

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/31)

2022年01月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
28146.How about(相手に物事を提案したり、誘ったりする時に使われる) used to make a suggestion about what to do 類義語 what about
How about dinner tonight? 
28147.What about(会話の中で(まだ)解決していない問題や潜在的な問題を確認するとき)used to make a suggestion/used to introduce a new subject into a conversation, or to mention something or someone else that also needs to be considered
What about the meeting tomorrow? Are you going to call it off? 
28148.What about Matt?(特定の人や物事が、出来事や商品などにセットとして含まれているかを尋ねるときに使われる) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
What about our manager? Is he coming? 
28149.How/What about you? (自分の考えや意見、計画などを述べた後に「あなたはどうですか?」と相手の考えや意見をうかがう時の決まり文句)
I'm just going to relax at home. How/What about you? 
28150.No go(だめだ / 不可能な)a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly
It's a no go. They are booked till next month.