを支配すれば、内戦は反政府軍が実質的に勝利すると、反政府軍は確信しています。」と土曜日の夜遅くガルシア‐ナバロは伝えてきました。

President Barack Obama said Libya is "slipping from the grasp of a tyrant" and urged Gadhafi to relinquish power to prevent more bloodshed.
"The future of Libya is now in the hands of the Libyan people," Obama said in a statement from Martha's Vineyard, where he's vacationing. The president promised to work closely with rebels and "continue to insist that the basic rights of the Libyan people are respected."
Opposition fighters captured Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, who along with his father faces charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. Another son was reportedly under house arrest.
State television broadcast Gadhafi's pleas for Libyans to defend his regime into the night on Sunday. But in one message, the leader also appealed for a negotiation.
Garcia-Navarro said rebels she talked to said there would be no deal: "Many of them would like to see [Gadhafi] killed, others certainly would like to see him face trial, but nobody wants to give him any clemency or leniency."

「リビアの将来は今やリビアの人々の手中にある」とオバマは現在休暇中のマーサブドウ園から声明を発表した。 大統領は反政府軍と密接に連携し、リビアの人々の基本的な権限が尊重されることを主張し続けることを約束した。
反政府戦士はカダフィの息子で、カダフィの継承者でもある、セイフ‐イスラムを捕獲した、彼は父親のカダフィ大佐と共にオランダの国際刑事裁判所において人道に対する罪で告訴されていた。 もう一人の息子は、伝えられるところによると、拘禁中とのこと。

A Sudden Reversal  急な、予想に反した展開
George Joffe, an expert on Libya and a lecturer at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, said he was surprised at how quickly Tripoli appears to have fallen.
"For the city to fall so easily shows that despite all the bluster of the Gaddafi regime, it had lost the confidence of the Libyan people a long time ago," Joffe told NPR's Weekend All Things Considered.

「首都がこんなに早く陥落したということは、カダフィの強面の体制にも関わらず、リビア国民から、随分以前から信頼されなくなっていたことを示している」とNPRの週末の番組オールシングス コンシダードで語った。

Credit: NPR
By early Monday, rebels in Tripoli had set up checkpoints alongside residents, many of them secretly armed by rebel smugglers in recent weeks.
But Gaddafi's defiance in angry audio messages broadcast on state television on raised the possibility of a last-ditch fight over the capital, home to 2 million people.
Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim claimed the regime has "thousands and thousands of fighters" and vowed: "We will fight. We have whole cities on our sides. They are coming en masse to protect Tripoli to join the fight."


But significant parts of Gadhafi's regime and military seemed to be abandoning him, and NATO leaders sounded optimistic the conflict was coming to a close. Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Gadhafi's regime was "clearly crumbling" and that the time to create a new democratic Libya has arrived.
Tripoli's swift collapse marked a stunning reversal for Gadhafi, who earlier this month had seemed to have a firm grip on his stronghold in the western part of Libya, despite months of NATO airstrikes on his military. Rebels had been unable to make any advances for weeks, bogged down on the main fronts with regime troops in the east and center of the country.

しかし、カダフィ体制側の主要な連中と軍は彼を見捨てたようだった。NATOの指導者は楽観的な見方を示し、紛争は終わりに近づいているとした。 NATOの事務総長アナス・フォー・ラスムセンはカダフィ体制は明らかに崩壊しており、新しい民主的リビアの建国の時が到来していると述べた。
トリポリでの政府軍の迅速な崩壊は、彼の軍に対する数か月にわたるNATOの効攻撃にも関わらず、リビア西部地域の拠点にたいして、強力な統率力を維持していると今月初めまで思われていたカダフィにとって、全く逆の展開となった。 反政府軍は国の東部や中央部で政府軍と主戦線で膠着状態にあり、何週間も前進できずにいたのだ。

The uprising against Gadhafi broke out in mid-February, and anti-regime protests quickly spread. A brutal crackdown quickly transformed the protests into an armed rebellion. Rebels seized Libya's east, setting up an internationally recognized transitional government there, and two pockets in the west, the port city of Misrata and the Nafusa mountain range.
Gadhafi clung to the remaining territory, and for months neither side had been able to break the other.
In early August, however, rebels launched an offensive, intending to open a new, western front to break the deadlock. They fought their way down to the Mediterranean coastal plain, backed by NATO airstrikes, and captured the strategic city of Zawiya.

二月中旬に勃発した反カダフィ蜂起と反体制抗議運動は急速に全国に拡大した。 これに対する残虐な制圧は、この抗議運動を武装反乱に様態を一変させた。 反乱軍はリビアの東部を奪取し、国際的に認められた政府をそこに樹立し、西部の2拠点を押さえた、即ち港湾都市ミスラタと山岳地帯のナフサの2都市である。
カダフィは残った地域に陣取り、何か月もの間、両陣営は相手を撃破することができなかった。 しかしがなら、8月に入って、膠着状態を打破するため、西部戦線い新しい突破口を求めて、反乱軍は攻勢に転じた。 彼らは地中海の海岸の平地沿いに、NATOの航空攻撃の掩護を受けながら兵を進め、戦略都市ザウィヤを奪取した。

'Time For Justice’ 正義のとき
In the Netherlands, the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said his office would talk to the rebels on Monday about Seif al-Islam's transfer for trial. "It is time for justice, not revenge," Moreno-Ocampo told the Associated Press.
Seif al-Islam, his father and Libya's intelligence chief were indicted earlier this year for allegedly ordering, planning and participating in illegal attacks on civilians in the early days of the violent crackdown on anti-regime protesters.


Another son, Mohammed, was under house arrest. Mohammed, who is in charge of Libyan telecommunications, appeared on the Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera, saying his house was surrounded by armed rebels.
"They have guaranteed my safety. I have always wanted good for all Libyans and was always on the side of God," he said. Close to the end of the interview, there was the sound of heavy gunfire and Mohammed said rebels had entered his house before the phone line cut off.

もう一人の息子、モハメドは自宅監禁中である。彼はリビアのテレコムを担当しており、アラブ衛星チャンネルのアル‐ジャジーラに出演し、彼の家が反乱軍に包囲されていると語っていた。 「反乱軍は私の身の安全を保障している。 私はいつも全てのリビア国民に良かれと思ってやってきたし、いつも神の意志に従っていた」と話した。 インタビューの終わる頃、激しい銃声がして、モハメドは反乱軍が、電話を切る前に家に入ってきたと語った。
Material from The Associated Press was used in this report.

