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リビア情勢(速報3) トリポリ陥落 カダフィの行方は?

2011-08-22 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Libyans Jubilant As Gadhafi's Capital Falls


by NPR Staff and Wires

Alexandre Meneghini/AP
People celebrate the capture in Tripoli of Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya, early Monday, Aug. 22, 2011. Libyan rebels raced into Tripoli in a lightning advance Sunday that met little resistance as Moammar Gadhafi's defenders melted away and his 40-year rule appeared to rapidly crumble.  人々はカダフィの息子で彼の継承者でもあるセイフ・アル‐イスラムを月曜日早朝、捕えたことを、ベンガジの町で喜んでいる。 2011年8月22日、リビアの反政府軍はトリポリになだれ込んだ。 カダフィ政府軍は雲散霧消し、この電撃的侵攻は何の抵抗も受けなかった。 カダフィの40年の支配は急速に崩壊した。

August 22, 2011
With euphoric Libyan rebels in control of large parts of Tripoli early Monday, Moammar Gadhafi's 42-year rule appeared to be disintegrating. The Libyan leader issued defiant statements, but his whereabouts were not known.
After a lightning advance on Libya's capital, rebels celebrated late into the night in Green Square, the symbolic heart of Gadhafi's power. Revelers on the square, once the scene of almost nightly rallies organized by the regime, fired celebratory shots in the air, set fire to the green flag of Gadhafi's government and shot holes in a poster with the leader's image.

リビアの首都への電撃的な進撃を終え、反政府軍はその夜遅く、カダフィ政権の象徴的心臓部とも言えるグリーンスクエアで勝利を祝った。 かっては、政府に動員された集会が殆ど毎晩開催された場所である広場(グリーンスクエア)で反政府軍は空に向かって発砲し、カダフィ政府の緑の旗を燃やし、そしてカダフィの肖像のあるポスターに穴をあけて、勝利を祝った。

Reporting from Tripoli, NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro said the carloads of anti-Gadhafi fighters that had streamed into the capital from the coastal city of Zawiya were greeted by locals with cheers and waving rebel flags.
While the rebel's breakthrough appeared to mark a turning point in Libya's 6-month-old civil war, pockets of resistance remained.
"There are still areas that are unsafe and there has continued to be some fighting," Garcia-Navarro reported late Sunday. "By and large [the rebels] believe that if they can control Tripoli they have essentially won the civil war."

リビアの6か月に及ぶ内戦の大きな山場は越えたものの、各地区での政府軍の抵抗は続いている。 「まだ不安全な地域もあり、何箇所かで戦闘は続いていますが、全般的にみて、反政府軍がトリポリを支配すれば、内戦は反政府軍が実質的に勝利すると、反政府軍は確信しています。」と土曜日の夜遅くガルシア‐ナバロは伝えてきました。

President Barack Obama said Libya is "slipping from the grasp of a tyrant" and urged Gadhafi to relinquish power to prevent more bloodshed.
"The future of Libya is now in the hands of the Libyan people," Obama said in a statement from Martha's Vineyard, where he's vacationing. The president promised to work closely with rebels and "continue to insist that the basic rights of the Libyan people are respected."
Opposition fighters captured Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, who along with his father faces charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. Another son was reportedly under house arrest.
State television broadcast Gadhafi's pleas for Libyans to defend his regime into the night on Sunday. But in one message, the leader also appealed for a negotiation.
Garcia-Navarro said rebels she talked to said there would be no deal: "Many of them would like to see [Gadhafi] killed, others certainly would like to see him face trial, but nobody wants to give him any clemency or leniency."

「リビアの将来は今やリビアの人々の手中にある」とオバマは現在休暇中のマーサブドウ園から声明を発表した。 大統領は反政府軍と密接に連携し、リビアの人々の基本的な権限が尊重されることを主張し続けることを約束した。
反政府戦士はカダフィの息子で、カダフィの継承者でもある、セイフ‐イスラムを捕獲した、彼は父親のカダフィ大佐と共にオランダの国際刑事裁判所において人道に対する罪で告訴されていた。 もう一人の息子は、伝えられるところによると、拘禁中とのこと。

A Sudden Reversal  急な、予想に反した展開
George Joffe, an expert on Libya and a lecturer at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, said he was surprised at how quickly Tripoli appears to have fallen.
"For the city to fall so easily shows that despite all the bluster of the Gaddafi regime, it had lost the confidence of the Libyan people a long time ago," Joffe told NPR's Weekend All Things Considered.

