


2022年01月19日 | 爺英語

An international non-profit organization says the number of journalists who are in prison for their work has reached a record high this year.
The Committee to Protect Journalists, or CPJ, announced on Thursday as of December 1, 293 journalists were behind bars worldwide. That's the most since records began in 1992.
The CPJ said China imprisoned more journalists than any other country for the third year in a row, with 50 in custody. Next was Myanmar with 26, and Egypt with 25.
The report mentions Jimmy Lai, founder of Hong Kong's now-defunct Apple Daily newspaper, which was critical of Beijing. He was indicted for allegedly violating Hong Kong's national security law.
The CPJ said Myanmar's second place was due to the media crackdown that followed its February 1 military coup.

CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists 
in a row  連続して  happening a number of times, one after the other 類義語 consecutively 
now-defunct   今は存在しない、廃止された not existing anymore, or not useful anymore   
indict   起訴する    to officially charge someone with a criminal offence 
allegedly  (真偽は分からないが)伝えられるところによれば、~とされている    used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved 
crackdown  弾圧、厳しく取り締まること   action that is taken to deal more strictly with crime, a problem, protests etc 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/19)

2022年01月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
28086.competent (有能な、能力のある)  having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standard OPP incompetent
He's competent to teach English.  
28087.hail(あられ、ひょう) frozen raindrops which fall as hard balls of ice
 A distant cousin had once ended up in the hail
28088.sleet(みぞれ) half-frozen rain that falls when it is very cold
It was raining again, and so windy and cold that the rain felt like sleet on their faces. 
28089.gust(突風、一陣の風、にわか雨)a sudden strong movement of wind, air, rain etc 
The signboard was blown over by a gust of wind. 
28090.flurry(疾風、突風、にわか雪)a small amount of snow or rain that is blown by the wind
He opens the door and a flurry of snow blows in.