

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/30)

2022年01月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
28141.break-in(窃盗、不法侵入)an act of entering a building illegally and by force, especially in order to steal things
You mean the break-in at my office last year. 
We have some lead,sir. We're investing them right now  
28143.interrogative(疑問の、質問の、物を問いたげな)  technical an interrogative sentence, pronoun etc asks a question or has the form of a question. For example, ‘who’ and ‘what’ are interrogative pronouns.
In negative and interrogative contexts, on the other hand, the event's taking place in time is denied or questioned. 
28144.have a crush(惚れた)
You have quite a crush on Emily, right?
28145.roux(ルー)a mixture of flour, butter, and milk that is used for making sauces
Stir milk slowly into the roux bringing to a simmer, stirring constantly, 8 to 10 minutes.