「首都がこんなに早く陥落したということは、カダフィの強面の体制にも関わらず、リビア国民から、随分以前から信頼されなくなっていたことを示している」とNPRの週末の番組オールシングス コンシダードで語った。

Credit: NPR
By early Monday, rebels in Tripoli had set up checkpoints alongside residents, many of them secretly armed by rebel smugglers in recent weeks.
But Gaddafi's defiance in angry audio messages broadcast on state television on raised the possibility of a last-ditch fight over the capital, home to 2 million people.
Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim claimed the regime has "thousands and thousands of fighters" and vowed: "We will fight. We have whole cities on our sides. They are coming en masse to protect Tripoli to join the fight."


But significant parts of Gadhafi's regime and military seemed to be abandoning him, and NATO leaders sounded optimistic the conflict was coming to a close. Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Gadhafi's regime was "clearly crumbling" and that the time to create a new democratic Libya has arrived.
Tripoli's swift collapse marked a stunning reversal for Gadhafi, who earlier this month had seemed to have a firm grip on his stronghold in the western part of Libya, despite months of NATO airstrikes on his military. Rebels had been unable to make any advances for weeks, bogged down on the main fronts with regime troops in the east and center of the country.

しかし、カダフィ体制側の主要な連中と軍は彼を見捨てたようだった。NATOの指導者は楽観的な見方を示し、紛争は終わりに近づいているとした。 NATOの事務総長アナス・フォー・ラスムセンはカダフィ体制は明らかに崩壊しており、新しい民主的リビアの建国の時が到来していると述べた。
トリポリでの政府軍の迅速な崩壊は、彼の軍に対する数か月にわたるNATOの効攻撃にも関わらず、リビア西部地域の拠点にたいして、強力な統率力を維持していると今月初めまで思われていたカダフィにとって、全く逆の展開となった。 反政府軍は国の東部や中央部で政府軍と主戦線で膠着状態にあり、何週間も前進できずにいたのだ。

The uprising against Gadhafi broke out in mid-February, and anti-regime protests quickly spread. A brutal crackdown quickly transformed the protests into an armed rebellion. Rebels seized Libya's east, setting up an internationally recognized transitional government there, and two pockets in the west, the port city of Misrata and the Nafusa mountain range.
Gadhafi clung to the remaining territory, and for months neither side had been able to break the other.
In early August, however, rebels launched an offensive, intending to open a new, western front to break the deadlock. They fought their way down to the Mediterranean coastal plain, backed by NATO airstrikes, and captured the strategic city of Zawiya.

二月中旬に勃発した反カダフィ蜂起と反体制抗議運動は急速に全国に拡大した。 これに対する残虐な制圧は、この抗議運動を武装反乱に様態を一変させた。 反乱軍はリビアの東部を奪取し、国際的に認められた政府をそこに樹立し、西部の2拠点を押さえた、即ち港湾都市ミスラタと山岳地帯のナフサの2都市である。
カダフィは残った地域に陣取り、何か月もの間、両陣営は相手を撃破することができなかった。 しかしがなら、8月に入って、膠着状態を打破するため、西部戦線い新しい突破口を求めて、反乱軍は攻勢に転じた。 彼らは地中海の海岸の平地沿いに、NATOの航空攻撃の掩護を受けながら兵を進め、戦略都市ザウィヤを奪取した。

'Time For Justice’ 正義のとき
In the Netherlands, the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said his office would talk to the rebels on Monday about Seif al-Islam's transfer for trial. "It is time for justice, not revenge," Moreno-Ocampo told the Associated Press.
Seif al-Islam, his father and Libya's intelligence chief were indicted earlier this year for allegedly ordering, planning and participating in illegal attacks on civilians in the early days of the violent crackdown on anti-regime protesters.


