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リビア情勢(速報8)カダフィ軍最後の砦シルトを包囲 (戦闘は避けられるか?)

2011-08-31 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Libyan Rebels Set Deadline For

by Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson
August 30, 2011

Libyan rebel fighters advance in their tank about 60 miles east of the town of Sirte on Tuesday. Sirte is Moammar Gadhafi's hometown and the last bastion of his loyalist forces.

August 30, 2011
Libya's rebels say they have more than 10,000 fighters surrounding Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte and are waiting for the order to attack.
The rebel officials say that order will be given this Saturday. But over the next few days, they will try to negotiate the peaceful surrender of Sirte, the last major bastion of Gadhafi's forces.

リビアの反乱軍はカダフィの出身地であるシルトの周囲に1万人以上の軍を配置し、攻撃命令を待っていると伝えている。 反乱軍関係者によると攻撃命令は土曜日に下されるとのこと。しかし、これから数日間は、このカダフィ軍の最後の主要な砦であるシルトに平和的に降伏するよう説得を続けるとしている。

Rebel military spokesman Col. Ahmed Bani told reporters in the eastern city of Benghazi that the zero hour was fast approaching for Sirte. NATO warplanes have destroyed dozens of military targets in the town in recent days. And rebel leaders say negotiations for a peaceful surrender have stalled, while the rebel fighters are getting restless.

反乱軍のスポークスマンであるアーメド・バニ大佐は東部ベンガジ市において記者団に対し、シルトに対する攻撃開始が迫っていると発表した。 NATOの戦闘機は既に、ここ数日で同市の数十か所にものぼる軍事目標を破壊している。 反乱軍の指導者によると平和的な降伏のための交渉は進捗しておらず、反乱軍の戦士のいら立ちが募っているとのこと。

"In the end, they cannot leave any areas of Libya still under the Gadhafi regime," said Shamsiddin Ben-Ali, the chief spokesman for the rebels' Transitional National Council. "All of Libya, every inch of Libya, has to be liberated."
Still, the rebels are hoping that the Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan will provide a cooling-off period and produce a peaceful end to the standoff. That holiday, called Eid al-Fitr, begins in Libya on Wednesday.
If no agreement is reached, the alternative could be a bloodbath given Gadhafi's forces are firmly entrenched in Sirte, the rebels said.

反乱軍はラマダンの終わりのムスリムの休日を利用して事態を鎮静化し、この膠着状態に平和的に終止符を打ちたいとしている。 その休日はエイド アル‐フィトルと言い水曜日に始まる。 

Civilians Urged To Leave  市民に退去を勧告
That's why the rebels are encouraging residents to leave the city, said Ben-Ali, the council spokesman.
"Some have been able to get out," he said. But, he added, "the military forces inside Sirte are at the same time preventing [their departure] simply because they want to use them in the end as human shields."


People in Sirte could not be reached because their cellphones do not connect to those in Benghazi. Gadhafi shut down the eastern phone network after the uprising that began in February.
Nor have rebels been able to use the airwaves to get a message of peace and reconciliation to Sirte residents, according to the rebels' deputy interior minister, Mustafa al-Sagazly:

シルトの住民とはコンタクトがとれない。なぜならば彼らの携帯電話はベンガジの携帯通信網と繋がっていないからだ。 カダフィは2月に蜂起が起こったあと、東部の電話網を遮断してしまっている。 反乱軍の副内務相のムスタファ アル‐サガズリによると、反乱軍の方もまた、シルトの住民に平和と和解のメッセージを届けるための無線手段を持っていないとのこと。

"The media of Gadhafi has brainwashed the people there and has informed them that we are coming to kill them, steal their property and rape their women and destroy the whole city," he said.
Nevertheless, he was among the rebel leaders who told NPR that two of the three main tribes in Sirte appear willing to negotiate, although they aren't the ones with the heavy guns.


Some members of the Gaddafa tribe, from which Gadhafi hails, are also willing to talk. But the rebels have rejected their demands for amnesty and inclusion in the new government.
"We don't want violence, we don't want revenge, that's true, but meanwhile we cannot really accept any dictation from Gadhafi's tribe," said Fathi Baja, a senior member of the rebel council.


The rebels say they are willing to accept compromises that would allow Sirte residents to set up a local council. The residents, including Gadhafi's tribe, may also get to keep some lighter weapons, including their personal guns.
But rebel leaders say that through negotiations or battle, Sirte must come under rebel control. The city sits on the coast between the country's two largest cities, Tripoli and Benghazi, and it's also holding up rebel efforts to capture towns like Sabha in the south, which sits atop Libya's main water supply.

反乱軍はシルトの住民が地方議会を立ち上げることを認める点での妥協は受け入れる用意があると言っている。 そしてカダフィ部族には、個人の銃及び部族の軽火器を装備することも認められるとしている。

Back in Benghazi, rebel fighters returning for a brief respite from the front lines say they are ready to take Sirte this weekend. One of them, Col. Jamal Muhammed Zuweyy, said the fighters are hoping for a peaceful surrender. But Zuweyy says if the rebels have to go into Sirte, he's confident the battle won't last more than a day.

ベンガジに戻ると、反乱軍の兵士たちが前線から、一時休息のために戻ってきていた。彼らはこの週末にシルトを攻撃する準備が出来ているとのこと。 彼らの一人、ジャマル・ムハメド・ツウェイ大佐は、戦士達は平和的な降伏を希望しているが、反乱軍がシルトに侵攻しなければならない事態になれば、戦闘は一日で決着するだろうと自信を持って答えた。