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リビア情勢(速報6 ) 拠点攻撃 カダフィを求めて

2011-08-26 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Dominant Rebels Target Gadhafi Strongholds


by NPR Staff and Wires
August 25, 2011
Libya's rebel Transitional National Council said Thursday it was moving its leadership from Benghazi to Tripoli immediately, highlighting the major gains rebels fighter have made in recent days against Moammar Gadhafi's forces. Gadhafi, on the run with his regime in tatters, tried to rally his followers to kill the rebels.
"In the name of the martyrs ... I proclaim the beginning ... of the work of the executive office in a free Tripoli as of this moment," Ali Tarhouni, the council's finance minister, told reporters in Tripoli.


Fighting in and around Tripoli was deadly Thursday. The battle for the Abu Salim neighborhood, which rebels appeared to have won by sundown, was part of their struggle to take complete control of Tripoli, four days after they swept into the capital and sparked the collapse of Gadhafi's regime. Even though they have captured the leader's compound and seized most of the city, the rebels know they cannot declare a full victory in the six-month-old civil war as long as Gadhafi has not been captured or killed.

木曜日のトリポリ市内及びその周辺での戦闘は死闘を繰り広げた。 反乱軍がトリポリに侵攻してカダフィ体制の崩壊に拍車をかけて4日後、トリポリを完全に支配下に置くために、近郊のアブ・サリムでの戦いで反乱軍は、この日の日没までに苦労して勝利した。 トリポリの殆どを制圧し、カダフィの施設も奪取したが、カダフィを逮捕するか、殺害しなければ、この6か月にわたる内戦の勝利を宣言できないことを反乱軍は知っている。

There was no sign of the leader or his sons, despite rumors that swirled around the battlefield that they may be hiding inside some of the besieged buildings.
The developments provided a rare glimpse into the Gadhafi family's secret lives: It seems the whole family had an obsession with being underground.
Moatasim Gadhafi, one of his father's top military commanders, lived in a huge compound to which NPR was granted access. The house is encircled with 30-foot metal walls and encloses a paradise-like garden with two homes — one only half completed.
One of the strangest features: a fully equipped hospital buried underneath the garden, the entrance to which is hidden by bushes; the doors are thick steel plates that can withstand attacks.

包囲されたビルのどこかに隠れているかもしれないという噂が、戦場を飛び交っているが、カダフィとその息子たちの気配はない。戦況の進展でカダフィ一族の秘密の生活ぶりの一部が垣間見られた。 一族はもっぱら地下で生活していたようだ。
ガダフィ軍の最高指揮官の一人であるモアタシム・カダフィは巨大な邸宅に住んでいた。(NPRが取材を許された)  その邸宅は30フィートの鉄板の壁に囲まれており、美しいパラダイスのような庭と二つの家があった。 うち一つは建築中だった。

The hospital equipment was taken to medical facilities that are in dire need in the capital. The house was looted — all that's left is the modern glass-and-concrete structure and a few odds and ends: an empty Corona beer box, a few magazines, scattered cushions and his king-size bed.
But Gadhafi, in a message broadcast on Al-Ouroba TV, a Syria-based satellite station, remained defiant.
"Fill the streets and the squares. Don't be afraid of the raids," he said. "Don't leave Tripoli for the rats. Fight them, and kill them," he added. He lashed out at the West, saying "NATO can't remain in the air all the time" and Libya is "not for France and Sarkozy."

その病院の医療機器はトリポリで緊急に必要とする医療施設に移送された。 邸宅は略奪され、その近代的なガラスとコンクリートの骨組みと、あとはコロナビールの箱、雑誌、散乱したクッションやキングサイズのベッドなどのガラクタを残すのみである。
しかし、カダフィはシリアの衛星放送であるアル‐オウロバで流されたメッセージで、挑戦し続けている。 「通りや広場を埋め尽くせ。襲撃を恐れるな。トリポリをネズミどもに渡すな。戦え。そして奴らを殺せ」と彼は言い、西側諸国を非難して、「NATOもいつまでも空中に留まることは出来ない。そしてリビアはフランスとサルコジのものではない」と話している。

Abu Salim, near Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound seized by rebels, is thought to be the last major stronghold of regime brigades in Tripoli, though there has also been ongoing fighting around the airport.
Fierce battles have raged for the past few days in Abu Salim, and many of Gadhafi's defenders who fled his Bab al-Aziziya compound after rebels captured it Tuesday were thought to have moved to the adjacent neighborhood.
The fighters — in long lines of pickup trucks with weapons mounted on the back, or on foot, dressed in shorts and carrying machine guns — moved methodically through the neighborhood trying to clear buildings of Gadhafi defenders. They fired anti-aircraft guns and rockets.