Another son, Mohammed, was under house arrest. Mohammed, who is in charge of Libyan telecommunications, appeared on the Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera, saying his house was surrounded by armed rebels.
"They have guaranteed my safety. I have always wanted good for all Libyans and was always on the side of God," he said. Close to the end of the interview, there was the sound of heavy gunfire and Mohammed said rebels had entered his house before the phone line cut off.

もう一人の息子、モハメドは自宅監禁中である。彼はリビアのテレコムを担当しており、アラブ衛星チャンネルのアル‐ジャジーラに出演し、彼の家が反乱軍に包囲されていると語っていた。 「反乱軍は私の身の安全を保障している。 私はいつも全てのリビア国民に良かれと思ってやってきたし、いつも神の意志に従っていた」と話した。 インタビューの終わる頃、激しい銃声がして、モハメドは反乱軍が、電話を切る前に家に入ってきたと語った。
Material from The Associated Press was used in this report.


2011-08-22 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Rebels Close In On Libyan Capital

情勢は非常に流動的で時々刻々と変化しています。これを翻訳していたら、電子版のニュースが次々に時間単位で更新されています。 トリポリは反政府軍によってほとんど制圧されたようです。 ふーっ!
しかし、戦況はなかなか読めないものです、それまでの経緯を知る上でもアップしていいかなと考えてアップしました。 一部先の報道と内容が被っています。

by NPR Staff and Wires

Sergey Ponomarev/AP
Libyan rebel fighters speed towards the front line of fighting in the village of Al-Mayah, just west of Tripoli, on Sunday. 日曜日、リビアの反政府軍の戦士がトリポリの西アル‐マヤの村の全線へ急行している。

August 21, 2011
Libya is under fire as rebel forces inch toward Tripoli amid fighting that could be a turning point in the civil war. There are fierce battles going on in the towns and on the roads leading to the capital city, and civilians are fleeing in anticipation of a rebel onslaught.

反政府軍は内戦のターニングポイントになる戦闘の真っ最中であり、同軍がトリポリに肉薄するにつれ、リビア各地は砲火に包まれている。 首都トリポリに向かう道路や町々では激しい戦闘が繰り広げられ、市民は反政府軍の襲来を恐れて市内から逃れている。

Hundreds of euphoric Libyan rebels danced and cheered after they overran a major military base that defends Tripoli on Sunday, driving out elite forces led by Moammar Gadhafi's son in a brief gunbattle. The fighters hauled off truckloads of weapons and advanced full speed toward the capital in pickup trucks and even on foot, as the trappings of the regime crumbled fast.

喜びに沸き立つ何百人ものリビアの反政府戦士は、日曜日にトリポリ防衛の主要な軍事基地を制圧したあと、踊り上がって気勢をあげた。 カダフィ大佐の息子の率いる精鋭部隊を短時間の戦闘で駆逐した。 反政府軍はトラック一杯の武器を奪い、政府軍の象徴であっ精鋭部隊が瓦解するなか、ピックアップトラック或いは徒歩で首都に向かって全速力で前進していった。

Inside Tripoli, heavy machine-gun fire and explosions rang out across many parts of the capital on the second day of widespread clashes between what the opposition called "sleeping cells" of rebels who are rising up and Gadhafi loyalists.
"As one rebel commander told me, 'We're throwing everything we can at it. This is the last stage of the battle,'" NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro tells Weekend Edition Sunday.


Rebels Advance, With Help From NATO  NATOの支援のもと反政府軍前進
Tripoli is effectively surrounded, Garcia-Navarro reports; the roads to the east, south and west are cut off by rebels.
In their latest advance, Libyan rebels captured a major military base that defends Tripoli. An Associated Press reporter traveling with the rebels saw them take over the base of the Khamis Brigade, west of the capital. After a brief gunbattle, Gadhafi's forces fled.

