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2011-08-10 | ニュース翻訳
Riots Spread From London To Other British Cities

が原因と思えてならない。 魚は頭から腐る。ジェントルマンの良き伝統は何処へ? (動画)
by NPR Staff and Wires
August 9, 2011
British Prime Minister David Cameron recalled Parliament from its summer recess Tuesday and nearly tripled the number of police on the streets after three days of rioting in London blossomed into a full-blown political crisis.
The violence spread to other British cities, prompting Prime Minister David Cameron to warn Tuesday of "many, many more arrests."
Cameron described the scenes of burning buildings and smashed windows in London and several other British cities as "sickening," but refrained from more extreme measures such as calling in the military to help beleaguered police restore order.
Instead, he said 16,000 officers would be on the streets of the capital Tuesday night, almost tripling the number that were out Monday night.


"People should be in no doubt that we will do everything necessary to restore order to Britain's streets and to make them safe for the law-abiding," Cameron told reporters after rushing home from an Italian vacation to chair a crisis meeting at his Downing Street office.
A wave of violence and looting has raged across London since Saturday, as authorities struggled to contain the country's worst unrest since race riots set the capital ablaze in the 1980s.
Some 525 arrests have been made in London alone and dozens were arrested in other cities. Police announced Tuesday that plastic bullets would be "one of the tactics" available to officers to quell the riots.


The riots also claimed their first death — a 26-year-old found shot dead in a car.
Parliament will return to duty on Thursday, as the political fallout from the rampage takes hold. The crisis is a major test for Cameron's Conservative-led coalition government, which includes Liberal Democrats who had long suspected its program of harsh budget restraints could provoke popular dissent.

In London, groups of young people rampaged for a third straight night, setting buildings, vehicles and garbage dumps alight, looting stores and pelting police officers with bottles and fireworks into the wee hours of Tuesday. The spreading disorder was an unwelcome warning of the possibility of violence during London's 2012 Summer Olympics, less than a year away.

暴徒たちは、彼らの最初の犠牲者にも抗議している。 これは26歳の若者が車の中で射殺された事件。議会は、この暴動が政治的に今後影響を及ぼし続けるとして、木曜日から開かれる。 この危機はキャメロンの保守派が率いる連立政府にとっての大きな試金石となる。連立では大衆の反発を招くとして厳しい予算削減案に長い間懐疑的だった自由民主党も与党。
ロンドンでは若者が三日間連続で暴れまわり、火曜日の未明まで、ビル、車両、ゴミ集積場などに放火し、商店から略奪し、警官に瓶や花火を投げつけていた。 拡大している混乱は、あと一年を切った夏のロンドンの2012年サマーオリンピック期間中の暴動の可能性を示唆する望ましくない警告となった。

England's soccer match Wednesday against the Netherlands in London's Wembley stadium was canceled to free up police officers for riot duty.
Cameron said leaves have been canceled for police in London, and reinforcements have been called in from all over the country.
Armored vehicles were deployed in some of the worst-hit districts, but authorities still struggled to keep pace with the chaos unfolding at flashpoints across London, in the central city of Birmingham, the western city of Bristol and the northwestern city of Liverpool.
"The violence we have seen is simply inexcusable. Ordinary people have had their lives turned upside down by this mindless thuggery," police commander Christine Jones said.
London's police said 14 people were injured. It was unclear if the man who died had been among them.

それらの地域はバーミンガム市、ブリストル市の西部 そして、リバプール市の北西部である。
「今繰り広げられている暴力行為は決して弁明できるものではない。 一般市民の生活は、この心無い暴力によりひっくり返ってしまった。」と警察の司令官クリスチン・ジョーンズは話している。 

Many Attracted By Opportunity For Violence

A rioter throws a rock at riot police in Clarence Road in Hackney, London, Monday.

Reporting from a street in Clapham, south London, NPR's Philip Reeves witnessed a crowd of looters forcing its way into Debenhams, a large department store, as a handful of police looked on from a distance without intervening.
The street was carpeted with broken glass and rubble, and almost all the nearby stores were vandalized.
Some journalists witnessing scenes like this in London in the last few days have been attacked.
A masked looter pointed menacingly at NPR's recording machine and threatened: "You record the wrong thing and that's getting smashed up, I tell you that. It will get smashed up."

覆面をした暴徒はNPRの取材器具を指さして、脅した。「お前は悪いところを撮っている。だからぶっ壊してやる。 いいか。 ぶっ壊すぞ」と

The rioters appeared to have little unifying cause — though some claimed to oppose sharp government spending cuts, which will slash welfare payments and cut tens of thousands of public sector jobs through 2015.
But many were attracted simply by the opportunity for violence.
"Come join the fun!" shouted one youth in the east London suburb of Hackney, where shops were attacked and cars torched.
Rioters were left virtually unchallenged in several neighborhoods and able to plunder from stores at will or attempt to invade homes. Restaurants and stores closed early across London again Tuesday, fearing more looting.