アブサリムでは、この数日激しい戦闘がみられ、反乱軍が制圧したバブ・アルアジジャ施設から逃げてきたカダフィの防衛軍の多くは隣接する地域に移動したと思われる。 反乱軍の戦士たちは、ピックアップトラックの長い車列で、武器を背負い、あるいはシャツ姿で機関銃を持って歩きながら、しらみつぶしにカダフィ軍の立て籠もるビルを掃討している。彼らは対空火器やロケットも打ち込んでいる。

The streets were strewn with bullet-ridden corpses from both sides, some on fire. The rebels covered their own with blankets. Streams of blood ran down the streets and turned sewers red.
Deafening explosions from mortars and the whistle of sniper fire filled the air, which was clogged with smoke from burning buildings and weapons fire.
Civilians were in some of the buildings and caught up in the crossfire.

通りは銃弾で蜂の巣にされた死体が道路の両側に散乱し、その幾つかは燃えている。反乱軍は味方の死体に毛布を被せている。 通りは血が流れ、側溝の下水が赤く染まっている。

Rebel fighters celebrate their gains in Tripoli on Friday. 金曜日、反乱軍戦士はトリポリでの勝利を祝っている。

The rebels, many from the western rebel-held city of Misrata, were spurred on by the rumors that one of Gadhafi's sons might be hiding in the buildings.
Even as Gadhafi's grip on power slipped, he tried to keep up the facade he has the upper hand. He has repeatedly vowed to fight until "victory or martyrdom."
Gadhafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, in a call to AP's Cairo office, said Gadhafi was still in Libya and his morale was high. Ibrahim refused to say where Gadhafi was hiding, but said he "is indeed leading the battle for our freedom and independence." Ibrahim, whose voice was clearly recognizable, said he was also in hiding in Libya and constantly on the move. All of the leader's family are fine, Ibrahim said, adding that top military and political aides remained with Gadhafi.
Ibrahim said Gadhafi's forces controlled a "good portion" of the capital — a claim that contradicts what reporters can see — and other cities and towns.

カダフィの権力の掌握力が落ちたとはいえ、彼は彼が有利であるという面子を保とうとしている。 彼は繰り返し「勝利或いは殉教」まで戦うと戦うと宣言している。
カダフィのスポークスマンであるモウサ・イブラヒムはAPのカイロオフィスに電話で、カダフィは以前リビアで健在であり、彼の士気は高いと伝えてきている。 イブラハムはカダフィがどこに隠れているかを言わなかったが、我々の独立と自由の為に戦いを実際に指導していると言っている。  イブラヒム(声は間違いなく彼の声で)は彼自身もリビアに潜んでおり、常に移動していると言った。 カダフィの家族は全員無事で、かれの軍事、政治両側近は未だにカダフィと共にあると付け加えた。 彼が言うにはカダフィ軍は首都の緊要な地点を支配して他の都市や町も押えているとのこと――― その主張は記者が見る事実と矛盾している。

In Abu Salim, the barrage that lasted for hours ended at sunset and rebel fighters went door to door through largely deserted apartment buildings, occasionally dragging out suspected regime loyalists.
Some were dark-skinned men in camouflage cutoffs and T-shirts who had their hands tied behind their backs before they were driven away. The rebels have long claimed Gadhafi had been hiring mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa to bolster his army.
Some rebels looted the buildings, taking computers from a devastated fire station and printers from a nearby market area.
The buildings in Abu Salim were still covered with pro-Gadhafi graffiti, which have been largely covered over in the rest of the city.

アブ・サリムでは、弾幕射撃が日没まで数時間続き、戦士達が、敵が放棄したアパートのビルのドアからドアを見て回り、時たま政府軍と思しき敗残兵を引きずり出している。 車で連行される前に、後ろ手に縛られている者の幾人かは、迷彩の半ズボンとTシャツ姿の肌の黒い男達である。 反乱軍は以前から、カダフィはアフリカのサハラ周辺の傭兵を雇って、彼の軍隊を強化していると言ってきた。 反乱軍の或る者はビルから略奪し、破壊された消防署からコンピュータを奪い、近くのマーケットからプリンターを持ってきていた。

Earlier in the day, at least two dozen bodies were discovered around the burned up remnants of a camp for Gadhafi sympathizers just outside his Bab al-Aziziya compound. The tents were still smoldering and the bodies of mainly dark-skinned men were scattered around the grassy traffic circle, some with hands tied behind their back.
It is not clear who they were, but they appear to have been activists camping near the compound in defiance of NATO airstrikes over the past months. If they were killed by rebels, it raises the specter of atrocities against civilians.