トリポリは効果的に包囲されている。リビアの反政府軍は、トリポリを防衛する主要な軍事基地を奪取した。 反政府軍と同行しているAPの記者は首都の西にあるカミス旅団の基地を、彼らが奪取するのを見た。 短い戦闘の後、カダフィ軍は退却した。

Credit: NPR

"NATO bombed it, and the rebels have overrun it, and they are taking the weapon stores from it now," Garcia-Navarro reports from the city of Al-Mayah. "The rebels here are celebrating their victory; they're now about 10 miles away from the capital.
"This was a town that was held by Gadhafi's forces this morning, and it is now in the control of the rebels this afternoon," Garcia-Navarro says.

「NATOは同基地を爆撃し、反政府軍はそこを制圧しました。そして彼らはその基地の武器庫から武器を奪いました。」とガルシア‐ナバロはアル‐メイヤーの都市から報告している。 反政府軍は勝利を祝っている。そこから首都トリポリまでは僅か10マイルしかない。

Gadhafi's 27-year-old son Khamis commands the 32nd Brigade, also known simply as the Khamis Brigade, one of the best trained and equipped units in the Libyan military.
NATO's bombing campaign has picked up significantly in the last few days. "Just last night there were 25 strikes in and around the front lines here between Zawiya and Tripoli," Garcia-Navarro reports. "And today, again, we've seen NATO bombing strikes play a significant role, allowing the rebels to move forward."
For its part, NATO said the shifting battle lines and concentration of fighting in towns and villages are making it more difficult to identify and engage targets for airstrikes.
"It's much tougher to do in an urban area," NATO spokesman Col. Roland Lavoie said. "This requires very precise and deep intelligence to achieve without endangering the civilian population."

「都市部では非常にそれが困難になる。 住民を巻き添えにせずに任務を遂行するためには、正確で詳細な情報がより必要になってくる。」とNATOのスポーグスマンのローランド・ラボア大佐は話す。

Tripoli Residents Protest, Fight, Flee トリポリの住民 抗議・戦闘・逃亡
Meanwhile, large anti-regime protests erupted Sunday in several Tripoli neighborhoods, where thousands braved the bullets of snipers perched atop high buildings, residents and opposition fighters said.
Mukhtar Lahab, a rebel commander closing in on Tripoli and a former captain in Gadhafi's army, said his relatives inside the capital reported mass protests in four neighborhoods known as sympathetic to the opposition: Fashlum, Souk al-Jouma, Tajoura and Janzour. He said mosques there were rallying residents with chants of "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great," broadcast on loudspeakers.
Snipers loyal to Gadhafi were firing on protesters in at least one of the four restive neighborhoods, Lahab said. Residents contacted in the city by telephone also reported snipers firing on civilians.

元カダフィ軍の陸軍大尉でトリポリに肉薄する反政府軍の司令官ムクタル・ラハブは、彼のトリポリ市内にいる親戚が、近郊の4か所での大規模な抵抗運動は反政府軍と連動していると報告してきたと話している。 それらはファシュラム、ソウク・アル‐ジョウマ、タジョウラそしてジャンゾウルだ。 彼は、それらの地域のモスクでは住民が集会を開いて、「アラフ・アクバル(ゴッド イズ グレイト)」と拡声器で唱えているとのこと。 ラハブ司令官によると、この4か所の抵抗運動の地域の少なくとも一か所で抗議集団に対して、カダフィ軍の狙撃兵が狙撃しているとのこと。 市内の住人も電話で市民が狙撃されていると報告してきている。

There have been armed cells in Tripoli operating against Gadhafi throughout Libya's months-long conflict. "Those armed cells yesterday coordinated a sort of uprising, if you will, in several neighborhoods," Garcia-Navarro reports, and the fighters are now facing heavy oppression by Gadhafi forces.
"They are using heavy weapons against these fighters — and these fighters only have very light weapons," she says. "It's becoming very difficult to hold their neighborhoods."
Other civilians are fleeing the capital city. "There's been long lines of cars leaving Tripoli, leaving other battle zones for safer areas, some with their belongings strapped on their back," Garcia-Navarro says.
Tripoli is home to 2 million people. Some neighborhoods are loyal to Moammar Gadhafi and others are allied with the rebels. "There's bound to be some clashes there," she says.
"People do feel, as one person told me, that this is the 'zero hour,'" she reports. "This is culminating in the final face-off between the two sides."