暴徒は衝動的なもので特段の理由はない  しかし、或る者は政府の急劇な歳出削減により、福祉が切り捨てになり、2015年まで公的部門の何万もの仕事が無くなることに抗議している。 
「一緒に来て楽しもうぜ」とロンドン郊外のハックニーで若者が叫んでいた。 そこでは商店が襲撃され、車が火をつけられた。
いくつかの近郊地区では、暴徒は事実上取り締まられておらず、商店から自由に略奪も出来るし、家宅侵入もできる状態である。 更なる略奪を恐れて、レストランや商店は水曜日に再びロンドン全域で店を閉めている。

Graham Reeves, 52, stood dumbstruck in front of the smoldering ruins of his family store, the House of Reeves on Croydon in south London. The store is a local landmark run by his family since the 19th century. He said his 80-year old father was hysterical when he heard the news.
"No one's stolen anything," Graham Reeves said. "They just burnt it down."

グラハム・リーブス52歳は彼の家族経営のストアの燻っている残骸の前に呆然と立ち尽くしていた。このストアはサウス・ロンドンのクロイドンに面するハウスオブリーブスと言うストアであり、19世紀以来なじみの深い、その地区のランドマークであった。 彼の80歳になる父親は、このニュースを耳にして半狂乱になったと彼は言う。

Echoes Of French Riots  フランスの暴動の反響
Disorder flared throughout the night, from gritty suburbs along the capital's fringes to central London's posh Notting Hill neighborhood.
Police said all London police holding cells were full and prisoners were being taken to surrounding communities. At least 100 have been charged, including an 11-year old. Police were also monitoring Twitter, and warned that those who posted messages inciting the violence could face arrest.
Three people were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a police officer was struck by a car in north London early Tuesday. About 44 police officers have been injured in the violence.
The images of London's violence recalled the 2005 riots in France, when hooded and masked youths fought police in three weeks of raging overnight battles in housing projects, confrontations that became a challenge to the French state itself.

警察は全てのロンドンの拘置所が満杯になったため、犯人たちは周辺の地区に連行されていると言っている。 少なくとも11歳を含む100人が逮捕されている。 警察は更にツィッターも監視しており、暴動を誘発するメッセージの書き込みをした者も逮捕すると警告を発している。

Simmering Racial, Social Tensions  一触即発の人種、社会問題の緊張
Violence in London first broke out late Saturday in the low-income, multiethnic northern district of Tottenham, where protesters demonstrated against the fatal police shooting of Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father of four who was killed in disputed circumstances Thursday.
A brief inquest hearing into Duggan's death was being held Tuesday, though it will likely be several months before a full hearing.
Duggan's death stirred old animosities and racial tensions similar to those that prompted massive U.K. race riots in the 1980s, despite efforts by London police to build better relations with the city's ethnic communities.
But, as the latest unrest spread, some pointed to rising social tensions in Britain as the government slashes 80 billion pounds ($130 billion) from public spending by 2015 to reduce the huge deficit, swollen after the country spent billions bailing out its foundering banks.


Sony Corp. said a major blaze had broken out at its distribution center near Enfield, north London, damaging DVDs and other products. So many fires were being fought in the capital that Thames Water warned that some customers could face water pressure drops. In the Clapham Junction area of south London, a mob stole masks from a party store to disguise their identities and then set the building on fire.
Dozens of people attacked shops in Birmingham's main retail district, and clashed with police in Liverpool and Bristol.
"This is the uprising of the working class. We're redistributing the wealth," said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from a store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.
Some residents called for police to deploy water cannons to disperse rioters, or call on the military for support. They questioned the strength of leadership within London's police department particularly after a wave of resignations prompted by the country's phone-hacking scandal.
Youths used text messages, instant messaging on BlackBerry phones and social media platforms such as Twitter to coordinate attacks and stay ahead of the police.

ソニーコーポレーションはロンドン北部エンフィールド近隣の配送センターから大きな火の手があがり、DVDやその他の商品に損害が生じたと発表した。 首都での多くの火災の消火により、一般家庭の水道の水圧が低下するかもしれないとテムズウォーター社は警報を発している。ロンドン南部のクラファムジャンクションエリアでは、群衆がパーティ用品の商店から、変装用の覆面を盗み、その建物に放火した。
幾人かの住人は警察が暴徒を放水車で追い払うよう要請し、軍の出動を求めた。 彼らは盗聴スキャンダルで一連の辞任騒動に見舞われた後のロンドン警視庁内での強いリーダーシップの統率力に懸念を抱いている。

'It's Like A War Zone'  それは戦場のようだ
About 100 young people clashed with police in the Camden and Chalk Farm areas of north London on Monday night. In the Peckham district of south London, where a building was set ablaze along with a bus — which was not carrying passengers. Cars were torched in nearby Lewisham, and in west London's Ealing suburb the windows of each store along entire streets had been smashed.
"There's been tension for a long time. The kids aren't happy. They hate the police,"' said Matthew Yeoland, a 43-year-old teacher watching the unrest in Peckham. "It's like a war zone and the police weren't doing anything."

