

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/24)

2022年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
28111.road trip(車で旅行) a long trip that you take in a car, usually with friends
When's the last time you took a road trip with your friends? 
28112.pit stop((ドライブ旅行中の)休憩;休憩場所)a time when a driver in a car race stops in the pits to get more petrol or have repairs done
When you get a chance, can you make a pit stop at the gas station? 
28113.No offense(悪気はない)spoken used to tell someone that you hope that what you are going to say or do will not offend them
No offense but I think it looks kind of tacky. 
28114.obsessed with(~にはまっている)if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else – used to show disapproval 
You haven't seen it yet? I was obsessed with that show when it came out. It's really addicting. 
28115.puncture(パンクさせる、(…に)(針などで)穴をあける、傷つける、台なしにする)a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly
Who helped you fix  puncture on your bicycle?