トリポリには武装潜伏分子が潜んでおり、リビアの数か月に及ぶ内戦を通して、カダフィに対する作戦を遂行していた。「これらの武装分子は昨日、民衆蜂起と、もしやるとすれば、数か所の近隣地区でも同時に・・・と調整していました」とガルシア‐ナバロは報告している。 いま、戦士たちはカダフィ軍の強力な制圧作戦に直面している。 「政府軍はこれらの戦士に対して重火器を使用しているが、一方の反政府戦士のほうは軽火器のみであり、近隣地区を奪取するのは困難になりつつある。」 その他の市民は首都から脱出している。「トリポリでは脱出して、戦闘地帯を避け、安全な地域へと避難する車が長い列をなしており、家財を背中に巻きつけている人もいます」 トリポリは2百万の人々を抱えており、近隣地区のいくつかはカダフィ政権側についており、その他は反乱軍と組んでいる。 「それらの地域間で、いずれ激突が起こるのは必至です」と彼女は言う。「ある人が私にこう言いました。“人々は今をまさに「ゼロアワー(戦闘開始時刻)」と感じている。 カダフィ軍と反政府軍の最終決戦の闘いが最高潮に達しようとしています」

Where's Gadhafi?  カダフィは何処に?
As the fighting intensifies, it remains unclear if Gadhafi is still even in Tripoli. Libyan state television aired an audio message from Gadhafi Sunday night, his second in less than 24-hours. He sounded angry and urged families in Tripoli to arm themselves and fight for the capital.
"The time is now to fight for your politics, your oil, your land," he said. "I am with you in Tripoli, together until the ends of the earth," Gadhafi shouted. He sounded like he was speaking on a phone line.
On Saturday night, in what appeared to be a live audio message by Gadhafi also aired on state Libyan television, he condemned the rebels as traitors and "vermin" who were tearing Libya apart and said they were being chased from city to city — a mirror image of reality.

戦闘が激しさを増すにつれ、カダフィ大佐が、まだトリポリにいるのかどうか依然不明のままだ。 リビアの国営テレビはカダフィ大佐の音声メッセージを日曜の夜に流した。彼の2回目は、この24時間以内だ。 彼は怒った口調で、トリポリの民衆に武器を取って首都の為に戦うよう促した。 「みんなの政治、みんなの石油、みんなの土地の為に戦う時がきた。私は、ここトリポリで皆と共にある。地球の果てまで一緒だ」とカダフィは叫んだ。 彼の声は電話で話しているように聞こえた。

"Libyans wanted to enjoy a peaceful Ramadan," he said. "Instead they have been made into refugees. What are we? Palestinians?" He called on Libyans to march by the millions on cities across the nation to peacefully liberate them.
The broadcasts dashed hopes that Gadhafi might step down and avoid further violence in the capital. "People now feel that this is going to be a very bloody, difficult finish to this war," Garcia-Navarro said, and the rebels are preparing for a hard battle. "They know that getting into Tripoli is going to be hard; winning Tripoli is going to be even harder."

「リビア国民は穏やかなラマダンを過ごしたいと願っていたのに、彼らは国民を避難民にしてしまった。 我々はいったい何者だ? パレスチナ人か?」 カダフィはリビア国民に国内全都市で何百万もの人々で行進し、平和裏に彼らを解放しようと呼びかけた。
この放送はカダフィが政権を降り、首都での更なる戦闘を避けるのではないかという希望的憶測を打ち砕いてしまった。 「人々は、内戦を終えることはもはや困難で、戦闘は凄烈をきわめるものになるだろうと感じています」と彼女は言う。 反政府軍は激しい戦闘を覚悟した。「彼らはトリポリに進撃することは、非常に困難を伴うことを知っているし、トリポリで勝利することは更に難しくなることも知っています」

リビア情勢(速報1) カダフィ逃亡?