月曜日の夜、ロンドン北部のカムデンとチョークファーム地区では訳00人の若者が警察と衝突した。 ロンドン南部のペッカーム地区ではバスと共に建物が放火されたが、バスは乗客を乗せていなかった。  ルイスハム付近では車両に火がつけられ、そして西のロンドンのイーリング近郊では通り全部の商店の窓ガラスが破壊された。
「ずっと長いあいだ緊張がつづいていた。 子供たちは不機嫌だし、彼らは警察を憎んでいた。」とペッカームで暴動を見ていた43歳の教師マッソー・ヨーランドは語った。

Police said Duggan was shot dead last week when police from Operation Trident — the unit that investigates gun crime in the black community — stopped a cab he was riding in.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is investigating the shooting, said a "non-police firearm" was recovered at the scene. But the Guardian newspaper reported that a bullet in the officer's radio was police-issue, indicating Duggan may not have fired at the officer.
Duggan's partner, Semone Wilson, insisted that her fiance was not connected to gang violence and urged police to offer more information about his death. But she rejected suggestions that the riots were linked to protests over his death.
"It got out of hand. It's not connected to this anymore. This is out of control," she said.

警察は、ダガンはトライデント作戦の警官が、彼の乗っているタクシーを止めたときに撃たれたと話している。 その警官の作戦部隊は黒人社会の銃犯罪を調査している部隊だった。
ダガンの連れの、シモーヌ・ウィルソンは、彼女のフィアンセであるダガンはギャングとは一切関係が無いと主張し、警察に彼の死についての更なる説明を要求している。 しかし、彼女は今回の暴動が彼の死に抗議に関連したものだという見方を否定した。
「暴動は既に手を離れており、この事件とはなんら関係がない。 これは止めようがない」と彼女は言っている。

Britain's Poor Feeling The Pinch  英国の貧困層が危機感を募らしている
The past year has seen mass protests against the tripling of student tuition fees and cuts to public sector pensions. In November, December and March, small groups broke away from large marches in London to loot. In the most notorious episode, rioters attacked a Rolls-Royce carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla to a charity concert.
However, the full impact of spending cuts has yet to be felt and the unemployment rate is stable — although it remains highest among youth, especially in areas like Tottenham, Hackney and Croydon.
Some residents insisted joblessness was not to blame. "It's just an excuse for the young ones to come and rob shops," said Brixton resident Marilyn Moseley, 49.

昨年は学生の授業料の三倍の値上げや公共部門の年金カットなどに対する大規模な抗議でもが見られた。 11月、12月 そして3月にロンドンのデモ行進から、少数グループが分かれて略奪を働いた。 もっとも悪名高いのは、暴徒がチャールズ皇子とカミラ夫人がチャリティコンサートに向かう途中のロールスロイスを襲ったことだ。
ある住人は失業自体が悪いのではないと主張する。 「悪いのは若者が泥棒を働く口実にしていることだ」とブリクストンの住人、マリリン・モスレイ49歳は言う。

But others, such as a London woman named Alison, who was fearful of giving her full name, told NPR that it is important to remember the suffering of the working class.
"What do they expect? You know what, my 21-year-old goes out there every single day looking for work, and there's no work, yet still he will get penalized in this country for not having a job," he said.
The British leaders now scrambling to restore order have been battered by scandals that include expenses claims by members of parliament, cozy relations with Rupert Murdoch's tabloid newspapers and bankers' bonuses.
Alison says the government's simply out of touch.
"This government is for the rich. It's not for the poor. It's not for the people that are trying. They fiddle their expenses, they con us out of money," she said. "It's not fair.

しかし他の人達、例えばアリソンというロンドンの女性は、フルネームを名乗るのを恐れながらNPRに語った。 大切なのは労働者階級が苦難に直面していることを認識することだ。
「何を彼らが期待していると思う? いいかい、私の21歳になる子が仕事を求めて毎日出かけるが、仕事がない、それなのに、この国では、仕事がないことで不利になる。」と彼は言った。
「この政府は金持ちの見方であり、貧困層には向いていない。 それを是正するのは国民ではない。 なのに政治家達は好き放題に金を空費している。彼らは私たちから金をだまし取っている。」

NPR's Philip Reeves and The Associated Press contributed to this report