

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/03)

2022年01月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
28006.Way to go! (よくやった!)American English used to tell someone that they have done something very well or achieved something special
Way to go, Andrew. All that hard work paid off! . 
28007.~ is the way to go! (〜がするのがベストだ!)
Having a nabe party with your friends is the way to go in the winter.  
28008.A long way to go(まだまだ) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
I feel like my listening is getting better but I still have ways to go with my speaking. 
28009.in charge of(〜を担当しています)
Can I talk to someone who's in charge of customer service? 
28010.responsible for(責任がある)to say or decide that someone should accept the responsibility for something bad that happens
Who's responsible for this mistake?