2011-08-22 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Gadhafi More Isolated As Rebels Push Toward Tripoli
by NPR Staff and Wires

ここ数か月膠着状態にあったリビア内戦は、ここにきて急速な展開を見せている。NATOの空爆の効果が出てきた模様。こういう世界の時々刻々のニュースを日本のメディアは電子版などで報道しないのだろうか? いつも思うのだが、海外と国内ニュースの比率があまりにも国内に偏りすぎている。海外特派員が報われない。 いま日本は小沢につくか、つかないかがニュースの焦点であるらしい・・・淋しい。

Gianluigi Guercia/AFP/Getty Images
Tens of thousands of Libyans celebrate what the rebels claim to be the first uprising in Tripoli against the Kadhafi's regime on Sunday at freedom square in Benghazi, Libya

August 20, 2011
Heavy gunfire and explosions rattled the Libyan capital Saturday after rebel forces gained control of the strategic western city of Zawiya.
After taking Martyr's Square in Zawiya, rebels pushed Moammar Gadhafi's forces about five miles out of town. It's a major victory in the rebels' march on Gadhafi's stronghold of Tripoli, just 30 miles to the east.
Most of the civilians have fled the city and the scars of the battle are everywhere, NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro told Weekend All Things Considered guest host Laura Sullivan.

反政府軍が戦略的なザウィの都市西部を制圧した後、土曜日にリビアの首都では激しい銃声と爆発音が轟いた。 ザウィヤ市のマーティ広場を奪取したあと、反政府軍は、カダフィ軍を町の外へ5マイルほど後退させた。それはトリポリのカダフィ軍の拠点へ肉薄する反乱軍の大きな勝利である。そこはトリポリの東わずか30マイルの地点である。

"In Martyr's Square there are still dead bodies lying on the street, [whom] rebels say are Gadhafi loyalists who have not yet been buried," she said. "Buildings all around are scorched black with marks from rocket-propelled grenades and tank fire being shot into them."
Those who remained in the city were coming into the square and celebrating, saying the city had been liberated, she said.
Garcia-Navarro said this is an enormous victory for the rebels, the coastal city of Zawiya being the first major city they have managed to take.
"They are now on the doorstep of Tripoli," she said. "They say they will not be able to claim victory over Gadhafi until they take Tripoli, and this is a major victory on that road."

「マーティ広場では、いまだに死体が通りに転がっているが、反政府軍の話では、それらはまだ埋葬されていないカダフィ軍の兵士とのこと。 また、ビルは、そこかしこで、ロケット榴弾と戦車砲弾が撃ち込まれて黒焦げになっている。」と彼女は言っている。
その都市に留まっていた市民が、広場に集まってきて、市が解放されたと言いながら、祝い始めた。 ガルシア‐ナバロが言うには、これは反政府軍にとって大きな勝利であり、海岸沿いのザウィヤ市は、反政府軍が、やっと奪取した最初の主要都市だとのこと。

Still, regime troops kept firing rockets and mortars at Zawiya from positions in the east even after rebels said they drove them out, and thunderous booms echoed across the city. The central hospital was hit by mortar rounds early Saturday, several hours after it was taken by rebels. The attack badly damaged the operating rooms, punching a hole into one of the outer walls. Metal slats from the ceiling were strewn across the floor, and soot covered the operating tables.
Rumors have been circulating that Gadhafi and his family have left the country or are about to leave for Venezuela or South Africa. However a couple hours after the rebels said they had attacked Tripoli, state television ran what appeared to be a live audio message by Gadhafi. He did not appear on television but sounded like he was calling the message in on a poor phone line which crackled at times. He announced the time and date twice to prove that he was speaking live.