その日の早くに、カダフィのバブ・アル‐アジジャ施設の直ぐ外のカダフィシンパのキャンプの焼け跡あたりで少なくとも24~5人の死体が発見された。 そのテントはまだ煙を上げており、死体は主に黒い肌の男達で草の茂ったロータリーの回りに転がっていた。或る者は腕を後ろ手に縛られていた。

Rebels say one of their key targets now is Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, about 250 miles from Tripoli, but acknowledged that capturing that city would not be easy because Gadhafi's fellow tribesmen were expected to put up a fierce fight. Opposition leaders have said they were trying to negotiate a peaceful surrender of the city.
The rebels said the supply lines to Sirte would be too long and they are short of funds and supplies.
Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, head of the rebel Transitional National Council, called on people living in loyalist-held towns to join the fight against Gadhafi's soldiers.
"I am appealing to the areas not yet liberated to join the revolution," he told reporters in Benghazi. "There is no excuse for them not to join."

反乱軍はシルトの補給幹線は長すぎて、彼らは食料とその他の補給が不足していると言っている。 リビア暫定国民評議会のトップであるムスタファ・アブデル‐ジャリルは政府軍が立て籠もる町々の人々に、カダフィ軍に戦いを挑むよう呼びかけている。 「私は、まだ解放されていない地域の人々に革命に加わるよう訴えている。 革命に加わらない理由は無い」と彼はベンガジの記者団に話している。

At the United Nations, the U.S. and South Africa reached a deal that will release $1.5 billion in frozen Libyan assets in American banks. South Africa had blocked an agreement over concerns that it implied recognition of the TNC. The Libyan opposition says it needs at least $5 billion in frozen assets to pay state salaries, maintain vital services and repair critical oil facilities. Analysts estimate that as much as $110 billion is frozen in banks worldwide.
Meanwhile, Fawzi Abu Ketf, deputy defense minister of the rebel Transitional National Council, said fighting was raging Thursday outside Bin Jawad, 400 miles east of Tripoli, but he had no details. Gadhafi loyalists ambushed rebels advancing toward the city on Wednesday, killing at least 20 of them.

国連では、アメリカと南アフリカがアメリカの銀行に凍結されていたリビアの150億ドルの資産を解除する合意に達した。 南アフリカは承認を仄めかしていた暫定国民評議会への懸念から凍結をそれまで見合わせていた。 リビアの同評議会は国民に給与を支払い、最低限必要な公共サービスと緊要な石油施設のために、少なくとも凍結資産のうち50億ドルを必要とすると言っている。 一方、暫定国民評議会の副防衛大臣のファウジ・ケトフはトリポリの東400マイルのびんビン・ジャワドの郊外で木曜日に戦闘が激しくなっていると発表したが、詳細は不明。カダフィ軍は都市に進撃する反乱軍を待ち伏せし、水曜日に、少なくとも20名の反乱軍を殺害している。

The ambush showed that pro-regime forces retain the ability to strike back even as the rebels tighten their control over the nation's capital.
Rebels also have seized several parts of Sebha, a Gadhafi stronghold deep in the south, including the main commercial Gamal Abdel-Nasser street, according to rebel official Adel al-Zintani, who is in daily telephone contact with rebel commanders in the desert city.
Four Italian journalists taken at gunpoint in Libya were also freed Thursday in a raid on the house where they were being held, an official said.

反乱軍は、カダフィの南部奥地の拠点セブハのメインの商業通りであるガマル・アブデル‐ナッサーを含み、数か所を奪取している。 これは、その都市の前線の反乱軍指揮官たちと電話で毎日連絡をとっている、反乱軍の幹部の情報である。 リビアで銃を突きつけられて連れ去られたイタリアのジャーナリスト4人は、彼らが拘束されている建物への襲撃により、木曜日に解放されたとのこと。
NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro contributed to this report, which includes material from The Associated Press

