

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/27)

2022年01月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
28126.misunderstand(誤解する・勘違いする) to fail to understand someone or something correctly
Oh. I misunderstood and thought you said twenty. 
28127.misinterpret(誤解する・誤って解釈する)to not understand the correct meaning of something that someone says or does, or of facts that you are considering 類義語 misread, misconstrue
No, you are misinterpreting what I am saying. 
28128.generic(一般的な、包括的な、総称的な、商標登録されていない) a generic product does not have a special name to show that it is made by a particular company
The price is lower because the product is generic. However, it performs as good as brand-name products. 
28129.brings back memories(思い出が蘇る)
Wow, was that when we went on a Europe trip together? That brings back memories. 
28130.take one's time(じっくり〜をする)to do something slowly or carefully without hurrying
He took his time and read the instructions.