反政府軍がカダフィ軍を駆逐したと発表した後も、いまだにカダフィ軍は東部の陣地から、ロケットと榴弾砲でザウィヤ市を砲撃し続けており、市中は砲撃の炸裂音が響き渡っている。 土曜日の早朝、中央病院に迫撃砲が命中し、数時間後に反政府軍が奪取した。 この攻撃で病院の手術室は損壊し、外壁には大きな穴があき、金属のスレートが天井から床中に崩れ落ち、煤煙が手術代を覆っている。

カダフィと彼の家族が既に国外へ脱出した、或いは南アメリカのベネズエラへ逃げようとしているといった類の噂が出回り始めている。 しかしながら、反政府軍がトリポリを攻撃したと発表した2時間後に、政府のテレビがカダフィ大佐のライブのビデオメッセージを流している。 彼はテレビには登場せず、電話でメッセージを読み上げていた。しかし、電話回線の状況は悪く、雑音混じりで音が割れていた。 彼は2度、日付と時間を読み上げて、彼が無事であるということを証明していた。

Filippo Monteforte/AFP/Getty Images
Libyan rebels raise their guns in celebration as they drive through the main road leading to Zawiya. The opposition claimed full control of the strategic city, 30 miles west of Tripoli, on Saturday. リビア反政府軍は銃を掲げて、ザウィヤへ続く主要道路を車で走りながら祝っている。 反政府軍は土曜日にトリポリの西30マイルの戦略都市の制圧を発表。

"Libyans wanted to enjoy a peaceful Ramadan," he said. "Instead they have been made into refugees. What are we? Palestinians?"
Garcia-Navarro said it's unclear where he is but that Libyans feel his departure is imminent. She said he went to great lengths in order to show he was actually speaking live by giving the date, time and other details in order to quash rumors he had fled the country.
"We really don't know what his plans are or where he is," she said. "All of the roads that lead to Tripoli from the east, from the north and from the west are in rebel control."
Gadhafi condemned the rebels as traitors and "vermin" who are tearing Libya apart and said they were being chased from city to city a mirror image of reality.

「リビア国民は安らかにラマダンを過ごしたいと望んでいたのに、反乱軍は、国民を難民にしてしまった。 我々はいったい誰なんだ? パレスチナ人か?」とカダフィ大佐は話していた。
ガルシア‐ナバロによると、カダフィ大佐が何処にいるかは判明していないが、リビア国民は彼が出国する時期が迫っていると感じているとのこと。 また、カダフィ大佐は亡命の噂を打ち消すために、日付、時間その他の詳細をスピーチの中に織り交ぜて、彼が実際に、話していることを強調するために、かなり長い間話し続けたという。

In Tripoli itself, gunfire could be heard in the streets after NATO resumed its attacks with heavy bombing runs after nightfall.
Armed opposition cells within Tripoli told Garcia-Navarro they were waiting for rebels to arrive and had already begun conducting operations inside the city. They say they will be able to take Tripoli, but it will be a bitter fight.
Libyan rebels said they launched an attack on Tripoli in coordination with NATO late Saturday, and Associated Press reporters heard unusually heavy gunfire and explosions in the capital.


Marc Hofer /AFP/Getty Images
A Libyan rebel dashes over a street to evade sniper fire in Zawiya as rebel forces staged an assault on regime forces in the city's main square Friday.リビア反政府軍の兵士がザウィヤ市内で狙撃を避けながら通りをダッシュして横切っている。 反政府軍は金曜日に同市の中心の広場で政府軍に攻撃を仕掛けた。

Gunbattles and mortar rounds were heard clearly at the hotel where foreign correspondents stay in the capital. Explosions also sounded in the same area as NATO aircraft carried out heavy bombing runs after nightfall.
"We planned this operation with NATO, our Arab associates and our rebel fighters in Tripoli with commanders in Benghazi," Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, the head of the rebel leadership council, told the Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera. Benghazi, hundreds of miles east of Tripoli, is the rebels' de facto capital.
Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim appeared on Libyan television to deny that there was an uprising in Tripoli.
"Sure, there were some armed militants who escaped into some neighborhoods and there were some scuffles, but we dealt with it within a half hour and it is now calm," he said.
The claims from both sides could not immediately be independently verified.

首都のホテルに滞在している外国の報道陣には、はっきりと銃声と迫撃砲の砲撃音が届いており、 またNATO軍が日没後に同地域に重爆撃を開始しとともに爆発音も鳴り響いている。
「我々はNATO、アラブ連合そして、ベンガジの司令官と連携したトリポリ市内の反乱戦士と共にこの作戦を計画した。」と反政府軍指導者議会の長であるムスタファ・アブデル・ジャリルはアラブの衛星チャンネルアルジャジーラで語った。 トリポリから東に数百マイル離れたベンガジを反政府軍の事実上の首都とするとのこと。
リビア政府スポークスマンのモウサ・イブラヒムはリビアのテレビで、トリポリでの蜂起の事実はないと否定した。「確かに、幾らかの武装分子が近隣から首都に逃げ込んできたが、我々は30分足らずで駆逐し、今は鎮圧されている。」と彼は言っている。 政府、反政府双方の発表は、それぞれ単独ですぐには確認が取れていない状況である。

Rebel Forces Make Gains 反政府勢力地歩を確保
The momentum in the six-month-old Libyan civil war now appears to have firmly swung in the rebels' favor after months of near deadlock. Zawiya is the biggest prize so far in the rebels' offensive. They also claim to have captured three more towns — Gheryan, south of the capital, Zlitan in the west and Brega in the east.
Residents in the city of Gheryan, which straddles the main road south from Tripoli, held an impromptu parade Friday after the rebels captured the city.

6か月に及ぶリビアの内戦の勢いは、数か月の膠着状態を経て、今や明らかに反乱軍に有利に傾いている。 ザウィヤ市奪取は反政府軍の攻勢における最大の勝利であり、彼らは更に3つの町を奪取したと発表している。 それらは首都の南のゲリヤン、西のジルタン、そして東のブラガである。 トリポリからの南の道路を制する町ゲリヤンの住民は、金曜日に、反政府軍がそこを奪取した後に、即席のパレードを催した。

"The town was heavily fortified by Gadhafi, and Gadhafi's forces basically crumbled there in a matter of hours," Garcia-Navarro said. "It's a sign that his troops there are on the defensive. They're extremely weak and they're on the run."
In the east, rebels said they captured all of the strategic eastern port city of Brega, which has repeatedly changed hands in the war. Brega is home to Libya's second-largest hydrocarbon complex and is where the country's main oil fields feed into for refining.
In the west, rebels also claimed to have taken control of Zlitan, 90 miles southeast of Tripoli.

東部では、この内戦で何度も両軍の支配が入れ替わった東部の戦略的港湾都市ブレガの全てを反政府軍が奪還した。 ブレガにはリビアで2番目に大きな炭化水素工場があり、同国の石油精製工場に供給する主力油田がある。 西部では、反政府軍はトリポリの南東90マイルのジルタンを制圧したと発表している。

In the United Kingdom, Major General Nick Pope, the Chief of the Defense Staff's Communications Officer, said that RAF planes as part of NATO's mission in Libya had attacked two staging areas used by Gadhafi forces in Zlitan.
He told reporters Saturday that RAF aircraft returned to Tripoli on Friday evening and bombed the main operations room for the Ministry of Interior's security forces, which NATO intelligence had identified as located in a compound in the Abu Salim district.

英国では、国防参謀長ニック・ポープ中将の連絡将校がRAF(英国空軍)の戦闘機がリビアの国内治安省の主作戦室を爆撃し、金曜日の夕方にトリポリから帰還したと記者団に発表した。 そのビルはNATOの情報部隊がアブ・サリム地区の施設の中にあることを特定したものである。

NATO has played a large role in the rebels' success.
"In fact, there is some debate as to whether claims of victory should go to NATO or indeed to the rebels on the ground," Garcia-Navarro said.
Besides the battlefield gains, the opposition also received a political boost Friday with the defection of Abdel-Salam Jalloud, a close associate of Gadhafi who took part in the 1969 coup that brought the Libyan ruler to power.
Hundreds of miles east of Libya, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman visited the rebels' de-facto capital of Benghazi to announce the opening of the U.S. Embassy in the city.
"Gadhafi's days are numbered," Feltman told reporters on Saturday. "The best case scenario is for Gadhafi to step down now ... that's the best protection for civilians."

「カダフィ政権の命運も、そう長くはない」とフェルトマンは土曜日に記者団に語った。 「もっとも望ましいシナリオはカダフィが今政権を降りることだ・・それが市民を守るベストな方法だ」

Material from The Associated Press was used in this report